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Obama to freeze spending!

KD in CA

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Seriously, a spending "freeze" simply protects his ability to continue spending at the current elevated rate. If he were serious about addressing our deficit, he'd realize that he needs to dramatically slash spending. A freeze is not a positive step as it will generate more deficits and more debt.


The only way to get rid of the deficit is to cut spending. Big cuts. He can't raise taxes enough to cover the problem and that would the economy. Historical data shows that tax revenues are closely tied to GDP regardless of the rate of taxation and raising taxes generally reduces GDP. He and his agenda are fukked. As a nation we can afford the nannie state that he wants, although I expect him and Congress to keep pushing that.


By looking at the numbers, it is painfully obvious that we have to dramatically cut the size of government and work to grow the economy. Obama does not have a Clinton economy to work with to fund his agenda.

If he did that, he would lose votes. You know that's how politics work.......

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