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Looks like the wheels are falling off

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This is a kick in the chops as big as As Gore losing Tennessee.

I think it's funny how the far left can't stop themselves from calling the tea party movement names, and yet as the November elections (and primaries) get revved up, the media increasingly weigh how much tea party support the individual GOP candidates have.


Those teabagging racist astro-turfing neanderthal knuckle-draggers! They need to go back to their trailer parks and leave these elections to the smart people! :D

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to say the wheels have come off of the Obama band wagon after a year of him being in office I think is dumb. One year and people are saying he's a failure a President. Give me a break and lets wait and see where we are at the end of year four.

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to say the wheels have come off of the Obama band wagon after a year of him being in office I think is dumb. One year and people are saying he's a failure a President. Give me a break and lets wait and see where we are at the end of year four.


In a depresssion.

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to say the wheels have come off of the Obama band wagon after a year of him being in office I think is dumb. One year and people are saying he's a failure a President. Give me a break and lets wait and see where we are at the end of year four.


The reason most people won't take your "wait and see" approach is that he's making decisions that don't solve problems. Even worse is that even ordinary people look at his policies and decisions and know his solutions won't work before they enacted.


1. Recovery act = failure and most who were "in the know" knew it would fail.

2. Cap and Trade = big tax increase and burden on consumers and energy producers. Not a big job creator and does nothing to reduce foreign oil dependency.

3. Cash for clunkers, expense short term auto subsidy. Nothing to help the domestic industry long term and increases defecit.

4. KSM trial in NY and Miranda rights for undie bomber. Terrible decisions, gives worls stage to 9/11 mastermind and limited are opportunity to get intelligence about Yemen based enemies.\

5. Health care reform - Giant tax increases, not revenue neutral even with those tax increases, lacks common sense approaches, not supported by majority of Americans.


Someone who took good notes of each day of his Presidency could fill several pages with more questionable decisions and judgements. He's like Dick Jauron, you just know he isn't going to win and you can see it in most of the things he says and does.

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The market didn't create it. And for about the MILLIONTH time: Presidents don't control the purse strings or the economy.


Correct. However, the President signed bills that cost a record-breaking amount of money. We're in an economic recession, and his plan is to spend. A lot. I think the President has had a grand effect on on the economy.

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Correct. However, the President signed bills that cost a record-breaking amount of money. We're in an economic recession, and his plan is to spend. A lot. I think the President has had a grand effect on on the economy.

The current administration's economic policies will hurt much more in the future.

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