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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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Well, if you want the truth, I don't think anyone is so virtuous that they're somehow above comedy. And if they are so virtuous, they're probably obnoxious or else boring as Hell.


From Eric Idle:

Hey! He quoted Eric Idle! NOW I understand why making fun of someone's special needs child is so funny!


Dude, I have no intention of spending a day reading how you justify why you think the way you do because at the end of the day I'll have read a bunch of nonsense and you'll still think it's okay to publically make fun of a specific person's Downs child. There is nothing you can cite that ist going to change my mind that you're just a senseless dolt.

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Hey! He quoted Eric Idle! NOW I understand why making fun of someone's special needs child is so funny!


Dude, I have no intention of spending a day reading how you justify why you think the way you do because at the end of the day I'll have read a bunch of nonsense and you'll still think it's okay to publically make fun of a specific person's Downs child. There is nothing you can cite that ist going to change my mind that you're just a senseless dolt.


I think it's okay to publically or privately make fun of anybody or anything. I refuse to draw sacred lines in the sand, but I'll remember this next time you insult another person...oh wait.

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If you're identifying Family Guy as inferior to the realm of political lampoon just because it's animated, that's dumb. If you think that every instance of a politician being "publically mocked" warrants defense, well, that's even dumber.

Try to put the shoe on the other foot. If Family Guy mocked people who think it is ok to screw dogs, you would be very upset.

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Yeah, because the two things are even remotely the same. :ph34r:


How are they different? Sarah Palin has somehow achieved greater "human" status than me? She can't be mocked by a television show, but I can be insulted to my [virtual] face?


Is it because she has a family?*









*A family she continually trots around and uses to support her own politics (quite publicly, I might add), but for whom she then champions the sacredness of family privacy?

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I would recommend against that line of thinking. But you seem to have life figured out, so good luck with all that. Here's hoping you don't procreate.

Oh, I hope quite the opposite. I hope he procreates and then someone makes fun of his offspring in a public manner - just so I can watch him continue to think "nothing is sacred or off limits".

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So when you have a choice to fall down on the side of a cartoon or the Downs child of politician that is publically mocked by the cartoon, you're choice is to defend the cartoon.


Gee. Big surprise there.

Of course he would, he is the epitome of the typical hypocritcal liberal. You know, the one's that say they care about human injustice, but yet when it doesn't fit their agenda, it doesn't apply.


Have you ever seen such a figure as Palin, who is so "stoopid", that all she has to do is make a Facebook entry and presto, legislation through Congress has to be rewritten, while simultaneously thousands of liberals across the country get in a frenzied ape feces hysteric hurling phenomenon? :ph34r:

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Of course he would, he is the epitome of the typical hypocritcal liberal. You know, the one's that say they care about human injustice, but yet when it doesn't fit their agenda, it doesn't apply.


Have you ever seen such a figure as Palin, who is so "stoopid", that all she has to do is make a Facebook entry and presto, legislation through Congress has to be rewritten, while simultaneously thousands of liberals across the country get in a frenzied ape feces hysteric hurling phenomenon? :ph34r:


We're talking about comedy here.

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How are they different? Sarah Palin has somehow achieved greater "human" status than me? She can't be mocked by a television show, but I can be insulted to my [virtual] face?


Is it because she has a family?*









*A family she continually trots around and uses to support her own politics (quite publicly, I might add), but for whom she then champions the sacredness of family privacy?

No, you !@#$ing ass hat. I don't have a problem with anyone making fun of politicians, lord knows virtually all of them deserve everything they get and then some. The argument, which you state that you understand, isn't about whether Sarah Palin deserves to be made fun of.


If you equate Mock picking on someone on a message board equally to Seth McFarlane using a Down's kid to make fun of Sarah Palin, then you're an absolute moron (which is something you should take personally, not the ridiculous idea that I think politicians are better !@#$ing people - that's one of the dumbest things ever tossed at me and I regularly converse with Steely, Conner, and pbills. That means you're moving into dark territory).


"Family Guy" is generally very lazy. This is a perfect example of that. There were a million ways they could have made fun of Palin. Using a Down's kid isn't one that's acceptable.

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Oh, I hope quite the opposite. I hope he procreates and then someone makes fun of his offspring in a public manner - just so I can watch him continue to think "nothing is sacred or off limits".


If making fun of my kid was somehow included in a comedy show, for the sake of generating laughter from a captivated audience, then yes, I'd think that.

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Ironically, in a roundabout away the joke wasn't personal. The character was female, Palin's DS kid is male.

Oooooh, geeeeeee, wellllll...that changes everything. Why didn't you say so in the first place?


Hey everyone...the joke is okay now because, y'know, in a roundabout way, it wasn't even ABOUT Palin's special needs child.


Phew. Thanks for clearing that up, Big Cat.


(Hey conner, you may want to post something quick before Big Cat takes your title belt away.)

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No, you !@#$ing ass hat. I don't have a problem with anyone making fun of politicians, lord knows virtually all of them deserve everything they get and then some. The argument, which you state that you understand, isn't about whether Sarah Palin deserves to be made fun of.


If you equate Mock picking on someone on a message board equally to Seth McFarlane using a Down's kid to make fun of Sarah Palin, then you're an absolute moron (which is something you should take personally, not the ridiculous idea that I think politicians are better !@#$ing people - that's one of the dumbest things ever tossed at me and I regularly converse with Steely, Conner, and pbills. That means you're moving into dark territory).


You've made your point.


The point I was trying to make is that there's nothing sacred in comedy. LA disagreed, then demonstrated that he believes while things are sacred in comedy, the same things (respect for a fellow person) aren't sacred with actual human interaction.

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If making fun of my kid was somehow included in a comedy show, for the sake of generating laughter from a captivated audience, then yes, I'd think that.

Ah, so now it's different than "I think it's okay to publically or privately make fun of anybody or anything. I refuse to draw sacred lines in the sand"


The back peddle begins.

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Oooooh, geeeeeee, wellllll...that changes everything. Why didn't you say so in the first place?


Hey everyone...the joke is okay now because, y'know, in a roundabout way, it wasn't even ABOUT Palin's special needs child.


Phew. Thanks for clearing that up, Big Cat.


(Hey conner, you may want to post something quick before Big Cat takes your title belt away.)


Yes, because that aside is by-far the most compelling portion of this discussion.

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