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Thank's guys. Celebrating the Jamie Mueller Birthday this year. :blink:


Happy birthday to the other four sharing a pre-groundhog day!


If I could have one wish for my birthday it would be for a quick and complete recovery for Beerball.


(now when he gets better no one tell him I said that.) :blink:

Happy Birthday to some fine good gentlemen! And Bullpen too! :blink:



How did you get Beerballs' hospital PJ's for an avatar? I've seen a couple of them and I think it's a great idea. How did you transfer it over to yours?


Sorry to Hi-Jack a B'day thread. Y'all have another one on me!




Happy birthday guys...BP man had I known it was your birthday I woulda came down to the Springs to buy you a beer. Should be back in Denver again soon man.

Just go here. It's one of the photos listed. Save the image to your computer, then you can upload it as your new avatar.



Thanks. I uploaded the image, but it wouldn't take on the Wall page.. I'll just keep him in my thoughts.

Happy Birthday to some fine good gentlemen! And Bullpen too! :w00t:

Thanks Gringo.... heeeeeey wait a minute, I think think that was a flagrant personal intentional foul?


Happy Birthday to all ... especially to the now senile Bullpen .... a :worthy: for all.


Senile, what is that some sort of Italian word like, mingia?


Happy birthday guys...BP man had I known it was your birthday I woulda came down to the Springs to buy you a beer. Should be back in Denver again soon man.


We'll have to do that sometime when you're out here again.


Thanks all for the greetings... even Gringo and Buffalo. :blink:


All these trips around the sun are tiring me out (or maybe it's the wine) so before I fall asleep in front of the TV, thanks Cincy and thanks everyone for the kind birthday wishes - and to TBDers Bullpen, johnnyb, sweet baboo, and nuklz2594...




Cheers all :blink:

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