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New photos from 9/11 obtained by ABC News


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I did nothing in school that day. We all just sat back and watched as everything took place. I still cannot to this day watch the towers fall. It gives me a sickening feeling and i have to turn away everytime.


I can just imagine being in that building as it is falling and knowing this is it. :worthy:

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I was driving back from my morning coffee, when the radio broadcasted something about an airplane crashing into a building in a building in NYC. The person voicing was using measured tones. I called my late Mom up in Blfo. to turn on her television set after the couple of minutes it took to arrive home, and we stayed on the phone and watched the unfolding tragedy.


She uttered, O my Lord, not again. She was a newlywed in 1941, and she and her husband were staining shutters at the family's small lumber mill, when the news about the attack on Pearl Harbor came over the radio.


She knew that fathers, husbands, sons, grandsons, daughters and wives these days, would soon be marching off again to war. Two of my nephews - her grandchildren - did. We are so thankful that they returned to us unscathed.


War is a terrible thing.

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