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Pelosi: Whatever their name was back then.

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All I'm saying is, African-Americans have changed what they want to be called so many times that I'm not even sure if African-American is the PC term anymore.


True, that.


Currently, the favored term is back to "black." I think that transition happened not too long after the media called a French youth rioter an "African-American." I guess the absurdity of that phrase reached a tipping point there, after years of building up with the fact that not all blacks are American, not all blacks have (at least, recent) origins from Africa, some white people could be called African-American i.e. Charlize Theron, etc. And so, the bending over backwards resulted in a full somersault.


I don't see anything really wrong in Pelosi's choice of words, other than the "whatever the name was in those days" that seems a bit callous to say out loud. But even that is understandable.

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I've pretty much solved that problem by calling everyone Mr/Mrs [insert last name here], or [insert first name here]. I have never found a need to use an artificial word to describe a group of people....

Wow...you sound soooo enlightened! :thumbsup:



Currently, the favored term is back to "black."

Is it? I guess I'm all set since I never stopped using that term.



I believe according to NAACP, they prefer to known as "colored people."

They wanted to change that, but it costs too much to reprint all the letterhead and business cards.



Negros? What with their "negro dialect" and all.

Are you flourishing rhetorically?

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Nancy Pelosi is as gifted and eloquent a public speaker as a drunken slut on the Jersey shore on a Saturday night in summer.


This is just another case of a vacuous dimwit tying their own tongue while simultaneously attempting to do mental gymnastics to navigate the land mine of race-baiting-class-warfare-breeding-victimhood-anointing-PC-upholding drivel that they've built their political career on.


Fark Nancy. You couldn't have simply said, "people of all races and backgrounds" could you? No. Intentionally call out the obvious while stepping on your dildo in public. Thank you. You've made your own shallowness and racism obvious to all. Please keep up the public speaking. Oh, and you're no "credit to your race" either.

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