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Rex Ryan middle finger incident


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Yeah, pretty much. And I guarantee that most Jets fans love the guy for doing it, no matter how much $$$ it costs him.

(BTW, per the NYPost, the digit was allegedly accompanied by a "go **** yourselves" in response to the Dolphans telling him the Jets sucked.)

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He was flipping off Dolphin fans, right? I don't see any problem.


Seriously! What is one SUPPOSED to do around Dolphin fans? It's not even like the poor guy had a choice -- it was probably just natural reflex -- a visceral reaction of sorts.

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Yeah, pretty much. And I guarantee that most Jets fans love the guy for doing it, no matter how much $$$ it costs him.

(BTW, per the NYPost, the digit was allegedly accompanied by a "go **** yourselves" in response to the Dolphans telling him the Jets sucked.)


if the Jets fans are truly fans, theyll pull a Buffalo and send the team their own hard-earned money to pay their coach's fine with!! :blink:


Sabres fans willing to pay Ruff's fine...

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Three things


1) its not a big deal.

2) It's not a serious offense that needs to be apologized for.

3) The NFL has all the right in the world to fine Rex. Their league, their money, their rules.



The biggest thing here is that its not a big deal, at all. Fine him and get it over with. Next...

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The Jet head coach has become an official embarrassment to the Jets, their fans and the NFL. How do you enforce discipline when you're a loose cannon yourself? By far the most "entertaining" head coach in the league, but probably not going to last very long though if this is how he fills his spare time.




The guy is a joke. He's Buddy times two, which to me is not funny or entertaining. Yes he flipped off the Fins fans who are bad, but if he flipped off some Bills fans this whole would be outraged. He's nothing but Buddy's big fata...ed tub of lard and I don't think he lasts more than another year or so as a HC in the league.


Also, his brother will have no chance at a HC job after Buddy and the freakin whale in Jets green!!! He'll end up as a fromidable DC again and that will be the end of him. His behavior is not condusive to management in this league. He's a Hc not TO or ocho 5, or insert the name of a self agrandizing player.


I hope the commissioner slams his butt hard and shuts his stupid and foul mouth.

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And you're correlating a fan's behavior with a head coach's behavior because......?????


Sorry, but that reply is nonsense. I never said I was offended, I said it is a very embarrassing incident for a man in his position. You don't get too many "my bads" when you're a head coach in the NFL. I league that is seriously cracking down hard on any whiff of bad behavior.

I'm not saying there is a coorelation. WHat I am saying is that the media is creating a story telling us to be outraged. My response to that is go to a Bills home game with that Eutopian view of humanity and be prepared to have your mind blown.


Rex Ryan just took the Jets to the AFC championship. He has enough good will to get Roman Polanski off of the hook in NYC.

If I was Woody I'd be more concerned about his late night buffet benders and not a picture of the bird.

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I'm not saying there is a coorelation. WHat I am saying is that the media is creating a story telling us to be outraged. My response to that is go to a Bills home game with that Eutopian view of humanity and be prepared to have your mind blown.


Rex Ryan just took the Jets to the AFC championship. He has enough good will to get Roman Polanski off of the hook in NYC.

If I was Woody I'd be more concerned about his late night buffet benders and not a picture of the bird.


The story and/or problem for Ryan and now Goodell is that this was caught "on tape". There is a photo of an NFL head coach flipping the finger widely circulating the internet the week of the Superbowl. Is this a big story? No. But Goodell now has to worry about appearing soft on coaches bad behavior and there could also be an issue brought up by the Players Association of favoritism towards race if Ryan is given a slap on the wrist. Goodell has spent the last two years cracking down on bad behavior. Is it fair to equate gun charges to flipping the bird? Of course not, but the Players Association will use everything in their power to gain leverage in their pending new deal. Goodell needed this like a hole in the head and the Jet owner will have only so much patience for this kind of stuff. There's positive media in the media capital of the world, and then there's a giant picture of your head coach filpping the bird on the back pages of the newspapers. Ryan had better calm down because owners do not like to get embarrassed like that and he may have only a couple more of these incidents before he's fired.

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The story and/or problem for Ryan and now Goodell is that this was caught "on tape". There is a photo of an NFL head coach flipping the finger widely circulating the internet the week of the Superbowl. Is this a big story? No. But Goodell now has to worry about appearing soft on coaches bad behavior and there could also be an issue brought up by the Players Association of favoritism towards race if Ryan is given a slap on the wrist. Goodell has spent the last two years cracking down on bad behavior. Is it fair to equate gun charges to flipping the bird? Of course not, but the Players Association will use everything in their power to gain leverage in their pending new deal. Goodell needed this like a hole in the head and the Jet owner will have only so much patience for this kind of stuff. There's positive media in the media capital of the world, and then there's a giant picture of your head coach filpping the bird on the back pages of the newspapers. Ryan had better calm down because owners do not like to get embarrassed like that and he may have only a couple more of these incidents before he's fired.


If Rex wins a Super Bowl, he can whip his penis out and spin it around making helicopter noises on the set of Oprah and Woody Johnson wouldn't give a flying fig. Winning gives you plenty of leeway.

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If Rex wins a Super Bowl, he can whip his penis out and spin it around making helicopter noises on the set of Oprah and Woody Johnson wouldn't give a flying fig. Winning gives you plenty of leeway.


But if he has a losing streak or if his players get into trouble off the field then this will be the first thing brought up. Loose cannon guys like this generally don't last long in huge corporations like the NFL and the age of the internet. What are the chances he eventually does or says something so stupid the Jets are forced to fire him? I say they are about 50-50.

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The story and/or problem for Ryan and now Goodell is that this was caught "on tape". There is a photo of an NFL head coach flipping the finger widely circulating the internet the week of the Superbowl. Is this a big story? No. But Goodell now has to worry about appearing soft on coaches bad behavior and there could also be an issue brought up by the Players Association of favoritism towards race if Ryan is given a slap on the wrist. Goodell has spent the last two years cracking down on bad behavior. Is it fair to equate gun charges to flipping the bird? Of course not, but the Players Association will use everything in their power to gain leverage in their pending new deal. Goodell needed this like a hole in the head and the Jet owner will have only so much patience for this kind of stuff. There's positive media in the media capital of the world, and then there's a giant picture of your head coach filpping the bird on the back pages of the newspapers. Ryan had better calm down because owners do not like to get embarrassed like that and he may have only a couple more of these incidents before he's fired.


Hmm. You should send that memo to Titans owner Bud Adams and his double-bird (with thumb emphasis, also).


Adams was fined, and it was forgotten in about two days.


The Johnsons knew what Ryan was when they hired him. He's a guy who says things like this and does things like this. Complaining about it would be like Ralph complaining a year from now that Buddy Nix has a strong Southern accent. I don't think they have a problem with it. This is the stuff that breeds rivalry, which breeds higher ticket prices.


This is a media-generated controversy. And a pretty lame controversy at that.

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Controversy? What controversy? I just took a spin through the NFL sites -- ESPN, SI, NFL.com, AOL Fanhouse, to name a few -- and had a difficult time even finding the original AP report. Hell, even Vac chose not to columnize it. (Put it in Monday's Whacks on his blog, said it wasn't the brightest thing Ryan's ever done, but it certainly proves that the guy's not a phony. That was it.) So the Post had some fun with the back cover. That's their shtick.


Controversy? AP and the Jets beat guys will report on any fines/discipline because it's part of the job, but everyone else has already moved on. (Disclaimer: I haven't checked the Dolphins' message boards, which are probably plotting their revenge, but I don't really care what they think anyway ...)

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But if he has a losing streak or if his players get into trouble off the field then this will be the first thing brought up. Loose cannon guys like this generally don't last long in huge corporations like the NFL and the age of the internet. What are the chances he eventually does or says something so stupid the Jets are forced to fire him? I say they are about 50-50.

Tom Cable punched one of his staff! What on earth are you talking about???


As someone else pointed out--Bud Adams did the same thing. Everyone laughed, no one cried (except a few weak in the knees types here) and he got a huge fine by the League and they made him read the piece of paper.

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Controversy? What controversy? I just took a spin through the NFL sites -- ESPN, SI, NFL.com, AOL Fanhouse, to name a few -- and had a difficult time even finding the original AP report. Hell, even Vac chose not to columnize it. (Put it in Monday's Whacks on his blog, said it wasn't the brightest thing Ryan's ever done, but it certainly proves that the guy's not a phony. That was it.) So the Post had some fun with the back cover. That's their shtick.


Controversy? AP and the Jets beat guys will report on any fines/discipline because it's part of the job, but everyone else has already moved on. (Disclaimer: I haven't checked the Dolphins' message boards, which are probably plotting their revenge, but I don't really care what they think anyway ...)


The disclaimer is the key to my thinking. Fast-forward to the run-up to the next Jets-Dolphins game. No doubt it will be a featured item, at least in My-ami. Not for nothing that The Herald columnist's name literally translates to "The Bastard." I normally try to be courteous to those in the profession and follow my mother's advice for when there's nothing nice to say, but this guy is a complete *.


Fans tend to take things personally when birds and insults are thrown their way.... Whereas for players & coaches in the league, this drop of water has already rolled off their backs. As I wrote, it's pretty lame at this point. Nowhere near the Bills-Dolphins '90s rivalry at this stage. But it's got potential, especially if the first game b/w the teams next year is @ the Phins' stadium, and their fans take it to the next level.

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