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I'm down here in Florida and I'm starting to go nuts around 3:00pm in the afternoon's. I have always (since they pulled the show) had a tick or two around then, but now it's full blown shakes. I can't belive that the show cost alot of money? and what there running in that time slot is stevestojan.




I'll second that. I do miss the Simoncast too. This is basically the only place that I get my Bills info now. I catch a little of the ESR during the week but the Simoncast was on at a perfect time for me. Oh well, from what I keep hearing about the City of Buffalo lately, it doesn't surprise me that another business is going down hill.


Maybe empire could Simoncast his morning radio show and we could all (out of towners) Tevo it for later viewing. It just amazes me that a town with two major sports teams has absolutly no coverage of those local teams......I know two half hour shows each night, but this is not worth my keeping the Regional Sports Package on DTV. This station doesn't even do a post game show for the Bills, nor does it do a Sunday night half hour sports show. So we don't see any post game Bills coverage on Empire until (what) 6:30 pm Monday! Hell, by that time us TBDers are already onto next Sundays game.


I'm sorry this issue just pi$$es me off.


I'll get off my soapbox and get another cup of coffee.


I miss the Simoncast down here in South Carolina. Enjoyed turning him on for an hour after the game and hearing the fans comment.


He has a HUGGGGGEEEE area of fans he appeals to - the out-of-town Bills fan. Unfortunately that base is growing quickly. I would hope someone would step up and bring him back on the air.


No. Listening to Simon right now. Topic is "Should they ban all beer sales at Bills games"


I wonder if Whitey will mention that at one of their pregame tailgate parties, people were so drunk coming off the party bus, that they were puking and could not find the door to one of my eight restrooms so they just pissed out in public?

I miss it also. I looked forward to turning the tv on at 3 and listening to him.


Me too, now I turn on espnnews at 3:00, get pissed because they don't ever say anything about the Bills and just shut off the tv.

Maybe empire could Simoncast his morning radio show and we could all (out of towners) Tevo it for later viewing.  It just amazes me that a  town with two major sports teams has absolutly no coverage of those local teams......I know two half hour shows each night, but this is not worth my keeping the Regional Sports Package on DTV.  This station doesn't even do a post game show for the Bills, nor does it do a Sunday night half hour sports show.  So we don't see any post game Bills coverage on Empire until (what) 6:30 pm Monday!  Hell, by that time us TBDers are already onto next Sundays game. 


I'm sorry this issue just pi$$es me off.


I'll get off my soapbox and get another cup of coffee.



I agree. I bought the regional sports pack almost solely because I heard the name Empire thrown around so much on here. I thought how sweet would it be to get the local coverage of the Bills instead of the 30 second once a month stories you can count on from ESPN. I enjoyed Simoncast but once you take that away from the Empire lineup you have about 23 hours a day of paid programming or some rebroadcast of a arm wrestling championship.


Empire is hands down one of the most poorly programed channels on the entire DTV lineup. The founder of Empire is probably the same guy that switched all the good classic rock stations into country channels.

No. Listening to Simon right now. Topic is "Should they ban all beer sales at Bills games"


I wonder if Whitey will mention that at one of their pregame tailgate parties, people were so drunk coming off the party bus, that they were puking and could not find the door to one of my eight restrooms so they just pissed out in public?


It's really sad to watch the downward spiral of our society. People really need to get control of themselves.

I agree. I bought the regional sports pack almost solely because I heard the name Empire thrown around so much on here. I thought how sweet would it be to get the local coverage of the Bills instead of the 30 second once a month stories you can count on from ESPN.  I enjoyed Simoncast but once you take that away from the Empire lineup you have about 23 hours a day of paid programming or some rebroadcast of a arm wrestling championship.


Empire is hands down one of the most poorly programed channels on the entire DTV lineup.  The founder of Empire is probably the same guy that switched all the good classic rock stations into country channels.


Actually, the founder of Empire - John Rigas - is kinda busy with other things right now. I could be wrong (since most of the people I knew at Adelphia aren't there any more), but I get the impression the new management is just biding their time until they can get rid of it the way they did WNSA. Anyone here think Bob Koshinski wanted to fire the NSA staff when the station was sold? I have to think if he could've found any way to keep Simon&Brinson on the payroll and on the air, he would've.


Once upon a time, ESN had everything from the official Ted Nolan and Marv Levy shows to several hours of viewer call-in programming - anyone remember when FanTV (Jim and Howard), Fan Forum (Bob K.), Sportsline (Paul Maguire), the Russer Hot Stove Diner (Art Wander and Larry Felser), and Hockey Hotline (Brian Blessing and Mike Robitaille) were all on the schedule at the same time? Josh Mora's "Taking Aim" series did some darn good work, too.


Add in the Sabres games and Little 3 basketball, seven-days-a-week Sports Report, plus picking up Bandits and Bisons games and signing up with Fox Sports Net, and I'll submit that Empire matched up against ANY regional sports network on the air during the mid-to-late '90s.

The way things used to be.......


Alas, things have changed since then.

Any chance of us TBD'ers organizingour own online chat show?




I don't know about the logistics of doing a Webcast (as in one of your previous suggestions), but I'd imagine the TBD chat room is there for the taking. Didn't we used to do that with Lary Bump and Mike Doser, back when we were hooked up with Shout! magazine? (I definitely remember the separate "Ask the Shout! Staff" board Scott set up back then, and I *think* they made some appearances in the chatroom as well.)


Maybe even talk someone like Jeff Morrison, or some of the guys from GR, into dropping by occasionally. Go for it, Promo.


I really miss the Simoncast as well. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels badly about Empire's demise. It is dying slowly and painfully. Koshinski really doesn't have much of a choice--his hands are tied, and were so as soon as the Rigases were caught looting millions actually billions from Adelphia. One billion dollars is a lot of money to squander and screw WNY in the process. I miss the '98-'00 Empire--it was great sports TV.

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