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If you could have any job you want

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I have a good amount of hours in my pilots logbook[all Alaska time] and have thought of flying for one of the missionary outfits in South America/Africa .

No real point here, but I would love to combine my love of flying with delivering food/medicine to people who desperately need it.

I guess what I am getting at, is do you give up financial security in a job you hate,and roll the dice in a job you love but are unsure of?

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I have a good amount of hours in my pilots logbook[all Alaska time] and have thought of flying for one of the missionary outfits in South America/Africa .

No real point here, but I would love to combine my love of flying with delivering food/medicine to people who desperately need it.

I guess what I am getting at, is do you give up financial security in a job you hate,and roll the dice in a job you love but are unsure of?


I want to go back to teaching film, but never again at one of those giant DIV 1 sports schools. I have spent enough time trying to convince kids passing my class would be infinitely more important than their fraternity based escapades.

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Of course being a professional athlete would be awesome. But other than that,I would really dig being a physical therapist. I've been to a couple over the years rehabbing injuries,and my dad is currently seeing one to help him walk better(he's 90). They fix physical problems by knowing the mechanics of the human body and helping the body heal itself. And they can make big positive impacts on peoples lives. It really interests me. I wish I would have found this interest when I was younger. I would have gone to school for it.

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I would love to own a brewery/smokehouse/bakery/cheesery/restaurant....i have envisioned it in an italian style villa house on a lot of land. i know that kind of business requires a ton of money and long hours, but i think i would love to be able to do all that stuff, all day, every day....ahhh dreams

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fear not....speaking as a 46 year old...having a career plan is highly overrated...having the desire to learn knew things that you never knew existed is where its at, that was one of the big attractions for me at Circuit City, I never knew so many options existed in the retail word, there was always something new to learn


This is the one question, at the age of 44, that stumps me, even today, as I am looking for a job...I can name about 3 or 4 jobs I never want again! :thumbsup:
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I have a good amount of hours in my pilots logbook[all Alaska time] and have thought of flying for one of the missionary outfits in South America/Africa .

No real point here, but I would love to combine my love of flying with delivering food/medicine to people who desperately need it.

I guess what I am getting at, is do you give up financial security in a job you hate,and roll the dice in a job you love but are unsure of?



Wow, that's a great aspiration, Jim. I'm impressed and a little bit surprised.


What constitutes my "dream job" has changed quite a few times during my life. One that has remained in the mix is owning my own small bar/restaurant. I thought I'd be doing that about this time in my life. but family obligations make that impossible at the moment.


Watching this kind of thing gives me another idea for what I'd like to do, too:





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Wow, that's a great aspiration, Jim. I'm impressed and a little bit surprised.


What constitutes my "dream job" has changed quite a few times during my life. One that has remained in the mix is owning my own small bar/restaurant. I thought I'd be doing that about this time in my life. but family obligations make that impossible at the moment.


Watching this kind of thing gives me another idea for what I'd like to do, too:






You have to admire those guys!

D - "We've got cigars, now you wanna have a drink?"

J - "Don't you think it's a little early Dave?"

D - "For drinks?"

J - "For stupid questions!"



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Wow, that's a great aspiration, Jim. I'm impressed and a little bit surprised.


What constitutes my "dream job" has changed quite a few times during my life. One that has remained in the mix is owning my own small bar/restaurant. I thought I'd be doing that about this time in my life. but family obligations make that impossible at the moment.


Watching this kind of thing gives me another idea for what I'd like to do, too:





You want to be a pompous ass? :thumbsup: Oh wait, never mind. :w00t:

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