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I go to UB and we got a text warning us to stay away from one library (luckily the one i wasnt in) at 4:40pm. I went to find out what was going on and just try to hear some of the chatter. A man was seen entering the 3rd floor of the library with a shotgun. The police evactuated the library and the campus went to a code red. We were told that classes were cancelled and to leave the acdemic spine immeaditly.


Last i heard they never found the gunman and no shots were fired. Mostly just a freaky situation but that is the situation. ill post more updates if it happens

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Promo is still upset about the football season.....



got a message from a friend that it appears to be students are safe and the library is on lockdown....

If it happened two weeks ago it might have been me more upset at the basketball coach.



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