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Happy B'Day to Bullpen, johnnyb, sweet baboo,


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Thank's guys. Celebrating the Jamie Mueller Birthday this year. :blink:


Happy birthday to the other four sharing a pre-groundhog day!


If I could have one wish for my birthday it would be for a quick and complete recovery for Beerball.


(now when he gets better no one tell him I said that.) :blink:

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Happy Birthday to some fine good gentlemen! And Bullpen too! :blink:



How did you get Beerballs' hospital PJ's for an avatar? I've seen a couple of them and I think it's a great idea. How did you transfer it over to yours?


Sorry to Hi-Jack a B'day thread. Y'all have another one on me!



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Happy Birthday to some fine good gentlemen! And Bullpen too! :w00t:

Thanks Gringo.... heeeeeey wait a minute, I think think that was a flagrant personal intentional foul?


Happy Birthday to all ... especially to the now senile Bullpen .... a :worthy: for all.


Senile, what is that some sort of Italian word like, mingia?


Happy birthday guys...BP man had I known it was your birthday I woulda came down to the Springs to buy you a beer. Should be back in Denver again soon man.


We'll have to do that sometime when you're out here again.


Thanks all for the greetings... even Gringo and Buffalo. :blink:

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All these trips around the sun are tiring me out (or maybe it's the wine) so before I fall asleep in front of the TV, thanks Cincy and thanks everyone for the kind birthday wishes - and to TBDers Bullpen, johnnyb, sweet baboo, and nuklz2594...




Cheers all :blink:

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