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yes, it is a FRAUD


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As I posted here repeatedly, the FRAUD of Global non-Warming is




and there never was any "warming" documented on Earth other than on the surface of growing urban areas.



We saw during Copenhagen that the IPCC had take Russian temps and simply deleted all the non-urban areas, since they showed NO WARMING. Now, the IPCC is busted for CHINA too...






"A Guardian investigation of thousands of emails and documents apparently hacked from the University of East Anglia's climatic research unit has found evidence that a series of measurements from Chinese weather stations were seriously flawed and that documents relating to them could not be produced."


"Jones and a collaborator have been accused by a climate change sceptic and researcher of scientific fraud for attempting to suppress data that could cast doubt on a key 1990 study on the effect of cities on warming – a hotly contested issue."




"The temperature data from the Chinese weather stations measured the warming there over the past half century and appeared in a 1990 paper in the prestigious journal Nature, which was cited by the IPCC's latest report in 2007.


Climate change sceptics asked the UEA, via FOI requests, for location data for the 84 weather stations in eastern China, half of which were urban and half rural.


The history of where the weather stations were sited was crucial to Jones and Wang's 1990 study, as it concluded the rising temperatures recorded in China were the result of global climate changes rather the warming effects of expanding cities.


The IPCC's 2007 report used the study to justify the claim that "any urban-related trend" in global temperatures was small. Jones was one of two "coordinating lead authors" for the relevant chapter."








"Days after receiving the request for information from the British climate change sceptic David Holland, Jones asked Prof Mike Mann of Pennsylvania State University in the United States: "Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith [briffa] re AR4? Keith will do likewise.


"Can you also email Gene [Eugene Wahl, a paleoclimatologist in Boulder, Colorado] and get him to do the same ... We will be getting Caspar [Ammann, also from Boulder] to do the same.""








As with Russia, the Chinese data was sorted just like the Russian data, with urban areas showing "warming" included in the "peer reviewed study" and rural areas showing NO WARMING simply left out as if they did not exist. The "peer reviewed study" is yet another "deliberate misinterpretation of the urban heat sink effect on the SURFACE GROUND temp series (the only series showing any warming at all in the raw data)." When the data is requested by those who see through the IPCC's FRAUD, the fraudulent fearmongers scurry to delete the data.




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Here's the best example of FRAUD!


The real Party of "No" is the DEMOCRAT party!


Gitmo closed yet? --- NO.


Out of Iraq yet? --- NO.


Afghan surge working yet? --- NO.


Bin Laden eliminated yet? --- NO.


Unemployment below 8% yet? --- NO.


Healthcare reform yet? --- NO.


Bailouts working yet? --- NO.


Transparency yet? --- NO.


Terrorists tried yet? --- NO.


Iran sanctions yet? --- NO.


Is there any sign of the Democrats turning things around? --- NO.

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Here's the best example of FRAUD!


The real Party of "No" is the DEMOCRAT party!


Gitmo closed yet? --- NO.


Out of Iraq yet? --- NO.


Afghan surge working yet? --- NO.


Bin Laden eliminated yet? --- NO.


Unemployment below 8% yet? --- NO.


Healthcare reform yet? --- NO.


Bailouts working yet? --- NO.


Transparency yet? --- NO.


Terrorists tried yet? --- NO.


Iran sanctions yet? --- NO.


Is there any sign of the Democrats turning things around? --- NO.


Hey man! You totally ignored all of those Yes's on purpose-like, didn't ya?

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Here's the best example of FRAUD!


The real Party of "No" is the DEMOCRAT party!


Gitmo closed yet? --- NO.


Out of Iraq yet? --- NO.


Afghan surge working yet? --- NO.


Bin Laden eliminated yet? --- NO.


Unemployment below 8% yet? --- NO.


Healthcare reform yet? --- NO.


Bailouts working yet? --- NO.


Transparency yet? --- NO.


Terrorists tried yet? --- NO.


Iran sanctions yet? --- NO.


Is there any sign of the Democrats turning things around? --- NO.



HAHAHAHA yeah all of that is the Dems fault you tool.

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HAHAHAHA yeah all of that is the Dems fault you tool.

Ummmm...the Dems have OWNED the government for 12 months. And couldn't get anything done. Blaming this incompetence on the GOP is equal to the stupidity of explaining that the anger that elected Obama to the WH is the same anger that put a Republican in a Massachusetts senate seat.


Yes, that's right. It's Bush's fault that Massachusetts put a Republican in Kennedy's seat, and it's the GOP's fault for not helping the opposition party while they owned the government.

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