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Bernanke reappointment

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looks like Reid is going to shove it through. Friday should be a interesting day on Wall street, and I don't mean good.

Interestingly, I just saw Warren Buffet interviewed this weekend where he stated just the opposite: he was poised to sell a bunch of stuff if they DIDN'T bring Bernanke back. I'm no financial guy, but I found that interesting.

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Interestingly, I just saw Warren Buffet interviewed this weekend where he stated just the opposite: he was poised to sell a bunch of stuff if they DIDN'T bring Bernanke back. I'm no financial guy, but I found that interesting.

Well Buffet also supported Obama so I don't put a lot of faith in him. Also his vaunted "class A" stock has been largely treading water for years; I think the old boys best years are behind him.

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Well Buffet also supported Obama so I don't put a lot of faith in him. Also his vaunted "class A" stock has been largely treading water for years; I think the old boys best years are behind him.


I know you typed stuff after that...but come one man. Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors of all-time. You might not share his political beliefs, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put a lot of faith into him.

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I know you typed stuff after that...but come one man. Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors of all-time. You might not share his political beliefs, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put a lot of faith into him.

I agree. Which is why when Buffet speaks publicly, my first thought is"whats in it for him?" The man has been playing this game for a long time, and is good at it.

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I have mixed feelings regarding this reappointment. Part of tells me that you have to hold the Fed Reserve Chief for presiding the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and yes, he did say in 2007

At this juncture . . . the impact on the broader economy and financial markets of the problems in the subprime markets seems likely to be contained


However, his actions through the commercial paper lending (CPFF) was this single greatest reason that got us through the Financial armageddon that we went through in October of 2008, not the Bank Bailout which is what most people would have you believe. He also has been extremely creative in some of his QE actions that has provided more liquidity to the Morgtgage markets and did artificially bring down rates that has helped stimulate the housing market.


Having said that, there may be some serious inflationary implications down the road as a result of these actions, so to call these QE initiatives a success is too early call.


My gut tells me that you stick with the guy, and remember, if Bernanke weren't to be reappointed, Donald Kohn would be next in line and after him Janet Yellen who are even more dovish than Bernanke.

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