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What Tiger Woods WON'T say


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"Perhaps everyone should get their own lives and stop worrying about mine." - Tiger

lol, greatest golfer of all time gets his ass kicked by model wife for sleeping with dozens of women. Nothing to see here people, move along....


I am sick of hearing about it and won't bother to watch his presser, because I really don't care. But I don't think poor Tiger is getting ridiculed any more than any other public figure/celebrity would. Unfortunately it's the media crazed world we live in...


Although the thread title is "Things Tiger won't say", so my bad, I think we're on the same page then...

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lol, greatest golfer of all time gets his ass kicked by model wife for sleeping with dozens of women. Nothing to see here people, move along....


I am sick of hearing about it and won't bother to watch his presser, because I really don't care. But I don't think poor Tiger is getting ridiculed any more than any other public figure/celebrity would. Unfortunately it's the media crazed world we live in...


Although the thread title is "Things Tiger won't say", so my bad, I think we're on the same page then...



You're right and it's the media's fault. He's a golfer. He's not a saint or the President. Yes, he made golf really popular. But he doesn't owe anything to anyone. Honestly, if he wants to bang a million chicks, good for him. I'm not a member of his family or his wife so it doesn't effect me in the slightest. I don't really watch golf but it doesn't change my opinion of him in the least bit. In fact, I kinda like him more because he bored the crap out of me before. :devil:


I just never got how people care so much about people they don't know lives. It's interesting but I have enough of my own problems to worry about. I didn't want the presser but I personally would have liked to see Tiger with a couple of chicks behind him and have a simple statement: "I like to pound, on and off the course. Hate me because you ain't me and I'm still gonna set records. Tiger and hoes out." :doh:

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then he should retire from the public eye, and refuse to take endorsements that cause the public to buy his product

Weak, weak argument. Actually I'd say it's completely mistaken.


Let any company still offer him endorsement deals. Let him endorse whatever he wants. And let the lemmings assign whatever perceived value they want to that endorsement. None of this makes him any more or less accountable than any other American citizen.

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then he should retire from the public eye, and refuse to take endorsements that cause the public to buy his product



He's a very rich, very famous guy. Travels about. He's no Adonis, but isn't a dog (like me).


The world is chock of terminally cute, foxy gals that chase after such like Woods.


I'd like to say that I could resist any and all temptation - but I don't know if I could, given that situation.


Woods has no history AFIAK of being a crumb to us in the general public. I think he is a decent younger man. His private life, is just that - private. He doesn't owe anybody anything, and for myself, I'm pretty tired of folks in the limelight being expected to issue these public apologies.

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