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Post 2k + 1

Greg de'Ville

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...to the volume you do. 2,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to some of you guys (and ladies).


I try to throw my 2c in every now and then, but I've been so freakin' busy at work and with keeping after my two young'uns that I haven't had time to post near as much as before. So it may take a LONG while before I'd get to 3k. But I do enjoy surfing the threads when I get a chance.


At least the Bills are playing better at home of late. But on the road, well... Horrible and Horribler. It's just a shame those September/early October games were pissed away. Just too much separation between where the Bills are now and those clubs clumped at 7-3. And with 4 of the last 6 on the dreaded you-know-where, the Bills will be hard-pressed to achieve my preseason predict of 8-8.


If BDDB fouls up in Seattle this Sunday, will JP see appreciable action starting with the Dieami game the following week? Eli M & Drew H are now in there for NYG & Dal, think MM needs to get Losman some much-needed experience to get the jump on next season.

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I know this has nothing to do with the thread....but I have a new name for aaron Schobel...........Mike Lodish.

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A lot of us work on/with computers, so we have more access to the internet. I'm mostly on during work hours, although I will sometimes post in the evening and the occasional weekend also. I also don't concern myself with my own post count. I just respond to messages that interest me.

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