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I think we need a good cicerone to judge this.



FWIW - (not much I know) The idea of a beer sommelier seems to me to be silly. Beer is supposed to be an "every-man" type of beverage not the snob drink that wine can be sometimes characterized as. When wine is sold in kegs or balls then perhaps a true achievement will be registered for all of mankind.

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Status updated:


Caringbridge Update


The highlight of the morning was John unilaterall​y deciding that he needed to get out of bed. I shouted "we got a runner here!" and three nurses flew in to convince him it was a bad idea. John won out though, and with help was able to stand and shuffle a few steps to the bathroom. Miraculous.​


He ate a fine breakfast of all the same type of stuff as yesterday. Yup, Bruce.....m​ore lovely J-e-l-l-o. :blink: I was impressed with how deftly he maneuvered his popsicle to make sure the last piece didn't just fall off. Fine motor skills are coming back.


I chattered about this and that, telling him about taking the Niche brothers to Hutchins. Two tears slid from his eyes...not sure if it's because he missed eating the 'que or because it made him realize, wow, if my brothers are here I must've been really bad off. Hehe.


The neurologist came in to test his reponses. I was nervous because although he had used his expressive face to communicate​, he hadn't talked outloud. To my great relief, he spoke his name when asked. Then, when the neurologist pointed to me and asked, "Who's this?" he scanned my face for a long minute, smirked, turned to her and said "wife". I know he wanted to make a smart-alec remark.


Now normally I'd say smart something else, but there are students of mine reading this and I have a teacherly image to maintain :blink: Just sayin'. Didn't want anyone thinking, "Where's Roberta and what have the aliens done with her?"


Huh. Think I'm a little loopy right now, along with John. The last question the neuro asked was "What year is it?" John said "five" so he's still got a little work to do. He held up 2 fingers when asked.


I ordered Philip and Megan back to Texas Tech last night and they arrived there safely. I know my little "grandkitty"​, Jasper, missed them. Phil's got some insanely hard engineering class this morning and I know John wouldn't want him to miss it. I have a cute picture of him feeding his dad ice chips. John's gonna love it. Katherine (Kat) is still hanging with the Jurca family in Melissa. They have taken incredible care of her through all of this. Liz went to school this morning. She has been so poised and mature through all of it....the kid's a real matriarch in the making. Talk about Italian women Pia...she's another one.


Love you all....fami​ly, friends, neighbors, our JC Penney, Melissa School District and Bufflo Bills families....​you've all been awesome with your prayers, jokes, good wishes, gifts, etc. We appreciate it all so much.


So....every​body crank some Led Zep at some point today. I personally thing "Whole Lotta Love" would be a good choice. Right, cousin Carol? We've got lot's to celebrate!

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He thinks it's 2005? Part of me wants to get him a laptop and see if he'll start a thread bitching about Kelly Holcomb's checkdowns and Willis McGahee's inability to pick up the blitz.



Along those lines, maybe it would be best if the doctors just let that one go. As a Bills fan, I think I'd jump at the chance to have the Jauron Years wiped from my memory.



Keep fighting, bro!

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