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We Are The World 25

Just Jack

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They played it (or part of it) during the Olympics last night. I thought it was awful.


Just look at the lists of performers from today's version vs. 25 years ago. It really highlights how much music sucks today.

Couldn't agree more. I was very disappointed in the clip they showed.

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My opinion is garbage in, garbage out . . .


Ok, let me clarify. Was the first one a musical masterpiece? No way. But, for what they were trying to accomplish and brining those different types of musicians/artists/average hacks together back then it worked out pretty darn well.


Trying to recycle something like that, not so much.

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We Are the World should have been buried with Michael Jackson, and the "stars" of today should have made an effort to sing something original instead of ripping off another generation's idea and ruining it. First The Karate Kid remake, now this. And what the hell is Jeff Bridges doing in there?

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We Are the World should have been buried with Michael Jackson, and the "stars" of today should have made an effort to sing something original instead of ripping off another generation's idea and ruining it. First The Karate Kid remake, now this. And what the hell is Jeff Bridges doing in there?


The nature of the problems they were trying to help probably had much to do with the decision to recycle instead of build anew. The famine in Africa was building in scope and in the consciousness of the western public over time. Having nothing to work with, they put together something which, while not perfect, certainly raised a lot of money for the issue. The Haitian crisis happened very suddenly. While it is prominent in the consciousness of the western public now, it that prominence will fade with time. Remaking something that was already there made sense since coming up with something new would take time. In this case, time is money.


It was wise to give the women singers a more prominent role this time around since quite frankly, the men sucked. I guess these guys can rap but they certainly can not sing. In the original version all the singers had good voices except Springsteen, who sounds constipated.


The remake blows.

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