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Las Vegas Mayor Rejects Obama invitation


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Mayor Oscar Goodman has refused an invitation to meet with President Obama when he arrives in town on Thursday. Mayor Goodman called President Obama a slow learner after he told Americans not to blow money on a weekend in Las Vegas if they were saving to put their kids through college.


“I’ve got other things to do quite frankly for my constituents here in Las Vegas who rely on me to do the right thing as a mayor,” explained Mayor Goodman.


Mayor Goodman has more important things like attend budget meetings during a major shortfall than meet with President Barack Obama when he visits Las Vegas Friday, even though he’s invited by the White House.




And this coming from a Democrat

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Y'know, in all fairness, the only mistake Obama made in his second Vegas remark was using Vegas as an example. His first Vegas comment was stupid. The second was actually accurate. If you're saving for college, you DON'T blow your money in Vegas. Makes perfect sense. If he was smart, he'd have come up with another example.


But he wasn't that smart, and he's paying for it. It's actually good to hear the mayor is a Democrat, because if he was a Republican, it would sound more like partisan sour grapes.

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If you're a mayor do you ever turn down a publicity opportunity to meet with the President? If he was worried about the vegas comments, could he have had the press bill the meeting as some acceptance of apology? It's probably better off in the long run to meet with the president, even if you're a republican from mayor in anyrepublicancity, anysouthernstate. It's just solid press.

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