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Um No. I don't miss you. But I do say thanks for keeping out of politics.


Maybe a phone call to Dick could keep him from running his mouth.



Mostly because the current administration is so inept that it makes his look

Please. How soon you forget. Inept? I can give you one prime example - Mike Brown.

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If I was looking for the definition of inept, I'd just use you cherry picking a small portion of a much larger point.


YAWN. Classy as ever I see. Still insulting people when they don't see it your way.


Clearly we are slightly better off to date because we will soon be leaving Iraq, the economy has stabilized and mostly because


YOU have ZERO proof that Bush wouldn't have done any less spending than has gone on to date since his departure.

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YAWN. Classy as ever I see. Still insulting people when they don't see it your way.


Clearly we are slightly better off to date because we will soon be leaving Iraq, the economy has stabilized and mostly because


YOU have ZERO proof that Bush wouldn't have done any less spending than has gone on to date since his departure.



Read it:



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Obama will outspend and out-borrow the admittedly profligate George W. Bush, a man Obama and his lieutenants routinely malign for fiscal recklessness and who, when in office, was often hailed even by his allies as a Big Government Republican.


And WHO STARTED this mess we are in?


We are in two wars when we should have concentrated on ONE. And the first justified one has gone no where. What happened to the promise to all Americans that he would get Osama?



All you want to do blame Obama when he stepped into the BIGGEST finacial mess the US had seen on 80 years!!!


Had Bush EVER put stipulations on how the banks couldn't spend their bailouts? I don't thinks so!


Your side should put up or shut up. Whiners all of them.

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Obama will outspend and out-borrow the admittedly profligate George W. Bush, a man Obama and his lieutenants routinely malign for fiscal recklessness and who, when in office, was often hailed even by his allies as a Big Government Republican.


And WHO STARTED this mess we are in?


We are in two wars when we should have concentrated on ONE. And the first justified one has gone no where. What happened to the promise to all Americans that he would get Osama?



All you want to do blame Obama when he stepped into the BIGGEST finacial mess the US had seen on 80 years!!!


Had Bush EVER put stipulations on how the banks couldn't spend their bailouts? I don't thinks so!


Your side shoud put up or shut up.


It started with Bush? Really? Yes Bush and his party spent like a drunken sailor. So its OK with you that obama and his party will spend even more?


My side? I'm on the side of fiscal responibilty, I could give a flying !@#$ what party does it. Thats what I want.

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It started with Bush? Really? Yes Bush and his party spent like a drunken sailor. So its OK with you that obama and his party will spend even more?


My side? I'm on the side of fiscal responibilty, I could give a flying !@#$ what party does it. Thats what I want.

This is the funniest part of the liberal chatterbox these days.


"We're not Bush! We're not Bush!"


"Hooray, we have control of the White House and both houses!"


"I haven an idea. Let's spend our way to oblivion, and then when people complain, we can tell them "Hey, Bush did it! STFU!!!"

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YAWN. Classy as ever I see. Still insulting people when they don't see it your way.

I called the Bush Administration inept. You cherry picked words. It has nothing to do with class and everything to do with yet another partisan shill trying to make the point that their group of douche bags is somehow different than the others.


Clearly we are slightly better off to date because we will soon be leaving Iraq, the economy has stabilized and mostly because


YOU have ZERO proof that Bush wouldn't have done any less spending than has gone on to date since his departure.

You mean because the Bush administration wouldn't have left Iraq and the economy wouldn't have "stabilized" (stabilized is in quotes because the economy is far from stable, not that I'd expect you to have any inkling of what those two words together actually mean)? Each of those things are things you have ZERO proof of, not that it matters in the least because I WASN'T DEFENDING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

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It started with Bush? Really? Yes Bush and his party spent like a drunken sailor. So its OK with you that obama and his party will spend even more?


My side? I'm on the side of fiscal responibilty, I could give a flying !@#$ what party does it. Thats what I want.

You have to understand that's how these idiots play the game. Anyone who points out the ridiculousness of their positions or the things that their "masters" have done obviously identifies with the opposite side. They really are that stupid.

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It started with Bush? Really? Yes Bush and his party spent like a drunken sailor. So its OK with you that obama and his party will spend even more?


My side? I'm on the side of fiscal responibilty, I could give a flying !@#$ what party does it. Thats what I want.


Please show me where I said that it was ONLY Bush's fault?


I accused Bush for starting the stimulus program and not overseeing how the money was spent.


If your going to spend like a drunken sailor, the least you could do is have your buddy make sure you are not being robbed blind.

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Please show me where I said that it was ONLY Bush's fault?


I accused Bush for starting the stimulus program and not overseeing how the money was spent.



You said, which implied.......And WHO STARTED this mess we are in?


Yes, there wasnt some/any/enough oversight from his administration and the congress on the first stimulus. How's it going with the obama administration and their oversight of the other stimulus? Along with their mantra of spend spend spend. I guess thats ok with you. I agree with you about Bush and the spending. What about the guy thats there NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the democraticly controlled house and senate.

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You said, which implied.......And WHO STARTED this mess we are in?


Yes, there wasnt some/any/enough oversight from his administration and the congress on the first stimulus. How's it going with the obama administration and their oversight of the other stimulus? Along with their mantra of spend spend spend. I guess thats ok with you. I agree with you about Bush and the spending. What about the guy thats there NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the democraticly controlled house and senate.

It's much better now, which is why they paraded out Joe Biden this morning to take one for the team. Joe was able to explain to all of us just how stupid we are because the second phase of the stimulus was the part levied for job creation.



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It's much better now, which is why they paraded out Joe Biden this morning to take one for the team. Joe was able to explain to all of us just how stupid we are because the second phase of the stimulus was the part levied for job creation.




B-) Amateur hour.

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It's much better now, which is why they paraded out Joe Biden this morning to take one for the team. Joe was able to explain to all of us just how stupid we are because the second phase of the stimulus was the part levied for job creation.



I almost drove off the road when I heard this on the radio earlier. I was waiting to hear Biden say "What? We never explained that to you? I'm sure SOMEONE mentioned it earlier on."


So it got me thinking: a couple of days ago I'm picking up a prescription at our local drug store and someone was putting up a new sign that said "H1N1 Vaccines Are Now Here!!!" I thought to myself: NOW they're here?


And while I stood in line I had this vision of Obama getting bumped out of office in 2012, and a new president coming in and offering tax cuts across the board to people and small businesses alike, and somewhere around 2014 the unemployment rate gets down to about 6% just as someone starts putting up a sign on the nearby highway promoting the fact that the potholes being filled are your tax dollars at work, compliments of the Recovery Act of 2008.

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You said, which implied.......And WHO STARTED this mess we are in?


Yes, there wasnt some/any/enough oversight from his administration and the congress on the first stimulus. How's it going with the obama administration and their oversight of the other stimulus? Along with their mantra of spend spend spend. I guess thats ok with you. I agree with you about Bush and the spending. What about the guy thats there NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the democraticly controlled house and senate.


When you assumed that I "implied" that, you made an azz of yourself.

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