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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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I'd like to know why it's not okay to make light of a bad situation. Have those of you with close ties to the impaired never heard them or their loved-ones say something akin to: "sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor about it."


I never said it wasn't. YOU said it wasn't okay to be offended by it. That's what we're all disputing, you moron.

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I never said it wasn't. YOU said it wasn't okay to be offended by it. That's what we're all disputing, you moron.


Please show me how these things are different. Note: I don't want this to slip into semantics, but I never indicated it's "not okay" to be offended as much so that I argued getting offended (especially by something meant to be comedic) is foolish and misplaced. Saying it's "not okay" implies that I've established some sort of moral code of comedy consumption, which I have not. I've said one shouldn't be offended, but I've never argued one is prohibited.

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Please show me how these things are different.


YOU make a joke. I get offended. You and I are different people. QED. :P



Note: I don't want this to slip into semantics, but I never indicated it's "not okay" to be offended as much so that I argued getting offended (especially by something meant to be comedic) is foolish and misplaced. Saying it's "not okay" implies that I've established some sort of moral code of comedy consumption, which I have not. I've said one shouldn't be offended, but I've never argued one is prohibited.


I already linked earlier to the post where you said it wasn't okay for someone to be offended by a joke. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1760885 You didn't say "she's stupid to be offended". You said "she SHOULDN'T be offended". Why shouldn't she?

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YOU make a joke. I get offended. You and I are different people. QED. :P





I already linked earlier to the post where you said it wasn't okay for someone to be offended by a joke. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1760885 You didn't say "she's stupid to be offended". You said "she SHOULDN'T be offended". Why shouldn't she?


Because he doesn't like her. End of story.

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YOU make a joke. I get offended. You and I are different people. QED. :P

I already linked earlier to the post where you said it wasn't okay for someone to be offended by a joke. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1760885 You didn't say "she's stupid to be offended". You said "she SHOULDN'T be offended". Why shouldn't she?

Because being offended is a sign of weakness, because weak people don't understand that comedians have a duty to mock parents and their Downs children, and the reason they don't understand this is because they're too stupid to realize that if a two-year-old Downs child isn't defending themselves, then there obviously isn't anything to defend. Ergo ispo facto and to wit, you can't defend the weak's inability to find the humor in a mandated delivery of Downs mockery until the two-year-old Downs child speaks first.


Even an idiot like Big Cat understands this...why can't you?

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YOU make a joke. I get offended. You and I are different people. QED. :P





I already linked earlier to the post where you said it wasn't okay for someone to be offended by a joke. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1760885 You didn't say "she's stupid to be offended". You said "she SHOULDN'T be offended". Why shouldn't she?


And like I said before, she's not prohibited from being offended. However, she shouldn't be offended because in victimizing herself she's only making a difficult situation harder. For her own good, she shouldn't be offended.


Also, since it's a cartoon and not a direct personal insult, she shouldn't be offended. Even if it was a personal attack, the only way to ensure you perpetuate public mockery is to let on like it affects you. She shouldn't let on like it affects her.


Moreover, since politicians are made fun of and have their private lives exposed and mocked all the time, she should show some gumption, she should have thick skin, and she shouldn't be offended.


But most importantly: SHE SHOULDN'T BE OFFENDED BECAUSE SHE DOES, IN FACT, HAVE A KID WITH DS. Pretending like that subject's out of bounds (unless Oprah wants to talk), or vilifying those who make light of the situation, whether or not it's at her expense, DOES NOTHING TO CHANGE THE FACT THAT SHE HAS A KID WITH DS AND HAS TO DEAL WITH IT ON A DAILY BASIS. She shouldn't be offended because her taking offense does NOTHING but cause more grief. Which, by the way, for all the time's she's expressed her gratitude for her son, and for all the times she's referred to him as a miracle, I find her sudden grief on the subject a bit hypocritical.


Ultimately, I'm reminded of a quote from one the first episodes of the American Office (let's save the "British Office is far superior" debate for another day):


"Oscar, would you rather we refer to you as something less offensive than 'Mexican'?"

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You are, quite simply, a complete !@#$ing retard. That's precisely why she SHOULD BE offended, even if you don't share the offense.


I hope you never have a career where you have to deal with people.

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"Oscar, would you rather we refer to you as something less offensive than 'Mexican'?"


I'm not sure why you put this here but my question is should Mexicans not be offended by that "joke"? Or should they because they don't parade their Mexican heritage in front of the public for political gain? :P

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You are, quite simply, a complete !@#$ing retard. That's precisely why she SHOULD BE offended, even if you don't share the offense.


I hope you never have a career where you have to deal with people.


Okay, fine.


You do the heavy lifting.


Why should she be offended? What positive outcome ought to compel her to offense?

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I'm not sure why you put this here but my question is should Mexicans not be offended by that "joke"? Or should they because they don't parade their Mexican heritage in front of the public for political gain? :P


Only weak Mexicans are offended. They shouldn't be, because they have Mexican children. And by "shouldn't be", I don't mean to say they're prohibted from it, just that they're stupid. Which shouldn't offend them either.

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So you're an emotionless robot? I take it you work in front of a computer all day and never have to work directly with people.

He's not emotionless, I'd venture to say that he's quite the opposite, and I'm sure that he's been told by people close to him that he's known to be hyper-sensitive. I've seen signs of it, like the time when someone on this board mentioned something about his father, he got pretty damn defensive that day.


This is a simple case of hypocrisy. He doesn't like Palin, so the rules don't apply then, plus he thought it would get a rise out of the conservatives to mention her, which it did. The reality is that he is so entrenched in his position, that he can't reverse it for the sake of not looking like a bigger douche than he already is.

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I'm not sure why you put this here but my question is should Mexicans not be offended by that "joke"? Or should they because they don't parade their Mexican heritage in front of the public for political gain? :P


Nope, they shouldn't be offended. More appropriately, they should be baffled by the ignorance behind the statement. Ignorance so low it makes no point in lowering yourself to the point of validation through emotional response.


THIS is where you're a complete !@#$ing moron. Since when is "offense" a rational, outcome-based feeling? :unsure:


Taking offense is very much a rational response.


Having your feelings hurt, that's different. But allowing yourself to be hurt by another's ignorance? Stupid!

He's not emotionless, I'd venture to say that he's quite the opposite, and I'm sure that he's been told by people close to him that he's known to be hyper-sensitive. I've seen signs of it, like the time when someone on this board mentioned something about his father, he got pretty damn defensive that day.


This is a simple case of hypocrisy. He doesn't like Palin, so the rules don't apply then, plus he thought it would get a rise out of the conservatives to mention her, which it did. The reality is that he is so entrenched in his position, that he can't reverse it for the sake of not looking like a bigger douche than he already is.


You know, you keep alluding to this, but continue refusing to post a link. I dare you to. I guarantee it doesn't half-accomplish what you boast it will.


Also, I love that you think this is a Palin-only issue for me. Another swing and miss by the resident Maggot.

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He's not emotionless, I'd venture to say that he's quite the opposite, and I'm sure that he's been told by people close to him that he's known to be hyper-sensitive. I've seen signs of it, like the time when someone on this board mentioned something about his father, he got pretty damn defensive that day.


This is a simple case of hypocrisy. He doesn't like Palin, so the rules don't apply then, plus he thought it would get a rise out of the conservatives to mention her, which it did. The reality is that he is so entrenched in his position, that he can't reverse it for the sake of not looking like a bigger douche than he already is.


That was me. I think he threatened to have his rather large father kick my ass. :P

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Nope, they shouldn't be offended. More appropriately, they should be baffled by the ignorance behind the statement. Ignorance so low it makes no point in lowering yourself to the point of validation through emotional response.


So now you're speaking or a whole country of people? Dude you're one great piece fo work. You think emotions are something that can just be turned on and off? :P

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