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Tiger Press conference Friday 11AM


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I'd be shocked if his infidelities kept him off Augusta.

Agreed. I've never thought for a minute that he'd skip The Masters. Nothing will stop the talk about impregnating strippers like another green jacket.



The Master's folks would be pretty pissed if TW came back for his first tournament there. The paparazzi will be blinding. I dont see that happening at Augusta.

Don't the Masters folks get a cut of the TV revenue? If his first tourney back is at Augusta, the viewership will be through the roof.





The news conference will be held during the Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona, and is sure to steal attention away from the first big event of the year. Accenture was the first sponsor to drop Woods when he became embroiled in a sex scandal. "It was a matter of timing," Steinberg said.

A little revenge on Accenture...I like it.

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Look, we all knew it would have to end sooner or later. All the great scandals do. Together we have to accept Tiger’s decision to put this part of his career behind him. You can’t live your whole life on just one huge, mind blowing sex scandal. I’m sure when the time is right, he will bestow upon a grateful nation another great source of water cooler small talk, crass comments from drunk relatives during the holidays, hilarious email forwards, and weeks upon weeks of tabloid covers.


Until then, we have just a couple more days to get it out of our collective systems.


One other thing, Augusta is pretty stringent about the "sanctity" of Augusta (IE: Patrons instead of spectators, bunkers instead of sand traps, white overalls on caddies, concessions prices aren't gouged to ridiculous levels, etc...). I'll be willing to bet security will be triple or quadruple it's normal numbers if he decides to play this year. Those passes are highly coveted and if "patrons" start acting the fool, or paparazzi attempt to crash the grounds, they'll be "escorted" off the premises post haste. Augusta doesn't suffer fools the likes of Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood Insider or TMZ.


Just my opinion I could be wrong. :devil:

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I've been thinking about the whole Tiger Woods thing going on and how a lot of people believe he needs to apologize when he speaks today. I don't think he does and I'll tell you why.


This is something that, IMO, should have been kept in private between him and his family. The report should have been about the accident and nothing else. He didn't cheat on the public, he was not lying to the public. He was being handled by professionals who created a squeaky clean image. They did this because in today's society they have to.


It seems to me that almost everybody reading this, and myself, could have two books written about them. One book would make us look like a saints and another would make us look horrible. Most of us have done things we aren't proud of and things we are, focus primarily on either and the mind of the reader is swayed.


There is a famous celebrity that was known for hanging around some unsavory characters and being hard to work with and nasty to some people. However, that same celebrity paid all of his friends hospital bills after he was in a car accident and he worked with charities and that celebrity was also a big tipper. (If you've ever had a job that gets tips you know why that's important.)


It seems to me that if somebody does a crime then they are fair game. Crimes are reported in the media all of the time and they should be, IMO, but imagine waking up one morning to find out that a private family matter has been splashed all over the newspaper and websites and was being discussed on talk shows ad nauseam. Your friends were reading about it, your kids were being asked about it, people on the streets were looking at you funny and some try to offer advice on something they don't know the whole story behind.


The people who are told about a certain person's problems should be decided by that certain person. If their friends betray them then it's not their fault.


I have to admit that I'm part of this problem. When I hear on the TV or radio that such and such celebrity is getting divorced I want to know why. Should I? No, it's none of my damn business but I do. I'll stay tuned to find out why and thereby contribute my household to the ratings and create the market for more of the stuff. It is my fault but it's also the media's fault. Public executions would probably get ratings large enough to make them profitable, but should TV stations show them? They haven't crossed that moral line yet.


So when Tiger Woods speaks today I don't want him to apologize. He doesn't need to. The only people he needs to apologize to are his family members. IMO, the media and I should apologize to him. "I'm very sorry Tiger for publishing the salacious details of your life so your kids and family will always be able to look on the internet and read in great detail about all of this. We never should have paid attention to any of the women coming forward to talk about your sex life and your very private family problems. Not only is it none of our business but we have helped these women make money for selling what might be true things about you, so the next time this happens to someone the leeches will come out of the woodwork again."


"Tiger I'd like to apologize too. I shouldn't watch these shows, it's none of my damn business. I do wonder though if before all of this happened if you had any interest in anyone else being put under the microscope by the media. If so then you're a part of the problem too."

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I've been thinking about the whole Tiger Woods thing going on and how a lot of people believe he needs to apologize when he speaks today. I don't think he does and I'll tell you why.


This is something that, IMO, should have been kept in private between him and his family. The report should have been about the accident and nothing else. He didn't cheat on the public, he was not lying to the public. He was being handled by professionals who created a squeaky clean image. They did this because in today's society they have to.


It seems to me that almost everybody reading this, and myself, could have two books written about them. One book would make us look like a saints and another would make us look horrible. Most of us have done things we aren't proud of and things we are, focus primarily on either and the mind of the reader is swayed.


There is a famous celebrity that was known for hanging around some unsavory characters and being hard to work with and nasty to some people. However, that same celebrity paid all of his friends hospital bills after he was in a car accident and he worked with charities and that celebrity was also a big tipper. (If you've ever had a job that gets tips you know why that's important.)


It seems to me that if somebody does a crime then they are fair game. Crimes are reported in the media all of the time and they should be, IMO, but imagine waking up one morning to find out that a private family matter has been splashed all over the newspaper and websites and was being discussed on talk shows ad nauseam. Your friends were reading about it, your kids were being asked about it, people on the streets were looking at you funny and some try to offer advice on something they don't know the whole story behind.


The people who are told about a certain person's problems should be decided by that certain person. If their friends betray them then it's not their fault.


I have to admit that I'm part of this problem. When I hear on the TV or radio that such and such celebrity is getting divorced I want to know why. Should I? No, it's none of my damn business but I do. I'll stay tuned to find out why and thereby contribute my household to the ratings and create the market for more of the stuff. It is my fault but it's also the media's fault. Public executions would probably get ratings large enough to make them profitable, but should TV stations show them? They haven't crossed that moral line yet.


So when Tiger Woods speaks today I don't want him to apologize. He doesn't need to. The only people he needs to apologize to are his family members. IMO, the media and I should apologize to him. "I'm very sorry Tiger for publishing the salacious details of your life so your kids and family will always be able to look on the internet and read in great detail about all of this. We never should have paid attention to any of the women coming forward to talk about your sex life and your very private family problems. Not only is it none of our business but we have helped these women make money for selling what might be true things about you, so the next time this happens to someone the leeches will come out of the woodwork again."


"Tiger I'd like to apologize too. I shouldn't watch these shows, it's none of my damn business. I do wonder though if before all of this happened if you had any interest in anyone else being put under the microscope by the media. If so then you're a part of the problem too."


So I take it you wont be going to the movie "The Tiger Woods Story" when it comes out?

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