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If anyone needs to know about my life this will explain things.

Steely Dan

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Anybody going thru the health challenges you are has my support and prayers. Whether you want it or not! :ph34r: As far as you not taking any govt. assistance,I'd have no problem if you did. The govt. should be there to help out people who are going thru tough times such as yours,and I have no problem with my taxes going to pay for that.

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You keep bring up the fact that you choked out your female co-worker...but if you'd never admitted it, no one would ever know. This, after all, is an anonymous message board. Second, and I find this odd, you changed usernames and thus most people here (including me) probably had no idea that you were the choker until this thread, and yet here you are admitting to the choking yet again. That's weird and creepy and serial.


I choked my woman last night, but it wasn't with my hands :devil:



OK I lied B-)

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There's part of your problem. Get peoples names right and quit calling them jackasses. Give respect and you'll get respect.


The people I'm referring to are jackasses. What would you call someone taking cheap shots about what they believe you are doing in your life. (I have been accused of wanting to see members of our military killed and sitting at home drinking beers on the couch to name two instances) I have no problem with most of the stuff going on here. I'm not talking about a lot of the joking or comments about my intelligence. :D What I am talking about is the personal attacks that are made with absolutely no evidence. As far as Steerball goes it's a dig between friends. I thought everyone knew that.


You keep bring up the fact that you choked out your female co-worker...but if you'd never admitted it, no one would ever know. This, after all, is an anonymous message board. Second, and I find this odd, you changed usernames and thus most people here (including me) probably had no idea that you were the choker until this thread, and yet here you are admitting to the choking yet again. That's weird and creepy and serial.


I changed my name back to my original. I didn't think it would be that hard to figure out. Most of the people here know that. As for admitting the choking again go back and reread the post. This is the exact kind of stuff that was annoying me.


I figured telling people about the alleged choking incident would explain things about my being fired, but instead people read what they want to see and then make comments. I was being accused of a lot of different things by people who had no idea what they were talking about and figured it would clear things up.


You think you've got problems? When I was six, I was mauled by a bear, a lion, and a honey badger at the same time. Two years later, I lost my right eye to a tragic jart incident. Then, after serving three consecutive life terms for a series of murders I was merely accused of, I was hit by a speeding train on my first day out of the joint. But despite my being a permanently scarred, one-eyed, quadrapelegic ex-con, I still found time to do volunteer work in the Congo...where I came down with a nasty viral infection, and have been fighting Ebola on and off for the past nine years. I wish I had your problems.


And before you start to whine that my mocking you is personal...it's not. I mock everybody. You're not special, seizure-boy.


And it's not "Steerball". It's "Queerball".




DC, 99.9% of what you say I don't mind. Like the above I find it funny. :devil:


This was actually his original user name. Not sure why he changed to Steely Dan and back.



Rfey, I wish you the best of luck with your health problems; that sucks for anyone. However, people who get grief on message boards (or anywhere else) almost invariably bring it on themselves. You have done so in at least five different spots in this post alone.


One example: Good for you for not leeching off the gov't. But you can't even make that statement without some idiotic, misguided attempt at a political jab that comes off more like jealousy and self-loathing: "Just like the trust fund babies that so many here defend as being entitled to that money without the need to not work for it." Huh?


If you want more sympathy and less abuse, try acting a little more grown up.


Name the six times in my post you're talking about, please. The part about the "trust fund babies" was heading things off at the pass for those who would accuse me of living off my parents. (I believe they would be the same people) If you disagree with my posts that's cool but the personal cheap shots, made by fantasies, are out of line. When I call people Jackasses!! (in italics) most people realize I'm joking. Also, I have never made nasty comments to anyone who didn't attack me first. I'm not saying I am completely innocent but I try to be civil to those who are civil to me.


Being a smartass, in jest, is not uncivil. Just look at the last post thread. Insults fly constantly in that thread but they are realized to be in fun.


I am on your side, my friend...


Thank you again. B-)


So from now on I don't care anymore. :nana:

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I changed my name back to my original. I didn't think it would be that hard to figure out. Most of the people here know that. As for admitting the choking again go back and reread the post. This is the exact kind of stuff that was annoying me.


Sorry but I don't follow everyone's name changes. As to admitting the choking, you brought it up. Multiple times. Not me.


I figured telling people about the alleged choking incident would explain things about my being fired, but instead people read what they want to see and then make comments. I was being accused of a lot of different things by people who had no idea what they were talking about and figured it would clear things up.


I had no idea THAT you were fired. I had no idea WHY you were fired. You chose to talk about that here. You chose to admit the choking incident. In so doing, you open yourself up to a shitload of abuse. And for an odd reason, you bring it up again and again...like a girl who can't stop talking about the ex she's "totally over." It's just strange that you keep talking about it, that's all. And when you bring it up, it stays fresh.


Now go get a job.

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I figured telling people about the alleged choking incident would explain things about my being fired, but instead people read what they want to see and then make comments. I was being accused of a lot of different things by people who had no idea what they were talking about and figured it would clear things up.


"Alleged" is nothing more than a weasel word people use to avoid liability. Like when reporters call a murderer 'an alleged murderer' or the Queen of England 'the alleged Queen of England'.

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If you sell your computer it would solve 2 problems.


1 - You would have extra money.

2 - You would not have to take any crap from anyone on this board.



Just a thought. SEEK REAL HELP


Three problems:

3) we wouldn't have to deal with his ****.



In fact...can you sell your computer too?

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