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Us against the world

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It is no secret that the national sports media paints a pretty rough picture of the Buffalo Bills and it has even so much that it has spread to the local media. WGR seems to be overtly embarassed and Schopp has stated on more than one occasion that he is so frustrated that he is not a fan. Gregg Williams states that it is cold here and that it is a good thing he is not here which is interesting considering the very stadium he played in on Sunday was not so nice during a four day period right after Katrina as it was the scene of seven murders, roughly seventeen rapes, fifty-four deaths and had to be condemned because of general filfth not to mention outside the stadium sitting on your roof waiting for helicopters to pick you up before the cottonmouths get to you and general bedlum similar to a third world country. Yeah, give me some of that.


I digress.


The truth of the matter is that the NFL is a league where teams can turn things around very quickly and the Bills need much help, but it can be easily argued that if (big if) the bills don't have the injuries that they did this year, they could have made the playoffs. The fact that we are getting so many people back from injured reserve is almost like having an early free agency.


My point is that we don't have to be as pessimistic as everyone is telling us that we should be. No one had heard of neither Harbaugh or Spagnola and they turned their teams around and made the playoffs their first year.

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It is no secret that the national sports media paints a pretty rough picture of the Buffalo Bills and it has even so much that it has spread to the local media. WGR seems to be overtly embarassed and Schopp has stated on more than one occasion that he is so frustrated that he is not a fan. Gregg Williams states that it is cold here and that it is a good thing he is not here which is interesting considering the very stadium he played in on Sunday was not so nice during a four day period right after Katrina as it was the scene of seven murders, roughly seventeen rapes, fifty-four deaths and had to be condemned because of general filfth not to mention outside the stadium sitting on your roof waiting for helicopters to pick you up before the cottonmouths get to you and general bedlum similar to a third world country. Yeah, give me some of that.


I digress.


The truth of the matter is that the NFL is a league where teams can turn things around very quickly and the Bills need much help, but it can be easily argued that if (big if) the bills don't have the injuries that they did this year, they could have made the playoffs. The fact that we are getting so many people back from injured reserve is almost like having an early free agency.


My point is that we don't have to be as pessimistic as everyone is telling us that we should be. No one had heard of neither Harbaugh or Spagnola and they turned their teams around and made the playoffs their first year.


Your username is quite the oxymoron.

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It is no secret that the national sports media paints a pretty rough picture of the Buffalo Bills and it has even so much that it has spread to the local media. WGR seems to be overtly embarassed and Schopp has stated on more than one occasion that he is so frustrated that he is not a fan. Gregg Williams states that it is cold here and that it is a good thing he is not here which is interesting considering the very stadium he played in on Sunday was not so nice during a four day period right after Katrina as it was the scene of seven murders, roughly seventeen rapes, fifty-four deaths and had to be condemned because of general filfth not to mention outside the stadium sitting on your roof waiting for helicopters to pick you up before the cottonmouths get to you and general bedlum similar to a third world country. Yeah, give me some of that.


I digress.


The truth of the matter is that the NFL is a league where teams can turn things around very quickly and the Bills need much help, but it can be easily argued that if (big if) the bills don't have the injuries that they did this year, they could have made the playoffs. The fact that we are getting so many people back from injured reserve is almost like having an early free agency.


My point is that we don't have to be as pessimistic as everyone is telling us that we should be. No one had heard of neither Harbaugh or Spagnola and they turned their teams around and made the playoffs their first year.

Thats definitely a glass half full point of view, Good for you, buddy.

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what would happen if natural gas and electricity supply was lost to blizzard/catastrophe like conditions for 3 weeks in buffalo? No matter how u spin it, Buffalo has brutal weather compared with the majority of other nfl locations

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It is no secret that the national sports media paints a pretty rough picture of the Buffalo Bills and it has even so much that it has spread to the local media. WGR seems to be overtly embarassed and Schopp has stated on more than one occasion that he is so frustrated that he is not a fan. Gregg Williams states that it is cold here and that it is a good thing he is not here which is interesting considering the very stadium he played in on Sunday was not so nice during a four day period right after Katrina as it was the scene of seven murders, roughly seventeen rapes, fifty-four deaths and had to be condemned because of general filfth not to mention outside the stadium sitting on your roof waiting for helicopters to pick you up before the cottonmouths get to you and general bedlum similar to a third world country. Yeah, give me some of that.


I digress.


The truth of the matter is that the NFL is a league where teams can turn things around very quickly and the Bills need much help, but it can be easily argued that if (big if) the bills don't have the injuries that they did this year, they could have made the playoffs. The fact that we are getting so many people back from injured reserve is almost like having an early free agency.


My point is that we don't have to be as pessimistic as everyone is telling us that we should be. No one had heard of neither Harbaugh or Spagnola and they turned their teams around and made the playoffs their first year.


Call it stupidity in most cases. Cities where teams are not successful should nt be trashing the Bills as bad as they are. The only teams that should cast commentary are the perenial champions.


One time fluke teams don't deserve a mulligan in this either. aka the JETS.

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