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Are You Stupid????

el Tigre

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hey man, maybe you're rich, but I'm balls deep in graduate school with graduate school debt. It took 2 months to save up the $150 it took to visit my chick at Ft. Lee. As much as I'd like to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to watch sports, I am not spending thousands and thousands of dollars to watch sports. NBC has a bunch of stations showing the games but it's all ice dancing all the time. I'm indifferent to seeing it live--tape delay does not really bug me--but the Olympics are about seeing events we are usually not privy to. Once every four years I get to see some cross country and biathalon, which were sports I played in High School. But since the US is bad at it, coverage gets pre-empted for figure skating warm-ups. NBC is doing a seriously horrible job with this.


And I bet there are a lot more people that would B word if they showed what you liked. It's called ratings. Sucks yeah but that's what it's about.

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Buy and ticket and go.



I actually looked into going to these Olympics. The prices were so friggin outrageous...........I can't imagine how much hotels and eating would be. There is no way you can go unless you have a ton of money

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I actually looked into going to these Olympics. The prices were so friggin outrageous...........I can't imagine how much hotels and eating would be. There is no way you can go unless you have a ton of money


It's in Canadian dollars so it shouldn't be so bad :doh:

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NBC is still trying to figure out why they're actually losing $40M per Olympics. Perhaps because their estimation of what people want to see --- and the resulting programming choices --- SUCKS.



Actually the ratings for these Winter games are very strong.

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I say more power to that dude. You work your balls off for four years to get to this level, you finally reach the top of your sport, and some ignorant bim comes running over totally unprepared and ruining your moment.

Exactly. I loved this guy's response and wish more people would say that to clueless bimbos who are pretending to be reporters. If your job is to interview the winner of an event, how the hell do you not know who the person is and what event they just won??



Ask yourself this, would you be happy if they tape-delayed the Super Bowl? It happens every year...you could just buy a ticket...

I watched the entire 2d half of the SB on tape delay. It was great...no commercials!

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chef, it would be similar to you working in a restaurant and a customer asking for something on your menu and you looking at them asking if they know how to cook that particular dish...I know, kind of a stretch....


And his response was very unprofessional. My answer? I'm Chef Jim from the USA and I just won the gold medal baby...whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!
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I hear the coverage by NBC is just terrible. I feel for the fans of the games in the US.


In Canada, we've got EIGHT high def channels carrying each and every event live as it happens. Essentially ESPN in Canada (TSN), TSN2, the four Sportsnet Channels and CTV along with NBC's lousy coverage.


Props to Sven Kramer. He is the top long track speed skater in the world and this stupid reporter tries to ruin his moment. Of course, that moron would have done it to Shoni Davis too.


I totally agree. But you spelled Shani Davis' name wrong. :P

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Yup, we're all just a bunch of impolite unprofessional bastards. You've been watching way too much Hell's Kitchen.



Never say the show. That stereotype (indignant) about chefs is as old as time itself.


Anyway... Is this the guy who just got DSQ'd (gold was stripped form him) for not skating in the proper lane. I guess he got "his."



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Never say the show. That stereotype (indignant) about chefs is as old as time itself.


Anyway... Is this the guy who just got DSQ'd (gold was stripped form him) for not skating in the proper lane. I guess he got "his."




Many chefs may be crazy in the kitchen, I know I had a short fuse but in front of the public most are very generous, professional and warm hosts. It's almost a jekyll and hyde thing

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Never say the show. That stereotype (indignant) about chefs is as old as time itself.


Anyway... Is this the guy who just got DSQ'd (gold was stripped form him) for not skating in the proper lane. I guess he got "his."


Yep, he was DQ'ed in the 10,000m. The coach said to take the inner lane. Kramer, who's 19, was going to take the outer until the very last second, when he did as the coach said, he lifted his skate over the dividing line (which would have been legal, had he gone into the proper lane) and finished the race. Finished with an Olympic record, then was told he was DQed.


The coach must've felt like a complete ass. And to a certain extent, Kramer does too.


I guess you could point to this as some Instant Kharma. Well. It happens when you're in the heat of it, you're skating at speeds like that, with as many laps as that. If he hadn't followed the order and was wrong, it would be entirely on him. Maybe Kramer should've stuck with his instinct, but he did as he was told by someone who is supposed to be paying close attention.


And still, making one wrong move in the flow of competition is a lot better than the reporter sitting there for an hour and not knowing what country (dude was wearing an Orange suit that said Nederland all over it), what event --- and further, even --- what sport was going on right in front of her. Much different levels of stupidity, if you ask me.

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Yep, he was DQ'ed in the 10,000m. The coach said to take the inner lane. Kramer, who's 19, was going to take the outer until the very last second, when he did as the coach said, he lifted his skate over the dividing line (which would have been legal, had he gone into the proper lane) and finished the race. Finished with an Olympic record, then was told he was DQed.


The coach must've felt like a complete ass. And to a certain extent, Kramer does too.


I guess you could point to this as some Instant Kharma. Well. It happens when you're in the heat of it, you're skating at speeds like that, with as many laps as that. If he hadn't followed the order and was wrong, it would be entirely on him. Maybe Kramer should've stuck with his instinct, but he did as he was told by someone who is supposed to be paying close attention.


And still, making one wrong move in the flow of competition is a lot better than the reporter sitting there for an hour and not knowing what country (dude was wearing an Orange suit that said Nederland all over it), what event --- and further, even --- what sport was going on right in front of her. Much different levels of stupidity, if you ask me.


Good report on what happened! I totally agree.

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