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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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First of all, the show has always been racey in it's topics. Second the writers achieved their objective, IT's getting people talking about it.


Lastly - How much do you want to bet that not one of the Palins family eveb watches the cartoon show!


Please respond to the Howard Stern comment. Where is her outrage of ANY person with a disability? What's that ?? only her family matters? Is that what you are implying?




I have a child with Autism so don't think I have not heard or seen worse personally directed at my child.


read what I just posted.


Will you agree or disagree that Howard Stern has said WORSE towards her than the Family Guy writers?


Even if that were the case, the topic starter clearly mentionned how Palin is upset at Family Guy? If the topic starter starts a topic stating that Palin was upset at HS, then that would be the topic of discussion.


Nevertheless, I highly doubt people should use HS as a benchmark towards what's acceptable because he on his own is the master of being a jackass.

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I have a child with Autism so don't think I have not heard or seen worse personally directed at my child.


What's your point?


Will you agree or disagree that Howard Stern has said WORSE towards her than the Family Guy writers?


I pay attention to neither.


Humor is generally going to be offensive to somebody, somewhere. The idea that Palin's offense is somehow invalid (or worse - that's it's invalid because BigCat doesn't share it) is ludicrous - she should be offended by it. I completely understand her being offended by it. If I were to point out that your child's condition is the strongest evidence yet that autsim is hereditary, I would completely expect and understand your offense at the statement.


So what? Autism is apparently hereditary. If that offends you, it's your offense. Don't make me deal with it. Same thing with Palin...I understand her offense at the joke. But God, I so don't give a ****.

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First of all, the show has always been racey in it's topics. Second the writers achieved their objective, IT's getting people talking about it.


Lastly - How much do you want to bet that not one of the Palins family eveb watches the cartoon show!


Please respond to the Howard Stern comment. Where is her outrage of ANY person with a disability? What's that ?? only her family matters? Is that what you are implying?




I have a child with Autism so don't think I have not heard or seen worse personally directed at my child.


read what I just posted.


Will you agree or disagree that Howard Stern has said WORSE towards her than the Family Guy writers?


So because you're ok with people making fun of your child she should be ok with people making fun of hers? And this has nothing to do with Howard Stern.

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Then I sincerely hope that someday you mock the wrong person and get a steak knife in the chest for it.





Wow... That is so funny! Just remember, karma is a B word!


I find it strange that many on the right can't handle this when they are equally as guilty. I suspect they will drum up out of their ass some code of conduct or "honor" issue... :devil:


Just remember it is the game we are in today with politics and EVERYBODY helped to create it by tearing others down in the past.


Simple rule: No quarter asked, no quarter should be given. Everybody, and I mean everybody is fair game!


Suck it up... Dems the rules!

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Even if that were the case, the topic starter clearly mentionned how Palin is upset at Family Guy? If the topic starter starts a topic stating that Palin was upset at HS, then that would be the topic of discussion.


Nevertheless, I highly doubt people should use HS as a benchmark towards what's acceptable because he on his own is the master of being a jackass.


IF she truly want to crusade to stop insults against children with disabilities there are PLENTY of sources to pick on (well before it "attacked her" personally).


People are idiots and will always be. All Sarah is doing is giving free publicity to the show. --- there are many REAL issues to deal with when compared to a dumb cartoon.


So because you're ok with people making fun of your child she should be ok with people making fun of hers? And this has nothing to do with Howard Stern.

Dear Clueless, I never said I was OK with it. You learn to ignore the azzholes and move on to the important matters in life.

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Wow... That is so funny! Just remember, karma is a B word!


I find it strange that many on the right can't handle this when they are equally as guilty. I suspect they will drum up out of their ass some code of conduct or "honor" issue... :devil:


Just remember it is the game we are in today with politics and EVERYBODY helped to create it by tearing others down in the past.


Simple rule: No quarter asked, no quarter should be given. Everybody, and I mean everybody is fair game!


Suck it up... Dems the rules!


Good to see you're following along as usual.

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IF she truly want to crusade to stop insults against children with disabilities there are PLENTY of sources to pick on (well before it "attacked her" personally).


People are idiots and will always be. All Sarah is doing is giving free publicity to the show.



Dear Clueless, I never said I was OK with it.


My point is that there are many more REAL issues to deal with when compared to a dumb cartoon.


Your point was that you didn't make a point so hence my lack of a clue.

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So because you're ok with people making fun of your child she should be ok with people making fun of hers? And this has nothing to do with Howard Stern.


Cut it out... Grow some thicker skin. You are off your rocker.


Not that I agree with the classless Family Guy thing... Didn't your momma ever teach you about "sticks and stones?" Palin could learn it... But people today are too in your face.


If she can't handle it... Tough. Life sucks, people are scumbags... What are you gonna do, cry? Move on.


She should have said nothing... But she couldn't because that is what her whole fake personna (Hockey Mom: Pig/Pitbull with lipstick) is built around.

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IF she truly want to crusade to stop insults against children with disabilities there are PLENTY of sources to pick on (well before it "attacked her" personally).


I think you are unfairly representing Sarah Palin. During the campaign she made it very clear that she was going to be an advocate for the mentally disabled. I just heard her the other day talking about how she wanted to advocate for them and saw that in her future. I have not one shred of evidence that she has done anything more than talk as of yet. Well, I guess I do-----she had a baby knowing fully that it would be mentally disabled. She obviously "walks the walk". I guess she feels that changing peoples attitudes is an important part of the equation and that it is important to make a stand when helpless are disparaged.

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Cut it out... Grow some thicker skin. You are off your rocker.


Not that I agree with the classless Family Guy thing... Didn't your momma ever teach you about "sticks and stones?" Palin could learn it... But people today are too in your face.


If she can't handle it... Tough. Life sucks, people are scumbags... What are you gonna do, cry? Move on.


She should have said nothing... But she couldn't because that is what her whole fake personna (Hockey Mom: Pig/Pitbull with lipstick) is built around.


My skin is very thick thicker than most. It's not my skin we're talking about you moron. Her skin can be as thin as she wants it to be and I would fully understand that. See my mom didn't teach me sticks and stones she taught me empathy. This is not about Palin even though you lefty idiots that love to hate her have made it out to be it's about a person allowed to feel whatever they want.

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My skin is very thick thicker than most. It's not my skin we're talking about you moron. Her skin can be as thin as she wants it to be and I would fully understand that. See my mom didn't teach me sticks and stones she taught me empathy. This is not about Palin even though you lefty idiots that love to hate her have made it out to be it's about a person allowed to feel whatever they want.*


*Unless BigCat doesn't feel it too.

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Where was Palin when the show mocked Muslims, homosexuals, black people, Jews, etc.?


Do you get the point now? She can care less.


Nope. I mentioned the reson she said something now was because it was personal. It wasn't about a DS child it was about a DS child whose mother was the governor of Alaska. Do you get the point now?

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Or may be she shouldn't take it PERSONALLY!


Why? Because you don't?


Hell, in this case, it appears it actually WAS personal, no less. Very much unlike here little tired when Emanuel called Democrats "!@#$ing retards", which was just a general and colloquial comment. But the idea that she shouldn't be offended at something to which she takes offense is...rather silly, really.

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