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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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What I want to know is; what was the line in the show that was so vile, dispicable, crass, and heartless that it drove Governor Palin to make those statements in defense of her child?


Personally...I have no !@#$ing idea. Nor do I think it matters. Nor do I give a **** that Big Cat's a liberal (if he is - I thought he was just young and stupid, myself). I just think it's idiotic to posit that a joke about a subject should be inoffensive to EVERYONE, simply because it's a joke.

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What I want to know is; what was the line in the show that was so vile, dispicable, crass, and heartless that it drove Governor Palin to make those statements in defense of her child?

I have no idea. I wasn't in this thread because of the topic, I was in it because of the thread starter. The very moment you see Big Cat starting a Palin thread, you know it's got "Retatta" written all over, and to his credit, he didn't disappoint.


But in the end, a TV show made a Palin joke, Palin responded, Big Cat took the opportunity to tell everyone why he's so much cooler than everyone else (which is weird because, let's be honest, hanging with a low-budget improv group is even considered creepy to mimes and people who attend Star Wars conventions) and madcap comedy ensued.

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Personally...I have no !@#$ing idea. Nor do I think it matters. Nor do I give a **** that Big Cat's a liberal (if he is - I thought he was just young and stupid, myself). I just think it's idiotic to posit that a joke about a subject should be inoffensive to EVERYONE, simply because it's a joke.


Yeah. Well, that's like, you know, your opinion, man.


The argument isn't "should Palin be upset". The argument is, "does Palin have the right to be upset." See the difference?


If you don't, then you have a long way to go before ever even knowing the definition of the word "enlighten".


That's not the argument at all, actually.


I have no idea. I wasn't in this thread because of the topic, I was in it because of the thread starter. The very moment you see Big Cat starting a Palin thread, you know it's got "Retatta" written all over, and to his credit, he didn't disappoint.


But in the end, a TV show made a Palin joke, Palin responded, Big Cat took the opportunity to tell everyone why he's so much cooler than everyone else (which is weird because, let's be honest, hanging with a low-budget improv group is even considered creepy to mimes and people who attend Star Wars conventions) and madcap comedy ensued.


I love that your initial assumption was COMPLETELY wrong.


I guess I am a little bit cooler than everyone else. Of course, that's just my opinion.


It sounds like you might have had an unfortunate experience with an improv group. Doesn't surprise me, I hear bad things about the improv scene in LA. I'd suggest a good theater, if one existed. If ever you come to Chicago, I've got plenty of recommendations.

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Yeah. Well, that's like, you know, your opinion, man.




That's not the argument at all, actually.




I love that your initial assumption was COMPLETELY wrong.


I guess I am a little bit cooler than everyone else. Of course, that's just my opinion.


It sounds like you might have had an unfortunate experience with an improv group. Doesn't surprise me, I hear bad things about the improv scene in LA. I'd suggest a good theater, if one existed. If ever you come to Chicago, I've got plenty of recommendations.


If that's not the argument, then you've been asleep the entire time.


Yes I understand that it spins off into, "is anything sacred" with respect to jokes but the topic started because of that and your stupid comment.

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If that's not the argument, then you've been asleep the entire time.


Yes I understand that it spins off into, "is anything sacred" with respect to jokes but the topic started because of that and your stupid comment.


I amazed you've managed to isolate just one "stupid" comment.


And if you were reading, you'd have the seen the major section of the thread wherein I said (several times) that everyone has the right to be offended.


And you clowns wonder how these things spiral into a semantics argument? Jesus.

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Yeah. Well, that's like, you know, your opinion, man.




That's not the argument at all, actually.




I love that your initial assumption was COMPLETELY wrong.


I guess I am a little bit cooler than everyone else. Of course, that's just my opinion.


It sounds like you might have had an unfortunate experience with an improv group. Doesn't surprise me, I hear bad things about the improv scene in LA. I'd suggest a good theater, if one existed. If ever you come to Chicago, I've got plenty of recommendations.


Will somebody please explain to this schmuck that people have a funny way of deciding for themselves what they're offended by without recourse to his whacked-out opinions?

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Ah, so now it's different than "I think it's okay to publically or privately make fun of anybody or anything. I refuse to draw sacred lines in the sand"


The back peddle begins.


The back-peddle began pages ago, when he went from "no one should..." to "they have the right, that's not what I meant by 'should'." :P


Although my favorite is still "taking offense and having your feelings hurt are two different things".

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The back-peddle began pages ago, when he went from "no one should..." to "they have the right, that's not what I meant by 'should'." :P


Although my favorite is still "taking offense and having your feelings hurt are two different things".


If you don't see the differences between all the aforementioned, then you're either stubborn or stupid.

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If you don't see the differences between all the aforementioned, then you're either stubborn or stupid.


As to the first, the difference is why I'm beating on you. You said one thing, then said another...and apparently didn't mean either one. Look...people get offended. Big !@#$ing deal. Go ahead, tell some jokes, offend a few people and make the rest laugh, fine with me. Not only will I not stop you, I won't let anyone else stop you (that First Amendment thing and all). But you are full of **** to your ears one way or another if you honestly think people shouldn't be offended by jokes, no matter what half-assed definition of "should" you choose to bull **** us with. What's a laughing matter for one person is not for another. "Should" doesn't enter in to it. You're just too much of a narcissistic little pissant to twig to anyone's view but your own.


As for the second...there is no difference. Being offended is having your feelings hurt. :P

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As to the first, the difference is why I'm beating on you. You said one thing, then said another...and apparently didn't mean either one. Look...people get offended. Big !@#$ing deal. Go ahead, tell some jokes, offend a few people and make the rest laugh, fine with me. Not only will I not stop you, I won't let anyone else stop you (that First Amendment thing and all). But you are full of **** to your ears one way or another if you honestly think people shouldn't be offended by jokes, no matter what half-assed definition of "should" you choose to bull **** us with. What's a laughing matter for one person is not for another. "Should" doesn't enter in to it. You're just too much of a narcissistic little pissant to twig to anyone's view but your own.


As for the second...there is no difference. Being offended is having your feelings hurt. :P


We'll agree to disagree on the first point. I have no intention of pushing other's boundaries out of acknowledgment and respect for what people can tolerate. Doesn't mean I agree with where they've set those boundaries, or with the fact that they set them in the first place.


To the second: please explain to me why people with no connection to disabilities, being a racial minority, cancer, etc still find the jokes "offensive." How and why are their feelings hurt?

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We'll agree to disagree on the first point. I have no intention of pushing other's boundaries out of acknowledgment and respect for what people can tolerate. Doesn't mean I agree with where they've set those boundaries, or with the fact that they set them in the first place.


To the second: please explain to me why people with no connection to disabilities, being a racial minority, cancer, etc still find the jokes "offensive." How and why are their feelings hurt?


Because we have empathy just all around good taste. A couple of things you obviously know nothing about.

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Because we have empathy just all around good taste. A couple of things you obviously know nothing about.


Oh, man, just when I thought this thread was headed for a smooth landing....


Boy, if I didn't know any better I'd swear you ladies even had your cycles synced-up.


I just watched it. Somebody owes me 20 minutes. :P


But in reality, Gov Palin has very little to complain about.


Nothing in there worth the fuss, IMHO.


I apologize, I thought the link sent the video cued up to the scene(s) in question.

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LA Clueless


Let me spell it out for you AGAIN




The actress with Down syndrome who guest-starred on the animated show Family Guy thinks Sarah Palin just doesn't get the joke.


On a recent episode, a character with Down syndrome named Ellen goes on a date with one of the show's teenaged characters, Chris. Ellen tells Chris that her mother the former governor of Alaska.


The 39-year-old actress has Down syndrome and is an outspoken advocate for people like herself. Palin has a young son with Down syndrome and said that the joke was the product of “cruel, cold-hearted people.


ERGO a person with Down's said that her mother was a former Gov of Alaska. I see no insult since the actress has Down's!!!

You're a complete idiot.

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