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Sarah Palin


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We all make occasional mistakes but your consistent misuse is becoming PPP legend. You and Boomer should write a book. VaBills can be your editor.


I've never noticed the poor grammar and spelling in his posts. Probably because I'm too busy laughing about the content.

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We all make occasional mistakes but your consistent misuse is becoming PPP legend. You and Boomer should write a book. VaBills can be your editor.



Sounds good to me. Was that understandable enough for you?



I've never noticed the poor grammar and spelling in his posts. Probably because I'm too busy laughing about the content.



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A timely article about Palin, her relationship with the MSM, how popular she really is, and comparing her to Reagan.



I suspect if Washington was doing anything to fix the current economic problems we're facing we wouldn't have time to talk about Palin, would we?


But, with the health care bill dead in the water, and the jobs bill right behind it now that Harry Reid has decided to take it in another direction, Palin makes a good story. Of course, after all the kickbacks in the Senate's health care bill, it became clear that the current administration is for sale, so as he was getting ready to roll out the bill, a bunch of his supporters started holding out their vote for more money, according to this.


So another initiative falls on its ass, which is actually good news if you paid any attention to the bill, but I have a better idea. Instead of discussing how we're going to address the problems of the day, let's talk about Sarah Palin instead. Much more meat on that bone.

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I suspect if Washington was doing anything to fix the current economic problems we're facing we wouldn't have time to talk about Palin, would we?


But, with the health care bill dead in the water, and the jobs bill right behind it now that Harry Reid has decided to take it in another direction, Palin makes a good story. Of course, after all the kickbacks in the Senate's health care bill, it became clear that the current administration is for sale, so as he was getting ready to roll out the bill, a bunch of his supporters started holding out their vote for more money, according to this.


So another initiative falls on it's ass, which is actually good news if you paid any attention to the bill, but I have a better idea. Instead of discussing how we're going to address the problems of the day, let's talk about Sarah Palin instead. Much more meat on that bone.



I'm sure she would still be in the media... just like every other politician she loves the attention.

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The difference, OC, is that behind that facade, Reagan had a brain. Im as right wing as they come..and I think the attack on Palin are disgusting and petty. I mean, now people are picking on her choice of jewelry and trying to find hidden meaning in it. Its getting a little bit nuts now.



But she is NOT Presidential material. At all.

Perhaps....but, if this silliness continues? It won't matter. Look, a large part of the culture lives in a "everybody is a victim" delusional state. And, the more that Palin is "victimized" by irrational criticism(as you say, choice of jewelry, etc.) the more support she gains.


Whether she is material or not, the idiots keep feeding her support with their irrational criticism. I'm not talking about whether she would be a good President or not. I am talking about: Democrats have been extremely consistent in choosing poor tactics that tend to bring about the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they intend. As in, How's that Gay Marriage thing working out fellas? :w00t: 45 states now with Anti-Gay marriage laws?....great work Democrats...the sum of your efforts have taken us from a legal question that most people had an open mind about....to "kick in the nuts, no f'ing way" gay marriage bans. :worthy: I am sure all the gay people that wanted to get married appreciate your efforts...idiots. :P


Ultimately, I am describing a simple process based on cause(idiocy) and effect(creating support for a presumed idiot in Palin).


Oh, and while the presumed idiot is amusing....she is nowhere near as fun to laugh at as the idiots causing major problems for themselves with their own bad behavior, and are apparently too stupid to see its effect....while at the same time, telling us that they are smarter than we are? Now that is just funny, I don't care who you are :worthy:


I cannot think of a better case for applying the words "f'ing retarded". :lol:

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Candyass? Really cower away from you on a message board? Seriously what the F is wrong with you people. Some serious keyboard testosterone going on here. Another dumb way to start out a post. No wonder no one wants to listen to your thoughts/beliefs.

Right...that's why there aren't multiple replies to my posts in this thread. That's why there aren't 3 pages of replies to my tax thread. Got anymore nonsense you are trying to sell?


Of course you do..

I keep the Palin nonsense up? Yes, I control the media and the small minds of those who follow her. I laugh at Palin because she is F'ing stupid and the people that follow her are worse. Scary thing is that she is getting political gain from those dumb-ass people and eventually the republican party.

You really don't understand the dynamic here do you? She's not gaining support from dumb-ass people that support her. Last time I explain this: Every time she gets irrationally/unfairly attacked she gains additional supporters/or derives even more support from people that like her. The cause is idiots like you talking about what she wrote on her hand, the effect is she gains more support. Get it? Finally?


Dumbed down version: Stop attacking Palin over every little stupid thing, or, you will get the exact opposite of what you want: giving Palin more power. Keep attacking Palin over every little stupid thing? Do it enough times? And you may achieve the ultimate idiot goal: President Palin. How much laughing are you going to be doing then?


It is really that hard to understand? This board is a form of media and many many people consume it. So, yeah, by definition, you are part of the, albeit NEW, media.


More nonsense...

Even though I am a Democrat, I would still rather see the Republican Party put someone up on their shoulders that is smart and can actually lead our country.

Then stop attacking Palin for every stupid thing...or you will get the exact opposite of what you would rather see.

Hoping to god that never comes to be. You should be able to laugh and B word about her as well... unless of course you enjoy/condone her spouting out nonsense like the puppet she is?

Let's see....


Because I am neither irrational, or, obsessed with Palin, guess what? I don't give a flying f what she says. That's right, I couldn't care less. But, who started this thread? Who can't stop talking about Palin? Who keeps attacking her for every stupid thing?


Not me. You want to talk about mirrors? IF Palin gets elected, you might as well wear a mirror helmet, this way you will be able to see who caused that to happen 24/7.

I have never said Reagan was a bad President. He did a lot of good. And you should know, there is NO comparison between Reagan and Palin. Nor will there ever be. AGAIN, he was a good President, a smart person who also surrounded himself by smart people. Palin is nothing more than a tool.

Reading comprehension is apparently not your strongest suit huh? Where did I say anything about who is a good, or bad, President? That is IRRELEVANT to my point. If you want to have a discussion about that, perhaps you should start a "President Reagan, Good/Bad thread"...or, maybe you should start another Palin thread. :w00t::worthy:


Whether Palin is a tool, or not, has no bearing whatsoever on this. If it did, then your 24/7 attacks, "start 8k threads about how stupid she is" plan would be working. She is gaining support, not losing it, so clearly, your plan is stupid. Keep running it though...I think its hysterical, and highly entertaining...


More nonsense....

In regards to "stop the bad behavior?" A) I'm not 5.

Well, you could have fooled me. I have a 5 year old cousin who I am certain can understand the point I am making. You haven't, and I have explained it 5 times...all you have done is babble, bring up the irrelevant, put words in my mouth, and whine...5 years old? Suddenly that doesn't seem like such a stretch. I am just kidding, but, come on, is this really that hard to get?

B) You telling me to stop the bad behavior for calling her out, yet you call out Democrats any time to get a chance. No matter what. How about you take a long hard look in the mirror before you start telling people to stop the bad behavior.

Calling her out? You guys attack her over jewelry, and you think that = calling her out? Again, I am CERTAINLY not telling you to stop. Why spoil my fun? I am merely explaining the consequences of not stopping this foolishness. Right now, it appears that every time this bad behavior occurs, Palin gains more support...just like Reagan did. It's your choice, and I am not telling you what to do, but you might want to re-think the bad behavior.

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Right...that's why there aren't multiple replies to my posts in this thread. That's why there aren't 3 pages of replies to my tax thread. Got anymore nonsense you are trying to sell?


Of course you do..


You really don't understand the dynamic here do you? She's not gaining support from dumb-ass people that support her. Last time I explain this: Every time she gets irrationally/unfairly attacked she gains additional supporters/or derives even more support from people that like her. The cause is idiots like you talking about what she wrote on her hand, the effect is she gains more support. Get it? Finally?


Dumbed down version: Stop attacking Palin over every little stupid thing, or, you will get the exact opposite of what you want: giving Palin more power. Keep attacking Palin over every little stupid thing? Do it enough times? And you may achieve the ultimate idiot goal: President Palin. How much laughing are you going to be doing then?


It is really that hard to understand? This board is a form of media and many many people consume it. So, yeah, by definition, you are part of the, albeit NEW, media.


More nonsense...


Then stop attacking Palin for every stupid thing...or you will get the exact opposite of what you would rather see.


Let's see....


Because I am neither irrational, or, obsessed with Palin, guess what? I don't give a flying f what she says. That's right, I couldn't care less. But, who started this thread? Who can't stop talking about Palin? Who keeps attacking her for every stupid thing?


Not me. You want to talk about mirrors? IF Palin gets elected, you might as well wear a mirror helmet, this way you will be able to see who caused that to happen 24/7.


Reading comprehension is apparently not your strongest suit huh? Where did I say anything about who is a good, or bad, President? That is IRRELEVANT to my point. If you want to have a discussion about that, perhaps you should start a "President Reagan, Good/Bad thread"...or, maybe you should start another Palin thread. :w00t::worthy:


Whether Palin is a tool, or not, has no bearing whatsoever on this. If it did, then your 24/7 attacks, "start 8k threads about how stupid she is" plan would be working. She is gaining support, not losing it, so clearly, your plan is stupid. Keep running it though...I think its hysterical, and highly entertaining...


More nonsense....


Well, you could have fooled me. I have a 5 year old cousin who I am certain can understand the point I am making. You haven't, and I have explained it 5 times...all you have done is babble, bring up the irrelevant, put words in my mouth, and whine...5 years old? Suddenly that doesn't seem like such a stretch. I am just kidding, but, come on, is this really that hard to get?


Calling her out? You guys attack her over jewelry, and you think that = calling her out? Again, I am CERTAINLY not telling you to stop. Why spoil my fun? I am merely explaining the consequences of not stopping this foolishness. Right now, it appears that every time this bad behavior occurs, Palin gains more support...just like Reagan did. It's your choice, and I am not telling you what to do, but you might want to re-think the bad behavior.



I think I am going to attack her more now. As stated one would like to see a better candidate come out of the Republican party. However, if she is placed on that pedestal I am happy with that as well. Would mean an easy election.

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I think I am going to attack her more now. As stated one would like to see a better candidate come out of the Republican party. However, if she is placed on that pedestal I am happy with that as well. Would mean an easy election.

Please do. I am going to enjoy laughing at you and your attempts at proving that Democrats are smarter than everybody else, by attacking Palin.


An immunized Palin is your worst nightmare...no Democrat could possibly win against that, because, every time they disagreed, it could easily be spun into "they are attacking Paling again". Essentially its a no win situation. Every legitimate argument would be impossible to separate from the nonsense ones, and frankly people simply get sick of hearing the same thing all the time. Even if it's not the same thing, if it sounds like it, it will get flushed down the same toilet.


I am not convinced that Palin is the right person, now or later, to be an American President. I am convinced however, that continuing to attack her, no matter what she says/does, is just as "f'ing retarded" as continuing to push the public option.

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Please do. I am going to enjoy laughing at you and your attempts at proving that Democrats are smarter than everybody else, by attacking Palin.


An immunized Palin is your worst nightmare...no Democrat could possibly win against that, because, every time they disagreed, it could easily be spun into "they are attacking Paling again". Essentially its a no win situation. Every legitimate argument would be impossible to separate from the nonsense ones, and frankly people simply get sick of hearing the same thing all the time. Even if it's not the same thing, if it sounds like it, it will get flushed down the same toilet.


I am not convinced that Palin is the right person, now or later, to be an American President. I am convinced however, that continuing to attack her, no matter what she says/does, is just as "f'ing retarded" as continuing to push the public option.



No Democrat could win against Palin? I hope you are not serious. Best way to beat her in an election would be to have open debates with her. She clearly does not know what she is talking about.. if she goes off her talking points even a little bit she be crushed.

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No Democrat could win against Palin? I hope you are not serious. Best way to beat her in an election would be to have open debates with her. She clearly does not know what she is talking about.. if she goes off her talking points even a little bit she be crushed.

Clearly you don't understand:


1. Politics

2. The old media

3. The new media

4. My point

5. The Oprah-fied, "everybody is a victim" culture that many are trying to force on us.


and therefore, I am done with you on this topic. The second you get a clue about 1-5, will be the same second you understand what I am saying.


Although, I am glad that you don't understand #5. If only more people didn't understand/rejected it as well.

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