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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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Ok that's it please tell us you're yanking our shanks. No really, you can't be serious. Come on make a joke about my serverly autistic nephew. Go ahead, I know it's hard to do but give it a try. Who knows you might have a career in comedy. Come on let's see what you come up with and see how hard I laugh.


Oh, I will: Can I take him to Vegas? I want to hit the black jack tables. Assuming he's not full retard, that is.





See, Big kitty? Just because it's a joke, doesn't mean Chef shouldn't be offended by it.

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I don't know nearly enough about him. The fact that he has austism isn't funny. That doesn't mean his autism can't be funny.



wow, this has to be one of the most idiotic things I've heard in my life, and I've worked in restaurants before. To quote some dude in a movie I saw once,


"everyone is now dumber from having heard (read) this"...

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Great, then we both agree, Sarah Palin should grow up, take it on the chin, except public scrutiny like she accepts public approval, and find better things to do then blog about a silly, always controversial cartoon which also happens to be distributed by the network that employs her


This right here makes it very clear that you are saddled with a mind that is not up to normal standards. Your thought process and brain to hand coordination has a disconnect. Do you really think that your posts here are up to the standards of most other people on this board? Do you have no shame or embarrassment for your constant misuse of the English language? Maybe if you stayed after school you could get some help.

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Oh, I will: Can I take him to Vegas? I want to hit the black jack tables. Assuming he's not full retard, that is.





See, Big kitty? Just because it's a joke, doesn't mean Chef shouldn't be offended by it.


I don't think he'd be much help in black jack.

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She's the only parent of a Down's child who was parodied on that particular episode of Family Guy ("My mom is the former governor of Alaska").


I'm not sure when it became OK to make fun of the children of politicians but I'm not a fan of it.


First of all, the show has always been racey in it's topics. Second the writers achieved their objective, IT's getting people talking about it.


Lastly - How much do you want to bet that not one of the Palins family eveb watches the cartoon show!


Please respond to the Howard Stern comment. Where is her outrage of ANY person with a disability? What's that ?? only her family matters? Is that what you are implying?


Are you arguing that she shouldn't be upset because other people have Down's children too? :devil:


I have a child with Autism so don't think I have not heard or seen worse personally directed at my child.


read what I just posted.


Will you agree or disagree that Howard Stern has said WORSE towards her than the Family Guy writers?

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