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Chris Berman is being offered boatloads of money to leave ESPN, for the NFL Network...




I know it is in vogue to trash anything that is tradition, or has been going on for a while...but I think Berman, as a NFL football guy, is still pretty great. People always rag on him for his "tired schtick", but I never sense that he isn't enjoying the hell out of what he is doing...if he leaves ESPN, that would be a huge void... I suppose the 2000 people who get the NFL Network can enjoy!



"Brooks adds that ESPN is expected to make a "reasonable" pitch to retain Berman, but "will not break the bank to keep him."

  buftex said:
Chris Berman is being offered boatloads of money to leave ESPN, for the NFL Network...




I know it is in vogue to trash anything that is tradition, or has been going on for a while...but I think Berman, as a NFL football guy, is still pretty great. People always rag on him for his "tired schtick", but I never sense that he isn't enjoying the hell out of what he is doing...if he leaves ESPN, that would be a huge void... I suppose the 2000 people who get the NFL Network can enjoy!



"Brooks adds that ESPN is expected to make a "reasonable" pitch to retain Berman, but "will not break the bank to keep him."


No big deal. Berman is a shell of his former self. NFL Primetime is a good wrap show,

but it's all about Tom Jackson anyway. I'm all about continuity, but could care less if

he ends up elsewhere.


I still chose him over anyone else. It doesn't get tired with me. He represents the entire lifetime of ESPN. Almost impossible to picture sports fans today dealing with what we did from pre-1980. One things' for sure, newspapers were still in vogue.


He's part of their (ESPN) Baseball group as well. If he leaves, they'll lose me too. I'll get all my NFL news from NFLN.


IDK, maybe it's a good thing. I don't like the direction ESPN has evolved into. That said, there's a couple openings @NFLN -Sapp & Irvin <shock> with recent legal issues..

  davefan66 said:
No big deal. Berman is a shell of his former self. NFL Primetime is a good wrap show,

but it's all about Tom Jackson anyway. I'm all about continuity, but could care less if

he ends up elsewhere.


FAIL. Berman is great and I would love to see him on the NFL network.

After over a decade of dealing with the Time Warner bullcrap I switched to Directv and haven't looked back. The nfl network is great. Why would people still deal with Time Warner they offer little over Directtv and less than FIOS.


I stopped watching any pre- or post-game NFL shows years ago. There's just no need, with the Sunday Ticket and everything available online.


The only NFL shows worth watching are NFL Films productions -- IMO.


Berman and Eisen...I like it. Hope they take TJ for the ride, too. They are like brothers at this point. ESPN...feh, let them choke and die on their lame hip-hop wannabe, Stu Scott. Primetime was the only highlight show worth a ****, and now that they had to end it in deference to MSNBC's postgame coverage I'm hoping he returns to the roll he owns with NFL Network.


Berman's leaving ESPN?!?!?!


Hmmmm, I might just tune in now to get me some NFL fix. On second thought, maybe not. There are still others there that make me ill. Berman topped the list, though.


Problem is, I love NFLN. If he goes there, he'd better stop his OLD TIRED SCHTICK! It's akin to marching Th Who out at halftime. Past his PRIMETIME!

  davefan66 said:
No big deal. Berman is a shell of his former self. NFL Primetime is a good wrap show,

but it's all about Tom Jackson anyway. I'm all about continuity, but could care less if

he ends up elsewhere.



NFL at ESPN is all about Chris Berman. Without him, it's nothing. He's the one who runs the show.


He made the old Primetime. I never really thought that TJ was all that great, but he & Berman clicked and have good on-air chemistry.


Even after NBC took the Sunday night package, I'd still watch the Sunday night Sportscenter for his highlights. Berman has been one of the few bright spots at ESPN these days for me.


Like someone else said Berman is a goofy shell of himself.


If I want to hear "WHOOOP WHOOOOP WHOOOP" for an hour, Ill stand outside a firehouse.


While remembering that money talks, I'm not entirely convinced Berman would make the jump to a network which covers a single sport. Gammons to MLB.com was a logical move. While Berman would still be able to get his NFL fix, no more Masters, no more baseball ... not sure he'd take that tradeoff, or be happy with the results if he did.


And I trust McIntyre (TBL) even less than Florio. Some of his 'scoops' haven't exactly squared with the facts, going back to his days at the Record. So, we'll see.


The DirecTV bit is more intriguing. After all, Berman did take a chance on helping to start a sports channel, once upon a time ...


I'll miss Berman on ESPN, but I'm not sure how this changes "the way we watch football"


You can get anyone to host a show, it doesn't matter. The real importance are the analysts. Steve Young is the only one consistently insightful, Tom Jackson is a waste and Ditka is entertaining only because he's an old buffoon.

  Chandler#81 said:
I still chose him over anyone else. It doesn't get tired with me. He represents the entire lifetime of ESPN. Almost impossible to picture sports fans today dealing with what we did from pre-1980. One things' for sure, newspapers were still in vogue.


He's part of their (ESPN) Baseball group as well. If he leaves, they'll lose me too. I'll get all my NFL news from NFLN.


IDK, maybe it's a good thing. I don't like the direction ESPN has evolved into. That said, there's a couple openings @NFLN -Sapp & Irvin <shock> with recent legal issues..

I've always been a big Berman fan and still am. ESPN has lost a lot, already. Berman's actually one of the few that I can still stomach. If Stuart Scott starts doing NFL in Berman's place, I'll never watch ESPN again. ESPN screwed Harold Reynolds over, and he went to the MLB Network. Peter Gammons, a baseball God in my eyes, bailed out and went to MLBN. Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann are long gone. Berman's as good as gone, and I think NFLN will win out on this deal. MLBN has way more credibility than the ESPN baseball crew now. NFLN will jump another level if they get Berman. Hopefully, TJ will be soon to follow.

  gugny said:
Hopefully, TJ will be soon to follow.


That's the thing right there. Whether you like Berman or not, if he jumps to the NFL Network, other sports personalities aren't going to think NFLN is just bush league anymore. And they will fight for the chance to sit next to Berman.

  Lori said:
While remembering that money talks, I'm not entirely convinced Berman would make the jump to a network which covers a single sport. Gammons to MLB.com was a logical move. While Berman would still be able to get his NFL fix, no more Masters, no more baseball ... not sure he'd take that tradeoff, or be happy with the results if he did.


Good point, but couldn't Berman get a deal with NFLN where he's allowed limited work with, say, CBS or Fox for the Masters and MLB?


The NFL Network other then a handful of games you miss, is worthless, most of it is repeat TV not much original, and surely not cutting edge. We will however be forced to watch it soon as more and more games will be found there only. The NFL is shooting themselves in the Foot in the long run why will Big Networks give them boat loads of money when they are taking the game pool away from them.. NFL cant survive with NFL network alone... The SNYDER's and JONE's will ruin this great sport.

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