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Further proof the republican base is...well

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Sorry to interrupt the konservative bukkake session here. Anyway did you just attempt Latin with that question?

Color me stunned that you're able to converse adeptly in porn lingo but don't have a clue that SME stands for Subject Matter Expert - an acronym than anyone who's ever had even a semi-skilled job would recognize immediately. Good job showing your ignorance, as usual.


But go on, show us some more of your superiority. <_<

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A poll from Daily Kos? You mean the same poll who had Coakley winning the Massachusetts elections? <_<


I'm sure if there was a poll administered to the loons that read Daily Koo koos and one of the questions that were to be posed was 'Do you believe that Cheney is the antichrist?' or 'Does George Bush care more about his buddies at Exxon Mobil than the United States?' or 'Is Sarah Palin an inbred from Alaska?' you would get similar results as that of the Daily koo koos.

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I'm mildly impressed, actually. I think BH is actually a very, very good troll. It doesn't take a lot of skill to create a thread knowing that you'll incite an immediate response from ten people mocking you. It does however, take skill to do it time after time, with them still taking you seriously. BH is the boy who cried wolf's idol.

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I'm mildly impressed, actually. I think BH is actually a very, very good troll. It doesn't take a lot of skill to create a thread knowing that you'll incite an immediate response from ten people mocking you. It does however, take skill to do it time after time, with them still taking you seriously. BH is the boy who cried wolf's idol.

Tard smacking is my hobby. Some guys play golf.

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Color me stunned that you're able to converse adeptly in porn lingo but don't have a clue that SME stands for Subject Matter Expert - an acronym than anyone who's ever had even a semi-skilled job would recognize immediately. Good job showing your ignorance, as usual.


But go on, show us some more of your superiority. :thumbsup:

"you're be"?

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Oh yeah...thats a real poll.


Libs are trumpeting this dreck left and right today. The same libs who think Rassmussen Reports is a "fraud."




I did a little digging on the polling company. As best I can tell, they exist solely to give Daily Kos something to talk about.

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I did a little digging on the polling company. As best I can tell, they exist solely to give Daily Kos something to talk about.

Their poll leading up to the Coakely/Brown race really set the bar for that polling company. The weekend before the election, every poll....and I mean EVERY ONE...had Brown up by 3, 4, 5 points, and the Daily Kos polling company had Coakley ahead by nine. This, of course, became the poll referenced by MSNBC.

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