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CBS Rejects Commercial For Gay Dating Site ManCrunch!

Steely Dan

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Here's the ad


CBS (CBS, Fortune 500) said it turned down the ad partly for financial reasons, but ManCrunch believes that there's more to it than that.


"It's straight-up discrimination," said Elissa Buchter, spokeswoman for the Toronto-based dating site.


Jacobs of CBS declined to comment on the charge of discrimination.


Buchter provided a copy of the CBS rejection letter to CNNMoney, which states that the ad "is not within the Network's broadcast standards for Super Bowl Sunday."


The letter also states that the CBS sales department "has had difficulty verifying [ManCrunch's] credit status."


Buchter said that basing the rejection on credit status doesn't make sense because "we offered to pay cash." But Jacobs said CBS has no record of any such offer.



I guess Mr. and Mrs. tightbutts would find that offensive. :D

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CBS has also reject a godaddy.com commercial that features a gay character. Makes you wonder why the Tebow ad is ok, but admitting gay men exist? Too shocking for football fans.


Total discrimination...very sad that even though we live in the future people still function like this

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How's the Delorean running, Doc Brown?


I have a device that holds 10,000 albums and fits in my pocket

I have a disc that allows me to watch thousands of movies and tv shows on demand

Even though my fiancee is in the army I can get messages to and from her any time of the day

I don't know anyone with polio.


I say we live in the future. Soon as those jetpacks come in we'll peak as a civilization.

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CBS has also reject a godaddy.com commercial that features a gay character. Makes you wonder why the Tebow ad is ok, but admitting gay men exist? Too shocking for football fans.


Total discrimination...very sad that even though we live in the future people still function like this


CBS is a privately owned company and I think that they can do what they want. Call it discrimination if you like, in other news, I just read an article stating that Disney does not have enough "disabled" princesses...... :blink:

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CBS is a privately owned company and I think that they can do what they want.


Not really.


As a broadcast company they use the PUBLIC airwaves and are required to operate in the public interest, convenience and necessity.

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I have a device that holds 10,000 albums and fits in my pocket

I have a disc that allows me to watch thousands of movies and tv shows on demand

Even though my fiancee is in the army I can get messages to and from her any time of the day

I don't know anyone with polio.


I say we live in the future. Soon as those jetpacks come in we'll peak as a civilization.


Wow. How did we ever survive way back in the present?

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The ad wasnt rejected becuase of 'discrimination', it was rejected because its lowbrow and immature. Even the same of the Sponsor is stupid. "ManCrunch"...seriously.


I have faith that if the ad was lets say a mirror image of one of those eHarmony ads, it would have been approved.

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I suspect that FagCrunch knew their commercial would be rejected, the liberal media would run with the story, and it would be the greatest free advertising campaign of all time. The fact that we are discussing it here proves that their ploy was successful.

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I suspect that FagCrunch knew their commercial would be rejected, the liberal media would run with the story, and it would be the greatest free advertising campaign of all time. The fact that we are discussing it here proves that their ploy was successful.



For once, I agree. Queers may be an odd lot, but they aren't stupid as a whole.

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The SuperBowl also rejected an ad last year for a company called AshleyMadison.com. They are basically a dating site established for people looking to have an affair. Their motto is something like "Life is short, have an affair". So there is clearly a precedent established for "outside the norm" dating sites.

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