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Sarah Palin


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I got up to your comment about Reagan... sorry I wasn't forcing anything. I was responding. Tool.

Yeah, way to cower away, candyass. The real answer here is you can't respond to what I said, so you head for the the escape hatch.


One more time:


Every time you irrationally attack Palin, every time you attack her for every single thing big, small, infinitesimal, every time you take out the giant broad brush and paint her, and inadvertently contradict yourself, facts, reason....you are doing the same thing that was done to Reagan. In his case, Democrats "cried wolf" so many times, people started to ignore them. And, they REALLY ignored them when Reagan's "crazy" policies started to work(of all things).


The net result of this is: Reagan could do whatever he wanted, right/wrong/indifferent, could make whatever gaffe, could actually screw up important things....and it was always the same "yeah, yeah, Democrats we have heard it all before", even when there were legit issues = Iran/Contra, etc. You keep this Palin nonsense up, and you are going to put her in the exact same position, and then guess what? It doesn't matter if she is an idiot, because every time we hear you bitching about her, it will be about you bitching(again :wallbash::D)...and not her.


So, you are forcing the comparison...because of your bad behavior. Stop the bad behavior, and no magic involved, the comparison will go away as well.

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Yeah, way to cower away, candyass. The real answer here is you can't respond to what I said, so you head for the the escape hatch.


One more time:


Every time you irrationally attack Palin, every time you attack her for every single thing big, small, infinitesimal, every time you take out the giant broad brush and paint her, and inadvertently contradict yourself, facts, reason....you are doing the same thing that was done to Reagan. In his case, Democrats "cried wolf" so many times, people started to ignore them. And, they REALLY ignored them when Reagan's "crazy" policies started to work(of all things).


The net result of this is: Reagan could do whatever he wanted, right/wrong/indifferent, could make whatever gaffe, could actually screw up important things....and it was always the same "yeah, yeah, Democrats we have heard it all before", even when there were legit issues = Iran/Contra, etc. You keep this Palin nonsense up, and you are going to put her in the exact same position, and then guess what? It doesn't matter if she is an idiot, because every time we hear you bitching about her, it will be about you bitching(again :wallbash::D)...and not her.


So, you are forcing the comparison...because of your bad behavior. Stop the bad behavior, and no magic involved, the comparison will go away as well.


The difference, OC, is that behind that facade, Reagan had a brain. Im as right wing as they come..and I think the attack on Palin are disgusting and petty. I mean, now people are picking on her choice of jewelry and trying to find hidden meaning in it. Its getting a little bit nuts now.



But she is NOT Presidential material. At all.

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Yeah, way to cower away, candyass. The real answer here is you can't respond to what I said, so you head for the the escape hatch.


One more time:


Every time you irrationally attack Palin, every time you attack her for every single thing big, small, infinitesimal, every time you take out the giant broad brush and paint her, and inadvertently contradict yourself, facts, reason....you are doing the same thing that was done to Reagan. In his case, Democrats "cried wolf" so many times, people started to ignore them. And, they REALLY ignored them when Reagan's "crazy" policies started to work(of all things).


The net result of this is: Reagan could do whatever he wanted, right/wrong/indifferent, could make whatever gaffe, could actually screw up important things....and it was always the same "yeah, yeah, Democrats we have heard it all before", even when there were legit issues = Iran/Contra, etc. You keep this Palin nonsense up, and you are going to put her in the exact same position, and then guess what? It doesn't matter if she is an idiot, because every time we hear you bitching about her, it will be about you bitching(again :wallbash::D)...and not her.


So, you are forcing the comparison...because of your bad behavior. Stop the bad behavior, and no magic involved, the comparison will go away as well.



Candyass? Really cower away from you on a message board? Seriously what the F is wrong with you people. Some serious keyboard testosterone going on here. Another dumb way to start out a post. No wonder no one wants to listen to your thoughts/beliefs.


I keep the Palin nonsense up? Yes, I control the media and the small minds of those who follow her. I laugh at Palin because she is F'ing stupid and the people that follow her are worse. Scary thing is that she is getting political gain from those dumb-ass people and eventually the republican party. Even though I am a Democrat, I would still rather see the Republican Party put someone up on their shoulders that is smart and can actually lead our country. Hoping to god that never comes to be. You should be able to laugh and B word about her as well... unless of course you enjoy/condone her spouting out nonsense like the puppet she is?


I have never said Reagan was a bad President. He did a lot of good. And you should know, there is NO comparison between Reagan and Palin. Nor will there ever be. AGAIN, he was a good President, a smart person who also surrounded himself by smart people. Palin is nothing more than a tool.


In regards to "stop the bad behavior?" A) I'm not 5. B) You telling me to stop the bad behavior for calling her out, yet you call out Democrats any time to get a chance. No matter what. How about you take a long hard look in the mirror before you start telling people to stop the bad behavior.

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The difference, OC, is that behind that facade, Reagan had a brain. Im as right wing as they come..and I think the attack on Palin are disgusting and petty. I mean, now people are picking on her choice of jewelry and trying to find hidden meaning in it. Its getting a little bit nuts now.



But she is NOT Presidential material. At all.


And that's the problem. The Right wants to be in Palin's camp because the liberals hate her but miss this point. She would be BY FAR our dumbest and most dangerous president ever. Yes, more dangerous than petty paranoid Nixon.


If she ends up on the Republican or any large third party ticket, Obama will coast to reelection.


Why? The left will turn out in droves to vote for Obama. Independents won't vote for her.

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Yes, I control the media and the small minds of those who follow her. I laugh at Palin because she is F'ing stupid and the people that follow her are worse. Scary thing is that she is getting political gain from those dumb-ass people and eventually the republican party. Even though I am a Democrat, I would still rather see the Republican Party put someone up on their shoulders that is smart and can actually lead our country. Hoping to god that never comes to be. You should be able to laugh and B word about her as well...


And another left leaning guy illustrates PERFECTLY why Palin is a true cult of personality. Its becuase every sneer, every put down, every time some left-wing dude on Olbermann or Maher giggles at the "stupidity" of the everyman, those "idiots" (also known as 95% of the Country), gravitate TO Palin, the ONE person who says "Im on YOUR side".


Right or wrong, no matter who is saying it, people tend to gravitate towards others who actually act like they LIKE them.


So who is the real "stupid people" here? The ones who are gravitating towards someone who empathises and listens with them? Or the ones who wonder why those they put down reject them?


Oh...and by the way....YOU would follow a monkey into a bucket of **** if it had a "AFL/CIO" sticker on its ass, so Id stop accusing OTHERS of being "puppets" if I were you.

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And another left leaning guy illustrated PERFECTLY whay Palin is a true cult of personality. Its becuase every sneer, every put down, every time you put on MSNBC and hear some left-wing dude giggle at the "stupidity" of the everyman, those "idiots" (also known as 95% of the Country), graavitate TO Palin, the ONE person who says "Im on YOUR side".


So who is the real "stupid people" here? The ones who are gravitating towards someone who empathises and listens with them? Or the ones who wonder why those they put down reject them?


Oh...and by the way....YOU would follow a monkey into a bucket of **** if it had a "AFL/CIO" sticker on its ass, so Id stop accusing OTHERS of being "sheep" if I were you.




HAHAHAHA!! Great post. Especially the part about the AFL-CIO. Outstanding. Accusing others of sheep? Normally I don't use that term. Following Fox News... sure I'll say that. And "If I were you?" Are you going to ban me from this board? What would happen if I called someone a sheep? Sheep.


95%, um ok?

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HAHAHAHA!! Great post. Especially the part about the AFL-CIO. Outstanding. Accusing others of sheep? Normally I don't use that term. Following Fox News... sure I'll say that. And "If I were you?" Are you going to ban me from this board? What would happen if I called someone a sheep? Sheep.


95%, um ok?


:D I love how the incoherent nature of this post so well matches the incoherent nature of Rk's post. Wonderful congruence. I'm assuming it was intentional.

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:unsure: I love how the incoherent nature of this post so well matches the incoherent nature of Rk's post. Wonderful congruence. I'm assuming it was intentional.


What the !@#$ was so "incoherent" about saying "people gravitate to Palin becuase they can relate to her and dont like being put down by the elites"??!!??

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What the !@#$ was so "incoherent" about saying "people gravitate to Palin becuase they can relate to her and dont like being put down by the elites"??!!??



I think that was the funny part to me... "being put down by the elites".

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HAHAHAHA!! Great post. Especially the part about the AFL-CIO. Outstanding. Accusing others of sheep? Normally I don't use that term. Following Fox News... sure I'll say that. And "If I were you?" Are you going to ban me from this board? What would happen if I called someone a sheep? Sheep.


Is this in Klingon?

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