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I'm P!ssed Where's the SNOW

Hammered a Lot

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Ice balls falling here, now, in northernmost Hamilton County, OH.


Not sleet - 2 - 3 mm , quite round little balls with dimples like we all know what. Unusual, but I've seen it before. The temp has been bouncing about all day. The OH river as well as the hilly terrain seems to cause such anomalies.


My wife just left work, and I have put down sand on the drive, steps and walk. I used to put down coal cinders, but that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..

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Up to 30, now. It's Snowpocalypse DC 2010!!!!!
Last Tuesday,I had a car which was turning down the side street next to my house get rearended/pushed into my yard by a F 350 truck with a snowplow. Car wipes out the flagpole that my grandfather and dad put up, takes down a couple of small trees that my wife raised from seed, goes down my sidewalk (how she did not hit our house?) and comes to a stop in our yard just before the side street she was triing to go down. The car traveled in a c shape route . If I would have been outside with Buddy the Wonder Dog as planned for that time ( time to pick up Buddy droppings) Our paths might have crossed or at the very least I would have sharted. So with the lack of snow in Hammer Land, the 70+year lady driver of damaged car did not run it a snow bank (hard stop) which would have been formed by our towns highway trucks plowing out streets, and was able to walk away from this Al Gore Globaly Warm Winter Scene.
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I'm in MAryland right now (suburban DC) and i have 25 inches of fresh snow on my deck. 6-10 more inches to come today. Just had to clean a tunnel for the dogs. It's sick....as major as any Buffalo storm i have seen in the past 20 yrs.

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I'm in MAryland right now (suburban DC) and i have 25 inches of fresh snow on my deck. 6-10 more inches to come today. Just had to clean a tunnel for the dogs. It's sick....as major as any Buffalo storm i have seen in the past 20 yrs.


Wild. I just heard someone say it's the anniversary of the Blizzard of '78.



Forecast for the storm up here in CT: not a flake.

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Just got done plowing my drive. Quarter mile long with drifts of 3 feet. We got about 16 inches. The weather forecasters were dead wrong . They said we would get around 3-6. I wonder how hard it is to be a weather person.Well 3 hours later after getting stuck twice I`m done.It was a good stress test for my fat old azz.Oh yeah my back door had 5ft of snow up against it.Back to the couch.I`don`t know what your pissed about. You must have one of those little city driveways to shovel. :(

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Well- we got about 30 inches now here in Maryland and i gave up on the driveway. at least 6 more inches expected today. i'll hire a neighborhood kid to dig it out. Waaaaay too much snow. about 200K people have lost power and i'm worried that we will be next. it could be days to get it back. can you imagine all the people that will miss the SB broadcast?

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