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Sarah Palin = Kanye West

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Regardless of who said what, and more specifically to this case: doesn't parading your kids around for political benefit eliminate them from being protected by the right to privacy?


Not for anyone that has a bit of decency in their heart. The kid(s) didn't make the choice, the parent did. Is it legal? Sure. Is it reprehensible? For most, yes.

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Quick! Someone get a microphone, laptop and a wireless connection for the two-year-old Downs baby! It's about time that little ball of mucus starts defending himself!


Dude, you are freaking batschit stupid.


I was just kidding in 3......2......1......

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Quick! Someone get a microphone, laptop and a wireless connection for the two-year-old Downs baby! It's about time that little ball of mucus starts defending himself!


Dude, you are freaking batschit stupid.


Then what's be being defended from? If he's as incoherent as you suggest, as I'm sure he is, then surely the FG joke, like all other jokes, slides right off the kid's back.

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One has the right to be weak.


One should not be weak.


I don't know why this is so hard.


One has the right to be weak...but does NOT have the right to be offended, if you say otherwise?


How deep you going to dig this hole you're in?

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Hehe :doh: ....So I guess we can chalk this thread up as one more "irrational/classless attack" on Palin huh? Looks like they are going to have to learn the hard way. Can't wait until they start blaming everybody else but themselves as she gains even more support. :devil:

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Hehe :thumbsup: ....So I guess we can chalk this thread up as one more "irrational/classless attack" on Palin huh? Looks like they are going to have to learn the hard way. Can't wait until they start blaming everybody else but themselves as she gains even more support. :rolleyes:



HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :thumbsup:

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In the Big Cat alternate universe, he's the only one who makes sense in this thread, as is evidenced by the fact that BillsFan-4-Ever agrees with him.


Which would be like thinking you're winning the global warming debate because conner backs your position.

LA Clueless


Let me spell it out for you AGAIN




The actress with Down syndrome who guest-starred on the animated show Family Guy thinks Sarah Palin just doesn't get the joke.


On a recent episode, a character with Down syndrome named Ellen goes on a date with one of the show's teenaged characters, Chris. Ellen tells Chris that her mother the former governor of Alaska.


The 39-year-old actress has Down syndrome and is an outspoken advocate for people like herself. Palin has a young son with Down syndrome and said that the joke was the product of “cruel, cold-hearted people.


ERGO a person with Down's said that her mother was a former Gov of Alaska. I see no insult since the actress has Down's!!!

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Thank you for illustrating my point.

and they said Family Guy was classless. what balls. Half of you people should be banned.


You classless jerks don't have a clue. I mentioned my child with a disability and the reply with a "so what" comment.


If you have a child with a disability THEN AND ONLY then should you "well informed" people be able to make a reply.


Yes, you have the freedom of speeech, but posting something you have no clue on doesn't make your viewpoint the right one.

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If you have a child with a disability THEN AND ONLY then should you "well informed" people be able to make a reply.


That's bull ****. I have no children. I have, however, worked closely with mentally disabled people (in real life, not just from moderating this board - I have two family members that are permanently impaired). My opinions wouldn't exactly be uninformed, despite your holier-than-thou attitude toward them.


You're doing nothing more than proving that mental disability has a genetic component. And I'm invoking the "Big Cat 'Just a Joke'" rule, so you can't even be offended by that observation. :P

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That's bull ****. I have no children. I have, however, worked closely with mentally disabled people (in real life, not just from moderating this board - I have two family members that are permanently impaired). My opinions wouldn't exactly be uninformed, despite your holier-than-thou attitude toward them.


You're doing nothing more than proving that mental disability has a genetic component. And I'm invoking the "Big Cat 'Just a Joke'" rule, so you can't even be offended by that observation. :P


I'd like to know why it's not okay to make light of a bad situation. Have those of you with close ties to the impaired never heard them or their loved-ones say something akin to: "sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor about it."


How is it that anyone could possibly argue that the best way to dissolve a difficult and serious situation is by making things more serious? What does that accomplish? Why can't everything be funny?

Why would anyone victimize themselves through the vilification of someone's attempt at humor, especially when that person's efforts could and should make an otherwise morbid situation more manageable?

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I'd like to know why it's not okay to make light of a bad situation. Have those of you with close ties to the impaired never heard them or their loved-ones say something akin to: "sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor about it."


How is it that anyone could possibly argue that the best way to dissolve a difficult and serious situation is by making things more serious? What does that accomplish? Why can't everything be funny?

Why would anyone victimize themselves through the vilification of someone's attempt at humor, especially when that person's efforts could and should make an otherwise morbid situation more manageable?


That's their choice of how and when to bring in the humor not to have it displayed on the publice stage for all to see. I can't believe you don't understand that.

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That's their choice of how and when to bring in the humor not to have it displayed on the publice stage for all to see. I can't believe you don't understand that.


bull ****. When you accept the VP nom from a major party, and then parade your children to boost political clout, you forfeit that right. End of story.


Having our pain lampooned on primetime television is not something you or I have to worry about. But based on what you've just said here, then you I guess you can't possibly refute my response to your "how would you like it if I made fun of your mom's cancer" scenario, since now the argument hinges on the size of the audience.

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ERGO a person with Down's said that her mother was a former Gov of Alaska. I see no insult since the actress has Down's!!!

To be clear we all understand your thinking: a parent with a Downs child should not be offended by a joke mocking her and her child because another person with Downs says so?


So based on this logic, if a relatively unknown black actor (let's say Dule' Hill) says he's not offended when a white person calls him a !@#$, than it's perfectly okay for all of us to call black people !@#$s.


Nope. Don't see any holes in your line of thinking at all. I urge you to should seek out the black parents of Downs children and explain all of this to them. If possible, have someone record it and post it to Youtube.

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