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  C.Biscuit97 said:
Over/ under weight of people calling Maybin out in this thread: 249.5. Keep hating on 21 year old, you old fat @sses. :unsure:

Ah ha! Now I know what the phrase "youth is wasted on the young" was referring to...

  C.Biscuit97 said:
Over/ under weight of people calling Maybin out in this thread: 249.5. Keep hating on 21 year old, you old fat @sses. :unsure:

There's also the fact that most of these guys don't work out from the time season ends til about halfway into OTAs/Team Workouts. I'd rather have him as a guy that shrinks in the offseason than a guy that'll balloon and then have to cut weight by camp.


anyone else think this guy loaded up on the rhoids to build mass, power and speed once his college season and before the draft then quit taking them once he signed? where is the honor? stay on the juice for at least ten years dude.

  Rust Belt Nights said:
This picture screams Linebacker


Dude is freaking ripped in that picture...what the hell happened to him? Did he just stop working out or something?

  matter2003 said:
Dude is freaking ripped in that picture...what the hell happened to him? Did he just stop working out or something?


He has a great physique and definition


3-4 should help him

  C.Biscuit97 said:
Over/ under weight of people calling Maybin out in this thread: 249.5. Keep hating on 21 year old, you old fat @sses. :unsure:


We may be overweight and old but our eyes work just fine thank you very much.


Im 5'9 165 And I can honestly say I look bigger than Maybin w my shirt off. Keep in mind Lavar Arrington is his spiritual advisor or whatever the F&%$. He probly let him know how crucial it was to add that 25 pounds of muscle before the draft to get his payday. Now He apparently doesn't workout. He looks about 210 in that picture. I would not be opposed to him taking more steriods. However I think Lavar Burton would serve as a better advisor than Arrington.

  Brian Billick said:
Im 5'9 165 And I can honestly say I look bigger than Maybin w my shirt off.


It's not Maybin.


  Brian Billick said:
Keep in mind Lavar Arrington is his spiritual advisor or whatever the F&%$. He probly let him know how crucial it was to add that 25 pounds of muscle before the draft to get his payday. Now He apparently doesn't workout.


Abandoned by this spiritual advisor?


  Brian Billick said:
He looks about 210 in that picture. I would not be opposed to him taking more steriods. However I think Lavar Burton would serve as a better advisor than Arrington.


But don't take my word for it. :(

  peteski said:
At the rate he is growing he will be the right size for a DE a year after he retires.




He might start using Pozluzny amounts of 'roids and be ready next year.

That's the Maybe 225ish on the left and 250ish on the right. That was a before/after of Maybins weight gain last year.


Thank you for confirming.

  dtgolder said:
Hmmm...doesn't seem like the same guy in the 2 pics:






First photo says potential...second photo says he ran out of 'roids. :(

Maybin took part in a program specifically designed to get him to grade out well at the combine.






We're looking at a 220-pound guy who put on 30 pounds of muscle and trained specifically to look good at the combine...and after the Bills got suckered into drafting him he 'deflated'.

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