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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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This thread reminded me of this sort of liberal douchebaggery.


Maher, a perennial bomb thrower with a hard left ideology appeared on CNN's Feb. 16 "Larry King Live," facing the king of softball interviews, Larry King, and let it be known he thought alleged terrorism plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be tried in New York City and that health care should be forced through by the Obama administration, despite the wishes of the American people.


And why should the American people's wishes be ignored? They're "not bright enough."


"But what the Democrats never understand is that Americans don't really care what position you take, just stick with one," Maher said. "Just be strong. They're not bright enough to really understand the issues. But like an animal, they can sort of sense strength or weakness. They can smell it on you."

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That really seems to be the liberal calling card these days: the problem isn't our policies...it's that people are too stupid to understand them.


Hard to believe there was a time when I thought Bill Maher was so funny and edgy, I actually went to a taping of his show.



He fooled many with good writers ... That hack now has the audacity to generalize Americans with one broad brush. He's a !@#$ing tard.

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He fooled many with good writers ... That hack now has the audacity to generalize Americans with one broad brush. He's a !@#$ing tard.

That's what gets me. The Democrats in Congress cry over "republican obstructionism", or how one senator can hijack health reform with their one vote, or how the filibuster is depriving America of health care, when the overwhelming majority don't want this piece of legislation. It's this mentality of "we know what's best for you, despite your concerns".


I really do believe that these politicians in Washington huddle up together, and constantly are selling each other and themselves in passing legislation. Thats why they were desperate to try to pass this bill before they went home for Christmas, knowing damn well that when they get back home to their constituents, you know, the real world, that they would get an earful from them.

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You got it! :doh:

I read a follow up on the 30 second skit taken as an "insult" to Princess Palin,


The actress who lent her voice to a character with Down syndrome on a recent episode of Fox's "Family Guy" is defending the portrayal against attacks from Sarah Palin.


Andrea Fay Friedman, the actress who herself has Down syndrome, said the scene was merely meant to be sarcastic.


"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor," she said in an e-mail to the New York Times.


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."

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I read a follow up on the 30 second skit taken as an "insult" to Princess Palin,


The actress who lent her voice to a character with Down syndrome on a recent episode of Fox's "Family Guy" is defending the portrayal against attacks from Sarah Palin.


Andrea Fay Friedman, the actress who herself has Down syndrome, said the scene was merely meant to be sarcastic.


"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor," she said in an e-mail to the New York Times.


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."


But the difference is your parent's didn't have a retarded kid. Oh wait, they had you.

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I read a follow up on the 30 second skit taken as an "insult" to Princess Palin,


The actress who lent her voice to a character with Down syndrome on a recent episode of Fox's "Family Guy" is defending the portrayal against attacks from Sarah Palin.


Andrea Fay Friedman, the actress who herself has Down syndrome, said the scene was merely meant to be sarcastic.


"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor," she said in an e-mail to the New York Times.


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."


NO! Laughing wrong!

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I read a follow up on the 30 second skit taken as an "insult" to Princess Palin,


The actress who lent her voice to a character with Down syndrome on a recent episode of Fox's "Family Guy" is defending the portrayal against attacks from Sarah Palin.


Andrea Fay Friedman, the actress who herself has Down syndrome, said the scene was merely meant to be sarcastic.


"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor," she said in an e-mail to the New York Times.


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."


Oh yeah...some unknown voiceover artist has the right to comment on the "sense of humor" of somepne who has had a target on her back and has endured ridicule from all angles like Palin has.


Thats like a low ranking Nazi soldier telling a Jew to "just get over it"

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I read a follow up on the 30 second skit taken as an "insult" to Princess Palin,


The actress who lent her voice to a character with Down syndrome on a recent episode of Fox's "Family Guy" is defending the portrayal against attacks from Sarah Palin.


Andrea Fay Friedman, the actress who herself has Down syndrome, said the scene was merely meant to be sarcastic.


"I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor," she said in an e-mail to the New York Times.


In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life."

Well, that settles it. Kids with Down's Syndrome are now allowed to tell other people how to feel about things.


At least you're an idiot about pretty much everything. There's something to be said for consistency.

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