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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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And that hasn't been clear through all this? You're just getting this as if it were an added clause?


Sorry but I haven't got one !@#$ing thing you've said in this thread. And if you don't get Palin's feelings in this then I've got nothing else for you. And I'm the one considered a heartless bastard on this board. But take heart, growing up is cool. :ph34r:

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Sorry but I haven't got one !@#$ing thing you've said in this thread. And if you don't get Palin's feelings in this then I've got nothing else for you. And I'm the one considered a heartless bastard on this board. But take heart, growing up is cool. :ph34r:


Great, then we both agree, Sarah Palin should grow up, take it on the chin, except public scrutiny like she accepts public approval, and find better things to do then blog about a silly, always controversial cartoon which also happens to be distributed by the network that employs her.

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Yeah, because it's not funny. But as a comedian, it's a right and duty to try and make it funny. They often avoid it because it's very difficult to do, not because it's "wrong."


Ok that's it please tell us you're yanking our shanks. No really, you can't be serious. Come on make a joke about my serverly autistic nephew. Go ahead, I know it's hard to do but give it a try. Who knows you might have a career in comedy. Come on let's see what you come up with and see how hard I laugh.

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Great, then we both agree, Sarah Palin should grow up, take it on the chin, except public scrutiny like she accepts public approval, and find better things to do then blog about a silly, always controversial cartoon which also happens to be distributed by the network that employs her.


Not public scutiny of her. Public ridicule of her DS child. If you don't get the difference that's just sad.

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Yeah, because it's not funny. But as a comedian, it's a right and duty to try and make it funny. They often avoid it because it's very difficult to do, not because it's "wrong."

Conner, please remove the belt and give it to Big Cat at your earliest convenience. Our thanks in advance.

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Ok that's it please tell us you're yanking our shanks. No really, you can't be serious. Come on make a joke about my serverly autistic nephew. Go ahead, I know it's hard to do but give it a try. Who knows you might have a career in comedy. Come on let's see what you come up with and see how hard I laugh.


I don't know nearly enough about him. The fact that he has austism isn't funny. That doesn't mean his autism can't be funny.

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I don't know nearly enough about him. The fact that he has austism isn't funny. That doesn't mean his autism can't be funny.


Put down the shovel. Wow, do you realize you have aligned yourself with Rush Limbaugh? Wait, I take it back, I think he apologized for making fun of Chelsea, nope just you out there by your lonesome.

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