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See my response to Adam. Nothing used to piss me off more than seeing pregnant female soldiers shamming during PT time while the rest of us were out exercising to the point of puking.

Ah, I missed that before. Yeah, bet that wasn't great for morale either.

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Anyone see the reaction of the military commanders when he announced his plan to let queers serve openly? Good ol' Al Franken was sitting directly behind them, looking all giddy. The generals/admirals looked like they wanted to tear the CiC a new one.


Oh, and Alito seems to think Barack Obama's a liar too. I'll side with the SC justice.

The military has always been used by politicians as an avenue for social change, so that comes as no surprise. Amazingly hypocritical move from a guy who isn't "for" gay marriage but doesn't have any problem letting the military show leadership because he's not willing to.


Personally I agree with him but that doesn't mean I envy the first generation of openly gay service members - especially the ones who will be tortured and killed because of who they are.

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The military has always been used by politicians as an avenue for social change, so that comes as no surprise. Amazingly hypocritical move from a guy who isn't "for" gay marriage but doesn't have any problem letting the military show leadership because he's not willing to.


Personally I agree with him but that doesn't mean I envy the first generation of openly gay service members - especially the ones who will be tortured and killed because of who they are.


Wait, what? I was with you up till that point. Who will be doing the torturing and killing? Please don't say our troops.

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Wait, what? I was with you up till that point. Who will be doing the torturing and killing? Please don't say our troops.


Just by the ones that enlisted under the Bush administration. :unsure:


And great, this means will have to watch

every Memorial Day.
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Is there ever a moment when you actually engage your brain before your estrogen levels reach their peak?


Please don't explain what you meant...I want to see how long it takes them to figure it out on their own. :thumbsup:


Personally, I thought your meaning was rather obvious, myself.

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Nothing used to piss me off more than seeing pregnant female soldiers on post. WTF? They can get knocked up and get out of their enlistment? Terrible. I actually agree with your post. Fraternization has no place in the military, especially a modern volunteer force.

Joe- I think I am beginning to see your argument- I think homosexuals should openly be able to serve, but should not receive any preferential treatment. Nor should women or any other person. Being in the military is serious business and if someone can't handle it, they should be doing something else.

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Wait, what? I was with you up till that point. Who will be doing the torturing and killing? Please don't say our troops.

I wish I could avoid saying that is a possibility, but facts are that being a good person (which most of our troops are) doesn't mean that you won't do bad things. Sometimes human nature is unavoidable and history has proved that many times over.

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