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Obama's War on Business kicking into gear

KD in CA

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Just think, it could have been the other way. McCains platform of nothing and well, nothing tangible behind it.

Actually, I would of preferred nothing over wasting $700 B in a piece of legislation that didn't provide many self sustaining private sector jobs. I also would of preferred nothing over this Health Reform bill that would raise taxes by over $750 B, raise peoples premiums and hurt small businesses, because of the mandates. I also would of preferred nothing over Cap and Trade that would raise everyone's gasoline and home heating prices and that would help eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs.


So ummm, ya a nothing platform, which of course is hyperbole, would still be better than Obama's agenda. Know what I'm sayin'

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So ummm, ya a nothing platform, which of course is hyperbole, would still be better than Obama's agenda. Know what I'm sayin'

He absolutely doesn't, though somehow I doubt McCain would have found his fiscal conservativism - he hasn't been that for most of his Congressional career.

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He absolutely doesn't, though somehow I doubt McCain would have found his fiscal conservativism - he hasn't been that for most of his Congressional career.

No arguments here, is it a case of going with the lesser of two evils, or as my friend puts it, the evil of two lessers?

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