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Tax time again!


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Back on topic -- I usually get a decent chunk back because I have too much taken out during the year. I need to fix that...


Next year is going to absolutely suck for my taxes though because Minnesota and Wisconsin are getting into a pissing match with each other. My wife and I both work in Minnesota, but live in Wisconsin (right across the border - it's pretty much a suburb).


We used to just have Wisconsin tax taken out and then during the next year the states would figure out how much extra Wisconsin had to give to Minnesota (roughly 60k people live in WI and work in MN, and roughly 30k people live in MN and work in WI). Due to the "budget deficit," Minnesota basically said, "Give us our money quicker or we'll cancel this reciprocity agreement!" Heads butted, and the deal was canceled.


Normally, not a big deal - I'd have Minnesota taxes taken out, would file a MN and WI state return and be done with it. But no....


My company has a "nexus" with Wisconsin. I'm not really sure what that means, but the short of it is that Wisconsin wants to take money out of my check, and Minnesota does too -- basically double taxing me. My HR department called me and said that I could block Minnesota taxes because at the end of the year, I apparnetly shouldn't have to pay anything to Minnesota from my income... (but my wife will).


I don't see this ending well. Good thing I don't have a pilot's license. (too soon?)


Yes you do.

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Yeah, heaven forbid people who scratch and claw their way up the food chain not be smacked down again. :rolleyes:



Argument still stands. You take $10k out of the economy for every $500k made that is not good for the economy. Yup those evil bastards making money they don't deserve it. How dare they work hard to create a lifestyle for them and their families. Do you have any idea how much the economy relies on people like that? You take that money and give it to the government it doesn't make it back to the economy. A good chunk is wasted.

Ha ha ha. Unless you guys make $500K you are a couple of chumps. So you think taking a $10K hit if you make $500K is being smacked down? And Fez, I sincerely doubt people who make $500K scratched and clawed for it, unless that is what you call getting a fat bonus.


It never ceases to amaze me how people who make $50-$60K a year are so concerned about people who make 10 times more. They get fooled into thinking that taking it up the pooper for the wealthy is somehow patriotic. As if the wealthy even pay their fair share to begin with. Most shelter their money overseas. So us middle class earners have to carry their gold-plated asses. You get pissed at welfare cheats scamming the system for a few thousand? How about the millionaires who dodge millions in taxes?



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Ha ha ha. Unless you guys make $500K you are a couple of chumps. So you think taking a $10K hit if you make $500K is being smacked down? And Fez, I sincerely doubt people who make $500K scratched and clawed for it, unless that is what you call getting a fat bonus.


It never ceases to amaze me how people who make $50-$60K a year are so concerned about people who make 10 times more. They get fooled into thinking that taking it up the pooper for the wealthy is somehow patriotic. As if the wealthy even pay their fair share to begin with. Most shelter their money overseas. So us middle class earners have to carry their gold-plated asses. You get pissed at welfare cheats scamming the system for a few thousand? How about the millionaires who dodge millions in taxes?



Why should people that make under 30,000 pay 0? They use a lot of government services.

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God forbid people who earn a quarter-mil a year pay 4% more in taxes. The horror.




An extra 4% on top of the 35% that is already taken out.


I DO NOT make $250K, but after taxes I have about 40% coming out of my check when you include state, FICA and all the rest. That's a damned big chunk of change to never see my pocket.

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Ha ha ha. Unless you guys make $500K you are a couple of chumps. So you think taking a $10K hit if you make $500K is being smacked down? And Fez, I sincerely doubt people who make $500K scratched and clawed for it, unless that is what you call getting a fat bonus.


It never ceases to amaze me how people who make $50-$60K a year are so concerned about people who make 10 times more. They get fooled into thinking that taking it up the pooper for the wealthy is somehow patriotic. As if the wealthy even pay their fair share to begin with. Most shelter their money overseas. So us middle class earners have to carry their gold-plated asses. You get pissed at welfare cheats scamming the system for a few thousand? How about the millionaires who dodge millions in taxes?



What, you think the people who make $250k (or even $500k) were just born into the life of luxury? :rolleyes:


My annual household income is much less than $200k -- yet according to the pretty reports I get after finishing my taxes every year, I pay the lions share of taxes in this country.


"In 2002 the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income."




According to TaxAct.com, I was in the top 5% of taxpayers -- yet had a household AGI far less than $200k.



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Ha ha ha. Unless you guys make $500K you are a couple of chumps. So you think taking a $10K hit if you make $500K is being smacked down? And Fez, I sincerely doubt people who make $500K scratched and clawed for it, unless that is what you call getting a fat bonus.


It never ceases to amaze me how people who make $50-$60K a year are so concerned about people who make 10 times more. They get fooled into thinking that taking it up the pooper for the wealthy is somehow patriotic. As if the wealthy even pay their fair share to begin with. Most shelter their money overseas. So us middle class earners have to carry their gold-plated asses. You get pissed at welfare cheats scamming the system for a few thousand? How about the millionaires who dodge millions in taxes?




It never ceases to amaze me that people who make $50-$60k per year don't understand that people making 10 times more than they do don't like having to pay more for less. Most of them shelter their money overseas? Dude just stop. If you've never made a lot of money then you have no clue.

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What, you think the people who make $250k (or even $500k) were just born into the life of luxury? :rolleyes:


My annual household income is much less than $200k -- yet according to the pretty reports I get after finishing my taxes every year, I pay the lions share of taxes in this country.


"In 2002 the latest year of available data, the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (30.6 percent) of income."




According to TaxAct.com, I was in the top 5% of taxpayers -- yet had a household AGI far less than $200k.




Tax wisdom...



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An extra 4% on top of the 35% that is already taken out.


I DO NOT make $250K, but after taxes I have about 40% coming out of my check when you include state, FICA and all the rest. That's a damned big chunk of change to never see my pocket.

You do realize that's an extra 4% ONLY on anything over $250K, right? I have never seen your pay stub so I have no idea what you pay in FICA, SS, State taxes etc. But if it's 40% then either someone is doing the math wrong or you make a lot of money. I make just under $100K and I don't pay anywhere near that.



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You do realize that's an extra 4% ONLY on anything over $250K, right? I have never seen your pay stub so I have no idea what you pay in FICA, SS, State taxes etc. But if it's 40% then either someone is doing the math wrong or you make a lot of money. I make just under $100K and I don't pay anywhere near that.




Do you work in the public "sector"? :rolleyes:

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It never ceases to amaze me that people who make $50-$60k per year don't understand that people making 10 times more than they do don't like having to pay more for less. Most of them shelter their money overseas? Dude just stop. If you've never made a lot of money then you have no clue.

No, I'm not amazed that rich people don't like paying taxes. Just another example of the unfair burden of wealth.



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Finally someone who understands how the system works


"There is unrest in the forest,

There is trouble with the trees,

For the maples want more sunlight

And the oaks ignore their pleas.


The trouble with the maples,

(And they're quite convinced they're right)

They say the oaks are just too lofty

And they grab up all the light.

But the oaks can't help their feelings

If they like the way they're made.

And they wonder why the maples

Can't be happy in their shade.


There is trouble in the forest,

And the creatures all have fled,

As the maples scream "Oppression!"

And the oaks just shake their heads


So the maples formed a union

And demanded equal rights.

"The oaks are just too greedy;

We will make them give us light."

Now there's no more oak oppression,

For they passed a noble law,

And the trees are all kept equal

By hatchet, axe, and saw."

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A great parable...if it had anything to do with reality. I guess its like tea baggers protesting tax increases that never happened.




Do you take umbrage against members the citizenry for expressing their 1st Amendment rights? You seem to demean them...ridicule them.


I guess I need a teleprompter...

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