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Vince Gallo really hates Buffalo


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It has to be fake or else, it gets an NC-17 rating. Also, you can't have an erect richard or that gets a NC-17 rating, thus why the Hangover was rated R.


It was real...the original cut of the movie was never commercially released in the US for theater viewing. What was shown in the US theaters was edited. It had very minor distribution in America...I am not sure what the rating was for the edited version, but do you think Gallo, or anyone involved with the movie for that matter, would be concerned about it getting an NC-17 rating? It was made a shoe-string budget, I don't think it was envisioned as box-office gold. Most who saw it in the US, saw it on dvd...or downloaded the scene in question on-line...an NC-17 rating would have likely gotten it more attention...certainly more than it deserved...it was not a great movie.


Gallo and Ebert, incidentally, buried the hatchet...Gallo is a publicity whore, he has honed his crazy act...beyond "Buffalo '66", and the fact that he is from Buffalo, does anyone really pay much attention to this guy? He puts out records that are unlistenable, and movies that are mostly unwatchable...

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It was real...the original cut of the movie was never commercially released in the US for theater viewing. What was shown in the US theaters was edited. It had very minor distribution in America...I am not sure what the rating was for the edited version, but do you think Gallo, or anyone involved with the movie for that matter, would be concerned about it getting an NC-17 rating? It was made a shoe-string budget, I don't think it was envisioned as box-office gold. Most who saw it in the US, saw it on dvd...or downloaded the scene in question on-line...an NC-17 rating would have likely gotten it more attention...certainly more than it deserved...it was not a great movie.


Gallo and Ebert, incidentally, buried the hatchet...Gallo is a publicity whore, he has honed his crazy act...beyond "Buffalo '66", and the fact that he is from Buffalo, does anyone really pay much attention to this guy? He puts out records that are unlistenable, and movies that are mostly unwatchable...


If I'm not mistaken the film was released without a rating. But then it was also barely released. Trainwreck of a film made worse by the wacky twist ending. The whole boredom aspect of driving around aimlessly for 2 hours does not bother me so much. I can get down with the occasional Warholian ball punch of boredom in a film....but that ending? Stupid stupid movie.


That spat with Ebert may have killed his career, people love Ebert. Guy has done a lot to promote intelligent reading of film. Gallo was always considered a scene rat who accidentally made a great movie about wanting to shoot Scott Norwood.

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If I'm not mistaken the film was released without a rating. But then it was also barely released. Trainwreck of a film made worse by the wacky twist ending. The whole boredom aspect of driving around aimlessly for 2 hours does not bother me so much. I can get down with the occasional Warholian ball punch of boredom in a film....but that ending? Stupid stupid movie.


That spat with Ebert may have killed his career, people love Ebert. Guy has done a lot to promote intelligent reading of film. Gallo was always considered a scene rat who accidentally made a great movie about wanting to shoot Scott Norwood.


What happened to Gallo's sister? Never heard about that.

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What happened to Gallo's sister? Never heard about that.


Gallo Blasts Buffalo Lawmakers Over Sister's Conviction


Eccentric actor VINCENT GALLO has slammed his home town of Buffalo, New York, after his sister was incarcerated by local police for helping an abused child.


The BUFFALO 66 director and star is furious JANINE GALLO is serving a six-month jail sentence after becoming involved with a local child who was allegedly being abused by her father.


Janine - who owns a convenience store in Buffalo - says she took pity on the girl, who begged for help her escape from serious physical violence, and filed a report with social services.


However, the girl's family responded by taking out a restraining order and then launching a smear campaign against her, suggesting she was sexually interested in the youngster.


When Janine took a phone call from the frightened girl, she violated the order - and was sentenced to the maximum jail time by Judge FRANK CARUSO in September (03).


Vincent fumes, "My sister is an incredibly likable and popular and generous person. What's she supposed to do when the girl calls her hysterically crying?


"I've never heard anybody having this rough a time. They're treating her especially badly because of these completely false allegations that she is a sexual predator. If you reach out to abused children in America, be careful.


"Nothing is reasonable in Buffalo. I'm used to doing business in New York and Los Angeles - it's coming back to me why I put my thumb up on the Interstate when I was 15.


"It's ridiculous, inbred, like DELIVERANCE with smokestacks. I take a s*** on the city."

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Did I saw Gallo?


I meant Callow. C-A-L-L-O-W



Vinnie: What about these pants I got on? You think they're okay?

Miss Vito: Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along. You get thirsty. You spot a little brook. You put your little deer lips down to the cool, clear water - BAM. A f***in' bullet rips off part of your head. Your brains are lying on the ground in little bloody pieces. Now I ask ya, would you give a f*** what kind of pants the son-of-a-B word who shot you was wearing?

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