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I'm in. But can I stop paying into SS afterwards?




I saw your offer in the other thread. The problem with that idea is that a ton of people would go for the plan and then have no money when they were 68 and become wards of the state...effectively getting SS anyways. It's a dumb system and people are too dumb to be trusted without the net.



I saw your offer in the other thread. The problem with that idea is that a ton of people would go for the plan and then have no money when they were 68 and become wards of the state...effectively getting SS anyways. It's a dumb system and people are too dumb to be trusted without the net.

Okay, then I'll just keep making minimum payments on my government credit card.

Pretty cool...



There is no way that site is real.


Those numbers move around very quickly and that would take a lot of computing power just to put up some dumb web page.


Think about it. They would have to have direct connections into every government agency; Federal, State and Local. There are thousands of computers tracking that and probably thousands of networks. You can't just ask permission to connect to these systems. You can get the information on Freedom of Information requests but that would take thousands of applications on a daily basis and it takes weeks to get the information. Then you'd have to have people entering the data to get the numbers to flash by that quickly. It would take hundreds and hundreds of people. How are these people being paid? The web site doesn't even have any ads to fund that kind of operation. The whole thing is crazy.


Even if they got permission to connect to the systems, they would have to know every time a transaction takes money in or sends it out and build connections to upload the information. This costs craploads of money.


I'd think I'd have to take the Occum's shaver approach on this and say it is BS.

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