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Taking offense is very much a rational response.


Having your feelings hurt, that's different. But allowing yourself to be hurt by another's ignorance? Stupid!



Oh, holy...:P So now it's not okay to take offense, but it is to have your feelings hurt, unless they're hurt by someone unknowingly, in which case it's stupid, like taking offense is. The scary thing is that you actually think this rat's nest of a rationalization you've created is a rational argument.


Precisely what the !@#$ do you think it means to take offense at something? And now Family Guy's writers were simply ignorant? :unsure:

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Oh, holy...:P So now it's not okay to take offense, but it is to have your feelings hurt, unless they're hurt by someone unknowingly, in which case it's stupid, like taking offense is. The scary thing is that you actually think this rat's nest of a rationalization you've created is a rational argument.


Precisely what the !@#$ do you think it means to take offense at something? And now Family Guy's writers were simply ignorant? :unsure:


When someone finds something "offensive" they've identified someone's ignorance and have taken it personally. Turns out more than just insults hurt people's feelings. Just try and keep up, gramps.


I know for certain I haven't circled back in this argument because I'm not expressing this opinion or these thoughts for the first time here in this thread. You can keep trying to poke holes and convince me I'm wrong, but your efforts will be futile.


EDIT: When someone says "I take offense to that" what they really mean was, "that was a rude, ignorant thing to say." The latter addressed the content, the former is a way of victimizing oneself. I find fault with victimizing oneself over someone's ignorance.


Busted!! Big Pusy, loses again :devil:


What the !@#$ are you even talking about?

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When someone finds something "offensive" they've identified someone's ignorance and have taken it personally. Turns out more than just insults hurt people's feelings. Just try and keep up, gramps.


What fresh new level of what-the-!@#$ery is this? Where do you even get this from? :P

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What fresh new level of what-the-!@#$ery is this? Where do you even get this from? :P


To find something "offensive" means it affects you in an oft negative way. To label it thusly is to both identify it as "wrong" and to say that it "hurt your feelings." But because the term "offensive" addresses the content, and not your feelings, the use of the term vilifies the content for hurting one's feelings, but also simultaneously victimizing the offended as the term is oft used in transitive way.


Why not just say, "that's rude and ignorant?" Why make it about you? But if you have to, why not just say "that hurt my feelings?" Of course I say, why even let it affect you? That's what I've been arguing this whole time.

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To find something "offensive" means it affects you in an oft negative way. To label it thusly is to both identify it as "wrong" and to say that it "hurt your feelings." But because the term "offensive" addresses the content, and not your feelings, the use of the term vilifies the content for hurting one's feelings, but also simultaneously victimizing the offended as the term is oft used in transitive way.


Why not just say, "that's rude and ignorant?" Why make it about you? But if you have to, why not just say "that hurt my feelings?" Of course I say, why even let it affect you? That's what I've been arguing this whole time.


Bot to be offended means to have your feelings hurt, numbskull.


For someone who wanted to avoid a semantic argument, your argument is awfully strongly founded on a set of bull **** semantics.

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Bot to be offended means to have your feelings hurt, numbskull.


For someone who wanted to avoid a semantic argument, your argument is awfully strongly founded on a set of bull **** semantics.

Just about all his arguments are laced with semantics, I called him out on that months ago.

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Bot to be offended means to have your feelings hurt, numbskull.


For someone who wanted to avoid a semantic argument, your argument is awfully strongly founded on a set of bull **** semantics.


Bah, it is now, only because you've turned me to defending the minutia of a pretty general statement inspired by this incident: Stop being offended by comedy.


Last night I spoke with several local comedians (not about this) but one of them added to the point of not being offended by comedy in a way I'd never considered but will offer here:


If we're going to recognize comedy as an art, then why is it the only artform shunned when it explores sensitive areas?


Now, one can easily argue against the artistic clout of Family Guy, but one could easily make the same argument for or against anything.

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Bah, it is now, only because you've turned me to defending the minutia of a pretty general statement inspired by this incident: Stop being offended by comedy.


Last night I spoke with several local comedians (not about this) but one of them added to the point of not being offended by comedy in a way I'd never considered but will offer here:


If we're going to recognize comedy as an art, then why is it the only artform shunned when it explores sensitive areas?


Now, one can easily argue against the artistic clout of Family Guy, but one could easily make the same argument for or against anything.


Waaaait a minute. You do improv don't you. Oh I get it now. :P


By the way shitting on a statue of Jesus is considered art by some. Do you think some are offended by thaty?

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Waaaait a minute. You do improv don't you. Oh I get it now. :P


By the way shitting on a statue of Jesus is considered art by some. Do you think some are offended by thaty?


The guys I was talking to last night are standups. It was for an audio project.


Of course I think people are offended by that. People get offended by everything. That's the whole !@#$ing point.

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The guys I was talking to last night are standups. It was for an audio project.


Of course I think people are offended by that. People get offended by everything. That's the whole !@#$ing point.


So just because you think it's a waste of time an energy to be offended by something that no one should be offended by anything?

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And because it turns people against each other, yes.


No one should be offended by anything.


You're a !@#$ing child. :P You'd have done better saying "If people are offended by a joke, they should nut up and deal with it, not get into an argument with a cartoon." Which is what you actually meant, and I agree with. But NOOOOOOO...instead, you have to drone on for thirteen pages about the difference between "taking offense" and having one's feelings hurt, and how people aren't entitled to be offended by anything, and if they are offended by something they're just weak and stupid...


I'll bet you're a great improv comedian, though. Because this thread has been a riot thanks to you. :unsure:

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No one should be offended by anything.


You're a !@#$ing child. :P You'd have done better saying "If people are offended by a joke, they should nut up and deal with it, not get into an argument with a cartoon." Which is what you actually meant, and I agree with. But NOOOOOOO...instead, you have to drone on for thirteen pages about the difference between "taking offense" and having one's feelings hurt, and how people aren't entitled to be offended by anything, and if they are offended by something they're just weak and stupid...


I'll bet you're a great improv comedian, though. Because this thread has been a riot thanks to you. :unsure:


I believe both are true. When it comes to comedy, I don't think anything is off limits. This liberty doesn't inform my own work, but that doesn't mean I don't believe it's true.


But, outside the realm of comedy, if someone does something so mean and hateful to you (now we're talking verbally here, let's make this clear) then !@#$ him. Iif he's such a low-life, write him off, ignore him. Why take it personally? Why give his ignorance validation?

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I believe both are true. When it comes to comedy, I don't think anything is off limits. This liberty doesn't inform my own work, but that doesn't mean I don't believe it's true.


But, outside the realm of comedy, if someone does something so mean and hateful to you (now we're talking verbally here, let's make this clear) then !@#$ him. Iif he's such a low-life, write him off, ignore him. Why take it personally? Why give his ignorance validation?


Wow it must be great to be made of teflon and have everything just roll off you. You my friend are the best! :P

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That's bull ****. I have no children. I have, however, worked closely with mentally disabled people (in real life, not just from moderating this board - I have two family members that are permanently impaired). My opinions wouldn't exactly be uninformed, despite your holier-than-thou attitude toward them.


You're doing nothing more than proving that mental disability has a genetic component. And I'm invoking the "Big Cat 'Just a Joke'" rule, so you can't even be offended by that observation. :P


Oh you may be "informed" BUT you don't know jack unless you have lived it 24/7/365 THEN you can talk. When you have to rebuild your kids conficence every day when a foolish child calls them retarded, or deal with them being bullied, having things stolen and spit on, repairing that damage isn't easy. Try explaining to them every day that they why people pick on them.


To be clear we all understand your thinking: a parent with a Downs child should not be offended by a joke mocking her and her child because another person with Downs says so?


So based on this logic, if a relatively unknown black actor (let's say Dule' Hill) says he's not offended when a white person calls him a !@#$, than it's perfectly okay for all of us to call black people !@#$s.


Nope. Don't see any holes in your line of thinking at all. I urge you to should seek out the black parents of Downs children and explain all of this to them. If possible, have someone record it and post it to Youtube.


You and your Palin drones have generated this issue. No fun was being made of the character with downs.

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