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If anyone needs to know about my life this will explain things.

Steely Dan

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I'm tired of the snide comments being made about me when people have little to no facts to base them on. I've been letting them go and ignoring them but I have to admit they are really starting to annoy me.


I hate to say this due to what Steerball went through recently and my problems aren't that severe but they will explain some things. This is what I'm dealing with right now.


Since I was a child I've had a seizure disorder that actually required skull surgery for me when I was 8 years old. It disappeared for a long time and resurfaced about 7 years ago. Medications are doing a pretty good job of controlling it, but I had a severe reaction about 3 months ago that required hospitalization due to my dosage needing to be reevaluated. I have cancer that has been in remission for six years (knock wood), I have a thyroid problem that is also being controlled by medications, they found benign polyps in my colon last year and feel they need to monitor me closely, a year ago I had a stroke, a month ago it was determined I am diabetic and last week I found out that I have hepatitis C and the numbers coming in concern my doctor. I've spent about a month in total over the last year in and out of the hospital for these various things. These problems have become more acute since I was fired and have put me into a deep depression that I'm trying to work through.


BTW, just to clear things up for some of you Jackasses, I was accused of choking a co-worker. I didn't actually do it. I'm sure most of you know that and even the people who feel the need to try and hurt me with snide comments know that.


Where am I getting my money to live? Not government but my family. Just like the trust fund babies that so many here defend as being entitled to that money without the need to not work for it. The only government program I use is medicaid but I've been paying into the system for 20 years and at times I've had three jobs so I feel like it's deserved at this point.


So keep making the snide comments because at this point I really won't care because I'm letting you know what is going on in my life. If you feel the need to keep making them more power to ya.


I've learned a lot about the character of many people here through this. The good and the bad.


'Nuff said.

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BTW, just to clear things up for some of you Jackasses, I was accused of choking a co-worker. I didn't actually do it. I'm sure most of you know that and even the people who feel the need to try and hurt me with snide comments know that.


You keep bring up the fact that you choked out your female co-worker...but if you'd never admitted it, no one would ever know. This, after all, is an anonymous message board. Second, and I find this odd, you changed usernames and thus most people here (including me) probably had no idea that you were the choker until this thread, and yet here you are admitting to the choking yet again. That's weird and creepy and serial.

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I'm tired of the snide comments being made about me when people have little to no facts to base them on. I've been letting them go and ignoring them but I have to admit they are really starting to annoy me.


I hate to say this due to what Steerball went through recently and my problems aren't that severe but they will explain some things. This is what I'm dealing with right now.


Since I was a child I've had a seizure disorder that actually required skull surgery for me when I was 8 years old. It disappeared for a long time and resurfaced about 7 years ago. Medications are doing a pretty good job of controlling it, but I had a severe reaction about 3 months ago that required hospitalization due to my dosage needing to be reevaluated. I have cancer that has been in remission for six years (knock wood), I have a thyroid problem that is also being controlled by medications, they found benign polyps in my colon last year and feel they need to monitor me closely, a year ago I had a stroke, a month ago it was determined I am diabetic and last week I found out that I have hepatitis C and the numbers coming in concern my doctor. I've spent about a month in total over the last year in and out of the hospital for these various things. These problems have become more acute since I was fired and have put me into a deep depression that I'm trying to work through.


BTW, just to clear things up for some of you Jackasses, I was accused of choking a co-worker. I didn't actually do it. I'm sure most of you know that and even the people who feel the need to try and hurt me with snide comments know that.


Where am I getting my money to live? Not government but my family. Just like the trust fund babies that so many here defend as being entitled to that money without the need to not work for it. The only government program I use is medicaid but I've been paying into the system for 20 years and at times I've had three jobs so I feel like it's deserved at this point.


So keep making the snide comments because at this point I really won't care because I'm letting you know what is going on in my life. If you feel the need to keep making them more power to ya.


I've learned a lot about the character of many people here through this. The good and the bad.


'Nuff said.


You think you've got problems? When I was six, I was mauled by a bear, a lion, and a honey badger at the same time. Two years later, I lost my right eye to a tragic jart incident. Then, after serving three consecutive life terms for a series of murders I was merely accused of, I was hit by a speeding train on my first day out of the joint. But despite my being a permanently scarred, one-eyed, quadrapelegic ex-con, I still found time to do volunteer work in the Congo...where I came down with a nasty viral infection, and have been fighting Ebola on and off for the past nine years. I wish I had your problems.


And before you start to whine that my mocking you is personal...it's not. I mock everybody. You're not special, seizure-boy.


And it's not "Steerball". It's "Queerball".

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So keep making the snide comments because at this point I really won't care because I'm letting you know what is going on in my life. If you feel the need to keep making them more power to ya.


'Nuff said.



So, this is really the bottom line, right? That's good because I have every intention to continue launching my cheap shots at whatever moving (or sedentary) target I find.


BTW, you have my belated thanks for changing your user name.

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Second, and I find this odd, you changed usernames and thus most people here (including me) probably had no idea that you were the choker until this thread, and yet here you are admitting to the choking yet again. That's weird and creepy and serial.

This was actually his original user name. Not sure why he changed to Steely Dan and back.



Rfey, I wish you the best of luck with your health problems; that sucks for anyone. However, people who get grief on message boards (or anywhere else) almost invariably bring it on themselves. You have done so in at least five different spots in this post alone.


One example: Good for you for not leeching off the gov't. But you can't even make that statement without some idiotic, misguided attempt at a political jab that comes off more like jealousy and self-loathing: "Just like the trust fund babies that so many here defend as being entitled to that money without the need to not work for it." Huh?


If you want more sympathy and less abuse, try acting a little more grown up.

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