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Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) is too fat says Southwest Air

Just Jack

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Isn't the real issue that the seats are only 17" wide? Seriously, 17"???

Apparently not since most people have no problem with airline seats. Besides, every flight I've ever been on does have wider seats -- in First Class.


And isn't the real issue people that choose to eat themselves to enormous proportions?

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Apparently not since most people have no problem with airline seats. Besides, every flight I've ever been on does have wider seats -- in First Class.


And isn't the real issue people that choose to eat themselves to enormous proportions?


I'd hardly consider 17.1" to be "enormous...."

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Given that such a high percentage is obese, I think it would be logical to adjust from a business point of view.




According to the National Institutes of Health, 17% of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years were overweight in 2004. And what's more alarming is 32.2% of adults suffer from obesity (that's almost 90 million) – which is a dangerous step up from just being plain overweight. Another 30% of Americans are simply overweight.


I know tell me about it! What is in the milk they are feeding these children! My son is in 6th grade and he only has a size 5 shoe... He has friends with a size 10.5... A boy 13 has a 13.5 size shoe! WTF? I am 42, 6'3", 250 and have a size 10 shoe... (hey no jokes here!) It has to be diet! I would consider my son average 30 years ago, not today... He is undersized... Yet, he eats very little meat, he can be a vegatarian in his own right! It has to be hormones??


What are we raising as Americans... Amazonian children?


Just wait... Airlines and other businesses will have to adjust their policies when this next generation of behemoths hit into society! Isn't that the trend for advanced civilizations... What was the standard height say during the colonial period? Even Lincoln was considered a giant that couldn't fit into too many standard beds.

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Apparently not since most people have no problem with airline seats. Besides, every flight I've ever been on does have wider seats -- in First Class.


And isn't the real issue people that choose to eat themselves to enormous proportions?


I would say it is less about eating than what is in the food AND that most people don't really do any physical work anymore outside of if they actively seek to exercise.


Like I said... How do you explain a 13 year old boy that is almost 6' and has a 13.5 size shoe... These aren't freaks anymore, you are seeing them all over!




Oh... Business will have to start adjusting in the furture. They can't be making seats smaller. The norm is big. Remember when hockey was a sport for middle sized white guys? Those guys would be considered twerps now. Not anymore with the sport... I just perused an old copy of a early 1990's NHL All-Star game program... Remember the Sabres' Uwe Krupp, he was a behemoth 240, 6'6"... That 240 wouldn't even blink an eye some 20 years later. Even the 6'6" doesn't turn heads anymore with the likes of Chara and Myers.


People and athletes are just getting big!

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I would say it is less about eating than what is in the food AND that most people don't really do any physical work anymore outside of if they actively seek to exercise.


Like I said... How do you explain a 13 year old boy that is almost 6' and has a 13.5 size shoe... These aren't freaks anymore, you are seeing them all over!




Oh... Business will have to start adjusting in the furture. They can't be making seats smaller. The norm is big. Remember when hockey was a sport for middle sized white guys? Those guys would be considered twerps now. Not anymore with the sport... I just perused an old copy of a early 1990's NHL All-Star game program... Remember the Sabres' Uwe Krupp, he was a behemoth 240, 6'6"... That 240 wouldn't even blink an eye some 20 years later. Even the 6'6" doesn't turn heads anymore with the likes of Chara and Myers.


People and athletes are just getting big!

I'm not sure that things are changing all that much, though when I was a kid it seemed like there were a lot more "odd sized" couples (really tall dad, really short mom). We had kids who were friggin' huge when we were in grade school. One kid was like 6'5" and about 250 in eighth grade. Just a monster.


The difference now is big kids aren't just pushed into sports for their size - they're pretty much allowed to play whatever they want.

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I know tell me about it! What is in the milk they are feeding these children! My son is in 6th grade and he only has a size 5 shoe... He has friends with a size 10.5... A boy 13 has a 13.5 size shoe! WTF? I am 42, 6'3", 250 and have a size 10 shoe... (hey no jokes here!) It has to be diet! I would consider my son average 30 years ago, not today... He is undersized... Yet, he eats very little meat, he can be a vegatarian in his own right! It has to be hormones??


People are getting taller. There have been many studies. Probably because of more access to food, especially meat.

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I don't know... If I am calculating right... Isn't that 17" considered a diameter? That would put a person with under a 53.5" waist able to fit into a seat. Now I consider myself large, but only have a 38-40" wasit! 53" waist is huge!!!


You're assuming someone is a circle - and people aren't circular (I hope... :w00t: ).

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Sorry, you missed the entire point there. What part about "The upper body can be adjusted" was not understandable? :unsure:


If someone's lower body spills over to the next seat, there is NOTHING that can be done. If someone has big shoulders, they can take a window/aisle seat and adjust themselves.


Thats what I do. I fit fine in the seat with plenty of room but always take the aisle, i have wide shoulders. My wife just leans on me and sleeps. I can sit in any seat without issue but prefer the aisle space.

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