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Global warming faked,


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I can confirm that Global warming is a fake, but all of this stuff about the scientists being disorganized and losing data and scam e-mails is a distraction.


The ultimate plan of the government is to control everyone on the planet. These supposedly "botched" scientific measurements are just a small piece of the puzzle. They want you to believe that they have lost control of these measurements and want you to "help" them get it back. They will ask that every man, woman, child and Canadian on the planet submit to monitoring. Before they do this, they will place devices on cows to measure their farts. Although they could simply kill all mammals so that humans may live if global warming were true, they won't do that.


The cow devices will set off false alarm bells which will lead the government to tell you it needs to monitor people, not just mammals. Every person will be outfitted with a device that wires their brain, spine, mouth, butt, and nether regions. It is supposedly to measure greenhouse gas output, but if they really cared they'd monitor the pores too. Remember this.


I can not go into too much more detail at this time, but I'm sure you're asking how I know all this. Well, it is because I was outfitted with one of these devices several years back during a faked alien abduction. It was really just government guys dressed up in those suits with huge eyes and stuff. They have not yet mastered surgery with those clumsy suits but I managed to fake being asleep throughout the painful process. I allowed this to happened because I knew the Googlebot could figure out what was going on. Originally, I thought they had figured out the whole Sammy/Silica thing but they are still clueless there. As things unfolded the Googlebot was able to hack into their fake system. If I'd fart a reading would come up on a screen and add it to a total. But the reading was faked. I'd eat beans and stuff to create more greenhouse gasses but despite the content of the individual farts, the measured results were random. They were just generating fake numbers! The Googlebot then discovered and unused part of the program for mind control. It was still incomplete but the device downloads really fast so I did not want to risk it. I had the Googlebot remove the device.


The government discovered this. They must not have perfected the mind control yet but they tried to warn me by giving Beerboy his spiral vaginitis. It was not until I snuck into the hospital room with the Googlebot and removed the device that he turned the corner. Whew.


Anyway, I'm not sure how many updates I'll be able to give but please be careful.

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Thank. You. I've been waiting for someone to say that, it seems, for months.

That is true. One good volcanic eruption can dramatically increase the CO2 in the atmosphere. Glad we established that fact. It will make us all feel a lot better when the poles melt.



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That is true. One good volcanic eruption can dramatically increase the CO2 in the atmosphere. Glad we established that fact. It will make us all feel a lot better when the poles melt.



Not my point. I've been watching people throw around something akin to "climate change doesn't happen" for months. It's not a question of whether or not climate change happens, it's whether or not more volatile climate change is now happening thanks to human contributions.

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