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Anyone else see this picture

Mile High

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Sweet picture of Willis standing next to Big Mike in the tunnel.  Check out the look in Mike's eyes.  Click on Best shots from around the NFL.  There's also a decent one of Willis dodging an Archuleta tackle.  :D



The Bluecoats are standing right in front of Williams. I believe that look in his eye was when Jack in Syracuse called him a big puss.

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and it clearly shows a rams defender clearly preparing to cut willis at the knees.  someone needs to speack with coach martz about this.



GREAT Catch DeeRay!


He can see it on the film. He can see it on the film.

MM needs to hold a press conference NOW! :D

The League needs to be informed of this!

We're not going to stand for this any longer and the rest of the League must be put on notice - at once!


The great and powerful MarPutz has spoken!

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I see that Drew was already calling it a day and heading back to the locker room.  :D



Could there be a whole read on this picture like the back of the Sgt. Pepper's album? The one where b/c Paul was the only one turned around, people said he had died.


Really! Look at it! Hear chants of 'DREW IS DEAD!' :flirt:


In addition, Jonas is half turned to us, which can similarly be read into that he's about to leave us....


The future of the team is still looking forward, tho.

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You don't see the creativity and wittiness in the "Drew sucks" mantra repeated 25-30 times a day? 



We know, we know. the bledsoe blasts get posted a bizillion times a day... there must be a reason. The reason is the Bills bigest story of the season is Bledsoe's play... or lack thereof. You think only this BB is running with this story? Think again... no matter what corner of the country I talk to people... Arizona, Oregon, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvanoa, Illinois... knowing I'm a Bills fan, the first topic is always WTF is up with Bledsoe....and I comeback, what do you mean? They say they think he's finished. I say geez, I haven't heard that.


So... get used to it... this is no different than the Todd Collins and Rob Johnson Debacles. It will die when Bledsoe gets the final heave-ho. The only reason some folks don't like the anti Bledose rhetoric is because he's a name QB which the media created and they're not smart enough to realize it. As a result, these folks think he should be nominated first for the hall of fame and then later on for sainthood. I look at his production and think... gee, nothing like watering down what it means to be in the HOF or being a saint.

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You don't see the creativity and wittiness in the "Drew sucks" mantra repeated 25-30 times a day? :D



You made a typo. It should've read:


"You don't see the creativity and wittiness in the "Drew sucks" mantra repeated 25-30 times a thread? :flirt:"

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