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Tiger Press conference Friday 11AM


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And the media is not liking this one bit. They are complaining that he wont take questions and even questioning the timing.


!@#$ them.


Despite what people think, this is STILL a private issue between him and his family. This is not a governor who took off on the public's dime and time to screw around. Despite his celebrity, this man is still a private citizen dealing with a private issue and unlike Clinton or Spitzer or Sanford, Woods is beholden to NOBODY excpet his family and his employer (PGA, Sponsors, etc.).


Everyone else, including the media, can go pound sand.

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And the media is not liking this one bit. They are complaining that he wont take questions and even questioning the timing.


!@#$ them.


Despite what people think, this is STILL a private issue between him and his family. This is not a governor who took off on the public's dime and time to screw around. Despite his celebrity, this man is still a private citizen dealing with a private issue and unlike Clinton or Spitzer or Sanford, Woods is beholden to NOBODY excpet his family and his employer (PGA, Sponsors, etc.).


Everyone else, including the media, can go pound sand.

Who is this Tiger Woods you talk about and why was his live speech on 15 channels here in the Buffalo market? Did he buy the Bills or cure Cancer?

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Who is this Tiger Woods you talk about and why was his live speech on 15 channels here in the Buffalo market? Did he buy the Bills or cure Cancer?


I gather this man is much more important than the young American athletes who have dedicated their lives to representing their country on the international stage, as this press meeting even pre-empted the Olympic games....



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It's funny...I could swear, when all the allegations came out about Michael Vick and his passion for dog fighting, the media were all over, asking other sports figures for their reactions. I distinctly remember Tiger Woods (still a weezil)slamming Vick for not facing the media for his indiscretions. He said something to the effect that Vick needed to face the situation, publicly, before it got bigger and blown out proportion...Tiger is still a weezil....

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And the media is not liking this one bit. They are complaining that he wont take questions and even questioning the timing.


!@#$ them.


Despite what people think, this is STILL a private issue between him and his family. This is not a governor who took off on the public's dime and time to screw around. Despite his celebrity, this man is still a private citizen dealing with a private issue and unlike Clinton or Spitzer or Sanford, Woods is beholden to NOBODY excpet his family and his employer (PGA, Sponsors, etc.).


Everyone else, including the media, can go pound sand.


If it's a private matter, then he should keep it that way and not use the media to publicly air his statements. Go apologize to your family and employers in private. He wants the best of both worlds.


I guess he didn't take Brit Hume's advice and convert to Christianity to solve his problems.

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Despite what people think, this is STILL a private issue between him and his family.


It IS a public issue.


He put his image and his family image out in the public for everyone to see. He realeased photos of him him and his family showing what a "great" family man he is, which all turned out to be a big lie.


If you want your family to be a private issue, then don't put your family in the public eye like he did.

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It's funny...I could swear, when all the allegations came out about Michael Vick and his passion for dog fighting, the media were all over, asking other sports figures for their reactions. I distinctly remember Tiger Woods (still a weezil)slamming Vick for not facing the media for his indiscretions. He said something to the effect that Vick needed to face the situation, publicly, before it got bigger and blown out proportion...Tiger is still a weezil....


I wouldn't say he slammed Vick. He was asked a question and he answered it. It's not like he was out there looking for a camera so he could go after Vick. Anyway, the two scenarios are completely different. While it may make him a scumbag, Tiger didn't do anything illegal. I'm not so sure someone has to step up and answer to the media for something that is basically just an embarassment. Yeah, it's bigger than that thanks to the family issues, but those are his to deal with, not ours.

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Okay, I'm not trying to come off as insensitive or anything, but I feel like I have to make this comparison.


Tiger Woods vs. Steve McNair


Steve McNair had a full-on other life with his mistress, who ended up killing him, but everyone asks that he be remembered for all the good he did in his football career. You never really heard about people tearing him apart for cheating on his wife and family.


Tiger Woods, still in his prime, is out doing what a large number of athletes probably do, and he is the world's worse person.


I'm not condoning what he did. He cheated on his wife and that's wrong. As a personal role model, that's a pretty large strike. But c'mon, you would think he killed children with all the attacks coming his way. I just don't get it.

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Okay, I'm not trying to come off as insensitive or anything, but I feel like I have to make this comparison.


Tiger Woods vs. Steve McNair


Steve McNair had a full-on other life with his mistress, who ended up killing him, but everyone asks that he be remembered for all the good he did in his football career. You never really heard about people tearing him apart for cheating on his wife and family.


Tiger Woods, still in his prime, is out doing what a large number of athletes probably do, and he is the world's worse person.


I'm not condoning what he did. He cheated on his wife and that's wrong. As a personal role model, that's a pretty large strike. But c'mon, you would think he killed children with all the attacks coming his way. I just don't get it.


The difference is that McNair got killed, and it's still considered taboo to speak ill of the dead. Some people would've loved to drag McNair through the mud, but they know that they would've seemed like jackasses.

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By the way, you gotta love the mainstream sports media. These guys have eclipsed even the athletes themselves in terms of arrogance.


Tiger doesn't owe you anything, pricks. The only reason he had to GIVE a freakin press conference in the first place is because of your vapid sensationalism.


I agree with you on a personaly level, but at the same time, the man makes all of his money based off the public. If you want a personal life, don't live a public one. I'm not saying it's right, but it's the choice he made when he chose his career. Also, he makes so much money off of endorsements by company's who sell him as their product. Right now, that product looks very bad to the consumers and if he wants it back, he needs to address it.


Again, I'm not sticking up for anyone here nor do I wish anyone to have to go through what he in his personal life and then having to relive it on camera.

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I agree with you on a personaly level, but at the same time, the man makes all of his money based off the public. If you want a personal life, don't live a public one.


I'm sorry, but that is a bullsh-- argument that a number of people have made in this thread. The guy wants to play golf for a living and people want to pay him to sponsor their products. So what? How does that suddenly make him accountable to the general public for anything he does or mean that he should be subjected to a 24x7 media spotlight?


The problem is that he have a country full of idiots who are obsessed with celebrity. I bet more people in the US know who Carrie Underpants is dating than know how to change a flat tire.

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Again, I'm not saying it's right, but it's no secret that this is how celebrity life goes. I agree that athletes should only really be on camera at their events, but they all know that's not the case when they chose their career path.


If you know that you hate the paparazzi, would you sign on to be in a huge summer movie? There would be nothing in your contract saying that you will be followed around for the rest of your life, but we both know it will happen.


Once more, I agree that it's unfair and I don't like it, but I think it's naive for him to expect anything less to happen. Also, it wasn't the media that dropped all of his endorsements. That was a business response.

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Is he appearing with Joey Greco?

Joey or Tiger? Now Joey, theres a interesting character. I'd like to see whats going on in that guys personal life. Wonder how many times he's got threatened or knifed besides the one episode of Cheaters .

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I'm sorry, but that is a bullsh-- argument that a number of people have made in this thread. The guy wants to play golf for a living and people want to pay him to sponsor their products. So what? How does that suddenly make him accountable to the general public for anything he does or mean that he should be subjected to a 24x7 media spotlight?


The problem is that he have a country full of idiots who are obsessed with celebrity. I bet more people in the US know who Carrie Underpants is dating than know how to change a flat tire.




never really understood why sexual fidelity was something we were expecting out of our golfers. why anyone cares about this is beyond me. it's the same self righteous humps who babble on about not watching Letterman anymore because he boned an intern. really, who !@#$ing cares?


I have no idea who carrie underpants is....but she sounds hot

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