Canadian Bills Fan Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 next year vick to stallworth, all day Wow I'm suprised....only took 13 minutes to see a post that hinted at Stallworth being a Bill next year ps that was my 700th post...wooo!!!!!!!! I LOVE TSW!!!!
metzelaars_lives Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 Could happen to anyone? Give me a break. He was drunk and killed a guy. That won't ever happen to me. I know how to call for a cab. I can't believe I'm getting involved in this thread, but... Wasn't Stallworth barely over the legal limit? It's not like he blew a .25. So you've never gone to your buddy's house to watch the ballgame and had a handful of beers and then drove home a few hours later? Maybe you may have blown a .09? I know I do it all the time. Now picture that situation, but then picture some dude illegally jumps in front of your car. It's not the worst thing anyone's ever done. It's certainly not worse than hitting someone downtown and leaving them for dead! What if that lady had died!?! And he got home and didn't have to answer to authorities until the next day when his BAC was back to normal. Is there anyone on here that doesn't think that Marshawn was wasted that night? People in glass houses...
DrDawkinstein Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 Could happen to anyone? Give me a break. He was drunk and killed a guy. That won't ever happen to me. I know how to call for a cab. the dude jumped a concrete barrier, directly onto a highway. he was crossing a highway at 4am, in the dark, far away from any type of crosswalk or traffic light. the fact that he got hit has nothing to do with Stallworth being drunk. if you jump into traffic in front of a car, it's not the driver's fault. he actually broke more laws than Stallworth did.
High Mark Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 I can't believe I'm getting involved in this thread, but... Wasn't Stallworth barely over the legal limit? It's not like he blew a .25. So you've never gone to your buddy's house to watch the ballgame and had a handful of beers and then drove home a few hours later? Maybe you may have blown a .09? I know I do it all the time. Now picture that situation, but then picture some dude illegally jumps in front of your car. It's not the worst thing anyone's ever done. It's certainly not worse than hitting someone downtown and leaving them for dead! What if that lady had died!?! And he got home and didn't have to answer to authorities until the next day when his BAC was back to normal. Is there anyone on here that doesn't think that Marshawn was wasted that night? People in glass houses... the dude jumped a concrete barrier, directly onto a highway. he was crossing a highway at 4am, in the dark, far away from any type of crosswalk or traffic light. the fact that he got hit has nothing to do with Stallworth being drunk. if you jump into traffic in front of a car, it's not the driver's fault. he actually broke more laws than Stallworth did. IIRC - from the interview I watched of Stallworth - It was around 7am when the man was hit, the man was just getting out of work working the night shift, and Stallworth was headed to early morning workouts AFTER sleeping it off. Also I dont think he was over the legal limmit for alcohol, but rather weed. If you know anything about the legal limit for weed, its incredibly low. If you are a regular user, then you could test positive up to two weeks after the last time you smoked. Yes two weeks. The more you hear about Stallworths incident the less and less he seems like a criminal. I would welcome him on the Bills.
Mr. WEO Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 Could happen to anyone? Give me a break. He was drunk and killed a guy. That won't ever happen to me. I know how to call for a cab. Really---do you think anyone who has killed while DWI hasn't uttered those words at some point?
Peevo Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 Every driver has had to have some experience with a pedestrian simply not looking, or aware of the situation and you have to stop or adjust in order to avoid them. This happens to me on Elmwood seriously all the time. Look, I realize the village is a youth centered area with a decent amount of foot traffic, but the cars have the right of way too. Just freaking LOOK both ways sometimes. It really pisses me off. Even if something happens, and they walked in front of you, the law doesn't care, its still your fault. Same thing with bike riders. EVERY DAY there's some jerk swerving all over the road on his "fixie," "helping the environment" while I have to nervously follow behind him going 15 miles an hour, because there's simply not enough room to pass. And now you see blogs and news articles about "biker's rights." Last time I checked, a bicycle is a vehicle subject to traffic laws in NYS. The only scenarios I'm aware of where the pedestrian can be found legally liable or at fault is in major metropolitan areas, NYC, Boston, D.C., etc. But even in these cases the burden of proof remains with the driver. There are plenty of examples of this, but you still can't get behind the wheel when you've had too many. You simply cannot make that decision. It's not worth it. Say what you want about Vick, but he served the full term of his federal prison sentence. 2 and a half years. Stallworth kills a man, wasted in his car, and gets out under 30 days in jail? That's not justice.
Assquatch Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 they'd probably start an illegal immigrant fighting ring...
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