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Chan Gailey Head Coach

Bruce DeHaven Special Teams Coordinator

George Edwards Defensive Coordiantor

Curtis Modkins Offensive Coordinator/Running Backs Coach

Bob Bicknell Tight Ends Coach

George Catavolos Secondary Coach

George Cortez Quarterbacks Coach

Joe D'Alessandris Offensive Line Coach

Stan Hixon Wide Receivers Coach

Kevin Patullo Offensive Quality Control

Bob Sanders Defensive Assistant

Giff Smith Defensive Assistant

Adrian White Defensive Quality Control

Debbie Driscoll Executive Assistant (Head Coach)


And, who exactly is this Executive Assistant Head Coach???


Anybody have any idea? Maybe I will make a "wiki" for her, but I know absolutely nothing about her. Never heard of her.


Anybody? ;)

It means the head coach's secretary.




She handles the phone calls, business affairs, schedules, etc for the head coach.


Executive assistant describes her title, and (Head coach) describes to whom she works for.


You guys let the OP off too easily. In times past we could have made Debbie Driscoll out to be some as yet to be discovered offensive playcalling genius and driven the OP insane. I miss the old TSW characters sometimes. Better to be kind I guess.



You guys let the OP off too easily. In times past we could have made Debbie Driscoll out to be some as yet to be discovered offensive playcalling genius and driven the OP insane. I miss the old TSW characters sometimes. Better to be kind I guess.



Welcome to the kinder, gentler TBD.

You guys let the OP off too easily. In times past we could have made Debbie Driscoll out to be some as yet to be discovered offensive playcalling genius and driven the OP insane. I miss the old TSW characters sometimes. Better to be kind I guess.




I think some targets are just too pathetic to bother with.



Executive Assistant Head Coach. Good grief. :lol:

She's a holdover from Ronnie Jones' Special Teams staff


GAWD! Just more proof that Wilson lied when he said he was going to clear the office out of underperformers! Her ability to get coffee first thing in the morning really screwed up the offensive game planning!

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